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About joeyi99

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  1. I see Intelligence but not Love
    I see Intelligence but not Love
    What humans feel as love stems from a connection or union of identity with a finite thing, and the appreciation of its existence and inherent beauty.
    Contemplate what human love actually means. What is happening when you love any aspect of reality? Really examine it!
    What you will eventually realize is that when your appreciation of any aspect of reality reaches a certain height, you will say you love it.
    But all of that is limited biased selfish human shit.
    Real Love is to realize that absolutely every aspect of reality is infinitely beautiful and wonderful. And to recognize all of it as your own Mind. When Mind fully recognizes itself, it identifies with everything and falls in Love with itself. This is Love at a metaphysical level. Everything is seen as Love, you are One with everything, everything is your children, everything is infinitely appreciated.
    The feeling of love that a mother has for her child is simply extended infinitely to all of existence. That's LOVE. The mother's love is just a tiny biased fragment of God's LOVE.
    When you love a taco dinner, what's really happening is that you are tapping into 0.0000000000000000000001% of God's Love. But you are too unconscious to understand that, so you only see it as some shallow, fleeting human emotion.
    If you realize that the difference between all the things you love and all the things you hate or feel indifferent to is purely imaginary human bias, you will enter a state of Infinite Love. Because there is no metaphysical difference between a taco dinner, your children, or Hitler. All of them are metaphysically identical. To realize this is one of highest attainments in this work, and it is NOT enlightenment. Enlightenment is horseshit next to this.
    Most enlightend people do not understand what I said above.

  2. I see Intelligence but not Love
    I see Intelligence but not Love
    @Loveeee When you appreciate a thing you are in a sense connecting with it. And connection of any two parts of reality into one is metaphysically what Love is. Love is the condition of unity. This unity is not physical, it is happening within Consciousness. Consciousness is recognizing its own nature as Unity.
    God is Infinite Unity.
    If your consciousness united with all parts of itself you would become Infinite Love and that would be the answer to all your stupid questions.

  3. How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    This is some silly bit of logic.
    Science is also conceptual. Concepts can point to real patterns within a dream. Christianity could point to real phenomena. The problem is that is probably does. Jesus could actually have risen from the dead, but he probably didn't. In this sense Christianity is false.
    And who knows, may Jesus dod rise from the dead. We don't technically know.
    Just because something is conceptual does not make it false. Falsehood is the relationship between your concepts of the dream you're in and the actual dream.

  4. How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    They are wrong relative to their own dream.
    Flat Earthers are wrong because if they take a flight out to space they will see a round Earth, not a flat one. In THIS dream. In some other dream the Earth may be flat. But we are not in that dream now.
    Your beliefs need to match the dream you're in. Or else you are wrong.

  5. The futility of non judgmental ideology
    The futility of non judgmental ideology
    Transcending judgment is really fucking difficult. Because it's so fundamental to our survival.

  6. How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    What's being dreamt is not up to you, it's up to God. And it's not really even up to God because God is just an absolute ocean of dreams. God doesn't manipulate the dreams, God is surrendered to whatever dreams must be dreamt. That's what Absolute Truth means. There is a certain absolute flow to Consciousness. It's like a mighty river that no one can stop, not even God.
    They are just different styles of dream. Some dreams are very loose and others are very rigged. Notice, humans need sleep to rest because they get exhausted from too much rigged dreaming. Consciousness has to balance out the rigged dreams with loose ones or it goes mad. That's because the nature of Consciousness is to dream, and dream big.

  7. Is how wrong you are episode wrong?
    Is how wrong you are episode wrong?
    This is incorrect.
    Truth is not only the absolute. There are also many relative objective truths, which are distinct from subjective truths.
    For example, you can be wrong that the Earth is flat. That would a relative objective truth.
    You could be wrong about many relative objective things. For example, you could think that whales are fish when are mammals.
    You can also be objectively wrong about many psychological insights and notions. For exmaple, you could be wrong science is not a belief while religion is. Many, many people are wrong in their understanding of psychology, philosophy, epistemology, science, religion, spirituality, politics, human nature, business, men vs women, etc.
    You can even be objectively wrong about what is best for someone.
    So, ironically, you are wrong in your understanding of this topic of wrongness

  8. How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    How Is It Possible To Be Wrong If Reality Is Relative?
    It's good that you are thinking more seriously about this topic, because it is very tricky and most people are wrong in their understanding of it.
    You are inside a dream. Your dream has a certain coherence and flow to it which is beyond you ability to control or to change. Those aspects of your dream which you cannot change, we call objective truth or "reality". For example, you are dreaming that the Earth is round, and you cannot undream that. But all of that assumes your dream will continue as before. But that won't always be the case. Your dream could change and then all those objective truths are rug-pulled.
    And then there could be truths which hold regardless of what you're dreaming. For example, the nature of Consciousness is beyond the contents of any dream. The fact that you are in a dream, is not relative or subjective.
    But beware, most things which people call objective truths are not, they are opinions, beliefs, interpretations, and perspectives.
    And beware, people are not all dreaming the same dream. So what is objectively true in your dream may not be in another's dream. This is one of big mistakes of science: science assumes we all dream the same dream.
    But even furthermore, ultimately you are dreaming all other dreams and dreamers. So in this sense everything is absolutely relative to You/God. But you as a human are nowhere near this level of consciousness.

