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About joeyi99

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  1. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Contemplation alone is very unlikely to cause an awakening. A change in state is needed. Change in state is created by either days of nonstop meditation or psychedelics.
    Depends on how you wanna define your terms. There is much to comprehend about Consciousness. Way more than nondual people say. Do not be fooled by the simpleton nondualists.

  2. Trump Refuses to Rule Out Recession, Stock Market Dips 10%
    Trump Refuses to Rule Out Recession, Stock Market Dips 10%
    I didn't say I made money in stocks. I meant I started my biz.
    Obviously the lesson is to buy when everyone else is drowning in their own blood.
    The best time to buy stocks in 1 year into a solid bloodly crash when hope is 0%. You must do exactly the opposite of what everyone is doing. If fools are buying, you sell. If fools are selling, you buy.
    You gauge the market by what the fools are into, and do the opposite.

  3. Mathematical proof of God
    Mathematical proof of God
    There is no space. There is only Consciousness. Consciousness is infinitely divisible and has infinite resolution.
    Scientists are stupid.

  4. Seriously doubt friends is a necessity for happiness
    Seriously doubt friends is a necessity for happiness
    Not crazy, just a matter of lifestyle.
    Some people like a carrot stuck in their ass and some don't.
    The key is to get very clear about which type you are.
    Also, remember, life is long and you will go through phases. Social phases, secluded phases.

  5. Joe Rogan’s Dad Hole
    Joe Rogan’s Dad Hole
    @Daniel Balan I have a YT playlist called Epistemology which contains many of my epistemology related videos.
    But I teach about epistemology all across my work.
    And I am always creating more new epistemology videos.
    My post-modernism series is one example. My deconstructing science is another.
    If you want to develop an epistemic foundation you need to adopt an attitude of skepticism towards all human knowledge and do your own private inquiry into how anything at all could be known? Only by doing this inquiry will you see how truthful knowing is generated.
    Do not confuse epistemic inquiry with self-inquiry.

  6. Joe Rogan’s Dad Hole
    Joe Rogan’s Dad Hole
    Yes, all that coming soon.
    It's not that hard. Truth is your entire field of experience. Anything you experience is truth. But be careful not to conflate raw experience with your thoughts and concepts about it.
    You start by distinguishing direct experience from all concepts. And you ground yourself in direct experience. Then you use that to sort through all human concepts.
    Just look at your hand. That is truth. It is thoughts about your hand which create falsehoods and illusions. You could also have truthful thoughts but that requires very careful thinking.

  7. Joe Rogan’s Dad Hole
    Joe Rogan’s Dad Hole
    This is a great place to start.
    You want to use truth to ground yourself, orherwise the mind devolves into conceptual fantasies and illusions.
    What I said is even more fundamental than that.
    "Trump is a devil" is a conceptual judgment. If you just look at your raw experience of Trump without any concepts you will not see any devil. You will not even see a human. You will see computer screens and photographs. Raw experience strips away all the mental noise, labels, and categories. This grounds you in raw reality. This cleanses the mind of trash.
    By doing this exercise you will realize that you don't even know if Trump exists as a human. All you have are photographs of him. That's the truth.

  8. Wealth-Induced Anxiety
    Wealth-Induced Anxiety
    The reframe is that handling this much money responsibly is just the next step of your development. Handling money and big deals is a skill. So developing that skill is the real gold here. Money is just a resource and you will train yourself how to manage resources effecticvely to do good in the world. Doing good in the world requires good resource management. You will put these resources toward actualizing yourself and improving the world.
    Visualize all this in your mind every day until you are clear that this is just what your path needs.
    If that fails, I am happy to hold on to your money

  9. Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Leo's Blog Discussion Mega-Thread
    Obviously people have done it.
    Whether you can do it depends on your health, energy levels, work ethic, personality type, and many other factors.
    Depends very much on your career and how busy/distracted it makes you.
    You can do career in many ways. You can also build up a career and then afford some time off for side pursuits.
    Are you going to get Awakened while running a Fortune 500 public company? Probably not.
    You have to strategically design your lifestyle around your top values. There will be difficult tradeoffs because you can't have it all at once. But you can space your goals out over 20-40 years.
    In the early stages of building a career, most of your energy should go into the career. But after a few years of that you can ease back on career and have time for other pursuits.

  10. Owen Cook Has Coached Elon Musk, Goes Full MAGA
    Owen Cook Has Coached Elon Musk, Goes Full MAGA
    Yes, Owen is a sleazy marketer, however he also pioneered a lot of important concepts within pickup and just motivated and inspired a lot of people into seeing its potential. So he does deserve credit for that.
    As said above, you should not be listening to Owen for his politics but his other good advice. You gotta get good at cutting out the corrupt parts of people because most people are corrupt in some way.