  9. Different styles of game
    Different styles of game
    One of the biggest style differences is low energy vs high energy and chill vs aggressive.

  10. Are there Psychedelics that are Not Stimulating/Exhausting to the Nervous System ?
    Are there Psychedelics that are Not Stimulating/Exhausting to the Nervous System ?
    Short answer is no. There is no free lunch. All these chemicals deteriorate your brain over time with lots of use. So use them sparingly.
    Psychedelics are not free. You are paying for it with your health. Making you grok that. Just because you have an epic loving experience of God does not mean it was healthy for your body. Don't get fooled by that.
    Ketamine is certainly not good for you long term.

  11. You Are All Wrong! - Happy Memorial Day
    You Are All Wrong! - Happy Memorial Day
    Yes, I finally realized this. A much more tactful and diplomatic approach is required to actually get people to change their minds. It's like reserve psychology, the more you corner them like a rat, the less effective it is. Because you're dealing with an ego.
    This is why non-violent communication is critical.
    I am making changes to my communication in order for it to be more effective at actually creating change in people, rather than just me proving myself right.
    This is why diplomats are so care in how they speak. They can't just blurt stuff out or it causes defensiveness and chaos.

  12. Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Look, understand what it is that I do here. I explore Consciousness to discover things about it. It's like exploring the Earth back 2000 years ago. You never know what you'll find. All I'm doing is exploring Consciousness and making certain observations about it. This doesn't mean I have all the answers. I speak of what I have discovered so far, and who knows what I will discover tomorrow. So I don't place any limits on it. But what is obvious is that humans are generally stuck in a very narrow band of consciousness, regardless of whether they are enlightened or not.
    As a basic example, an enlightened man can fail at a basic thing like understanding what the consciousness of a woman is like. A woman does not have the same consciousness as a man. It's qualitatively different. Even though of course Nothingness is at the root of all consciousness. But reducing it to Nothingness means you still don't understand the consciousness of a woman. To understand the consciousness of a woman you'd have to stop being a man and become a woman. And if you actually did that, your understanding of consciousness would grow.

  13. I am absolute morality itself.
    I am absolute morality itself.
    Now that I think of it, reduction of morality could itself be another reductionist trap.
    You could formulate morality in a much high-caliber, more positive, more visionary way as: Being of highest service to Consciousness/Love. Instead of merely reducing harm to other, this formulation of morality means you take on a proactive role is being of service to the whole Universe, whatever that entails. Of course all this assumes you have a very clean and deep connection to Consciousness/God, not just some human spiritual act. It could only be done by the wokest and most developed humans.
    So the problem with this formulation is that it's totally beyond the normal human. It would require Awakening and much more.

  14. I am absolute morality itself.
    I am absolute morality itself.
    Wanting to kill someone IS your selfishness at work.
    Not killing Hitler is not selfish, unless you have some twisted reasons.

  15. I am absolute morality itself.
    I am absolute morality itself.
    I didn't say you have an obligation to reduce suffering for others. I said to reduce the suffering your selfishness causes others. That's an important difference. Otherwise you will feel obligated to hunt down every asshole in the world. Hunting down bad guys is a selfish-motivated activity.

  16. Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Peter Ralston interview by Leo Gura.
    Ralston does not have a cult around him.
    Ralston is one of the most genius humans on this planet. It takes insane intelligence to appreciate everything he offers.
    Most people will never understand what Ralston has achieved. He's NOT just another enlightened nondualist. He has achieved a level of understanding of reality which hardly any human on this planet has achieved.

  17. Value Pyramid
    Value Pyramid
    Just keep in mind that all values are ultimately a mental construction.
    You cannot put a value on God.
    Even Oneness or Love are not values God has. They are what God is. Reality is beyond any value.
    You as a human can have values to guide your life, but recognize that all this is baised and relative and wrapped up with your personal preferences and survival needs.

  18. You Are All Wrong! - Happy Memorial Day
    You Are All Wrong! - Happy Memorial Day
    That's correct.
    There is a backlash against Big Pharma and the mainstream healthcare system because it does gaslight people and get many things wrong, and it is very corrupted by capitalism. But people over-compensate for that and misuse skepticism and cynicism and fall into fantasies.
    RFK Jr and his ilk are the prime example of this backlash and overreaction, which falls into falsehood and foolishness.

  19. I am absolute morality itself.
    I am absolute morality itself.
    I am ABSOLUTE MORALITY itself. Morality is not really as complicated as we think. Morality has to do with the individual and the whole. So it's simple there are two rules to morality.
    1. Never give someone an experience that you wouldn't want. 
    2. Never give someone an experience that they wouldn't want.
    3. Lastly, do not think or speak or act out an experience you don't want.
    This covers all basis of moral action and is perfect self alignment with all that you identify with.

  20. Terrence Howard on Reality
    Terrence Howard on Reality
    You will not find Truth in academia.
    I have said this many times.
    Academics are not pursuing serious consciousness nor comprehension of existential issues. They are doing human stuff.
    It has some legit goals.
    1) Scholarship, historical accuracy
    2) Many narrow technical issues which are useful and important for advancing certain fields.
    3) Exploration of political and ethical issues.
    But mostly it's about building careers. Academia becomes its own aim.
    Academic philosophy can be useful in helping people think more carefully and deeply. But that's not good enough for the kind of work I am interested in.

  21. I am Evil
    I am Evil
    I explained this in my classic video: What Is The Devil.
    But I want to make another video on this topic.
    The key is to catch yourself creating a fantasy of you being the good guy in life. It's a very powerful and trappy fantasy that almost everyone falls into, including me.
    Yes, it is discouraging to realize you aren't the good guy you thought you were. But recognition of your own devilry is what makes you good.

  22. Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)
    Vegan vs. Carnivore Debate on Ethics (Gone wild)
    Yes, of course, however Love is such a radical thing that it becomes the opposite of coventional morality. Because you have to love all the "evil" stuff, like a crocodile eating your children.
    Religion has tried to teach love, but it always devolves into judgment, shaming, hatred, demonizing, moralizing, normativity, and closedmindness. Because a finite mind is constitutionally incapable of serious Love. And thus conventional morality is born.
    The problem with telling people that "morality is being loving" is that they will say, "Yes! And that's why we should torture pedophiles, because we love our children. And we should bomb Gaza because we love the Jews. And we should assassinate Putin because he is the next Hitler. And we should steal the next election because we love America. And we should turn America into a Christian theocracy because Christ is love. And if you oppose us, we will destroy you, because you stand against love."
    That is the morality crocodile.

  23. Human Intelligence is God Level Intelligence
    Human Intelligence is God Level Intelligence
    You cannot escape thinking no matter how much you meditate. And by default your thinking will become filled with fantasies and self-deceptions, such as the fantasy that all you need to do to be intelligent is stop thinking. But this isn't really the case because it grossly reduces and oversimplifies life. You cannot survive without thinking. So the strategy of not thinking is actually unintelligent. The proper thing is to learn to think in very careful ways.

  24. Jordan Belfort is still scamming people
    Jordan Belfort is still scamming people
    That's how immature people live.
    Just by looking at our business culture.
    Nah, what runs the world is money and power, not progressive ideals.
    It is deceptive because many of these giant companies virtue signal with Green values, but in fact they are run by pure profit motive. Look at Facebook, these AI companies, Big Tech, all of crypto, all of medicine, all the top universities -- it's all Orange on steroids with some lip-service to Green.
    You realize how bad it is when you realize that even universities are not Green but Orange.

  25. How Can You Tell If A Person Is Enlightened? (response To Leo's May 18 Insight)
    How Can You Tell If A Person Is Enlightened? (response To Leo's May 18 Insight)
    Of course not all monks are enlightened. But just study this subject in some depth and you'll see many enlightened masters who were morally questionable. Because morality is relative. Like REALLY! You're not grasping this yet. It's totally made up! It changes across culture and time. So there is no absolute standard. If you were born in the Middle East 1000 years ago, you could probably be enlightened and chop people's heads off without too much problem. Nowadays, it's a bit harder. But still... plenty of latitude.
    You gotta understand, once you're enlightened, you REALLY accept yourself. So if you were a rapist, those rapist animal tendencies will still be there -- they will not magically disappear -- and you will not think of them as "wrong" either, because you'll clearly understand that "wrong" is a concept. So you will be quite free at that point to do whatever the fuck you think is right, and whatever your body/mind is pulled towards doing. In the same way that a lion will not worry about eating you. He's not gonna have moral qualms about it. He will fucking eat you and be happy about it. The lion is not gonna sit there thinking, "Oh gee... maybe eating him is wrong? I shouldn't have this hunger for human meat. I am so wicked! Why has God cursed me with this craving? Why God, why?!!! I know... I will just hold back. I will resist. I will be a good little lion the way humans want me to be."
    He's a lion, not a Catholic!