  11. Owen Cook Has Coached Elon Musk, Goes Full MAGA
    Owen Cook Has Coached Elon Musk, Goes Full MAGA
    Of course now it is all intertwined in a hairy corrupt mess such that you cannot seperate the good from the bad.
    That's how the devil achieves victory.

  12. Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    The trouble with the world is that everyone is so busy doing good that no one stops to appreciate how relative good is. How their finite and biased sense of good is hurting others.
    That's precisely why democracy is so crucial. Democracy is the recognition that everyone has a different notion of good, which requires a mechanism for integration.

  13. Top Proofs For The Existence Of God
    Top Proofs For The Existence Of God
    The problem is that nobody is conscious of what observation really is.
    Observation is Existence/Truth.
    The only reason anyone can know anything is because things are illuminated by virtue of being Truth or Existing.
    Observation is not some material process. It is Truth being True.
    The reason you can know God is the reason you can know anything. Because its True. If nothing was true, nothing would be known or observed.
    Knowing is Being.

  14. Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    The issue is that his ideas of what is good for mankind are very different from yours. And you should not be so sure that your ideas are the correct ones.
    Good is relative.
    It is not at all clear what is good for mankind. That's the issue.

  15. The wise choice of quitting spirituality all together.
    The wise choice of quitting spirituality all together.
    It is true that spirituality increases suffering in the short and medium term because it requires confronting difficult existential and psychological matters. The ego will not go quietly.
    But everything valuable in life has a price.
    Do you really expect immorality and God to be for free? Without a price?
    Clearly there must be a high price otherwise everyone would have God. God is not chosen because no one wants to endure the price.
    Sometimes the price of spiritualiry gets so high you wonder whether you'd be more net happier if you never even started.
    Spirituality is a very long investment. And most people are poor investors, unable to stay in long.
    It's also not right for everyone, and might only become suitable for you later in life.

  16. Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Yes. It is limited.
    This is not a good argument.
    Why are you assuming Orange cannot have a strong desire to do good? Any stage can have that. The question is what "good" means. One's notions of good is relative to one's stage. Also the key is HOW ones goes about doing that good. Whatever Musk's vision of the good, the fact is that HOW he plans to go about is through top-down king-like control. He is incapable of sharing power. This clearly shows that he has yet to integrate Green.
    Musk's intellect is nothing unusual for Orange. Orange people can be highly intelligent in a technical sense. Orange makes for a good CEO. But that CEO mindset is not robust enough to deal with higher collective social problems.
    You think Hitler or Bin Landen didn't have a strong desire to do good? The issue is that one's stage of development determines what that means and how egoically that will play out. Bin Landen's vision of good meant blowing up buildings. Musk's vision of good means blowing up government bureaucracy without even understanding what it does. Neither is intelligent.
    Trump is a poor standard to compare against. Trump is particularly toxic and broken. Trump isn't just pure Orange, he has weird Red aspects too. So, yeah, Musk is more evolved than Trump, but that doesn't mean much because Trump is as low as the bar can be set.
    Do not assume that Orange means a person resembles Trump. This is an insult to most Orange people. Study some healthy examples of Orange people.

  17. Awake teacher Says Philosophy is a Waste of Life
    Awake teacher Says Philosophy is a Waste of Life
    This is a trap.
    The problem with this overly simplistic take is that you cannot stop thinking. Life will force you to think, and if you don't train how to think properly you will end up thinking improperly and fall into self-deception.
    Improper thinking is the default. No one is born a great thinker.
    If you follow that guy's advice you will end up an enlightened anti-vax, Jews-run-the-world, election-was-stolen, Trump voter.
    Also what this guy misses is that thinking is an art that can connect you to the beauty and intelligence of God. Thinking can be a spiritual activity in itself and it generates valid and useful insight.
    I agree that reading philosophy books is largely a waste of time. Real philosophy is done in your mind.

  18. How many girlfriends to get before marriage?
    How many girlfriends to get before marriage?
    Values alignment is the critcial thing.
    But also your personalities and life goals gotta align. You have to be able to get along fairly effortlessly without constant drama and fighting. And you need to be able to resolve disputes when they do arise.
    These fundamentals needs to be present underneath all the romanic feelings because the romance will wane.

  19. Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Amazing Video On Awakening (Female Perspective)
    Of course.
    The only explanation for why everyone is not doing this work is because they were never interested in truth, metaphysics, or reality, and they never will be no matter what.
    People love being lost in the dream. They are dream addicts.
    I spoke to an ex girlfriend recently and she literally told me that she had an experience of no-self, and quickly removed it from her mind because it freaked her out. And she is a very spiritual girl who listens to all this work, not a normie.
    One time she tried a tiny bit of 5-MeO-DMT and was freaking out trying to literally run out of the house.
    People running away from God as fast as they can 
    To face Truth takes crazy vision and maturity.

  20. How many girlfriends to get before marriage?
    How many girlfriends to get before marriage?
    @AION Maybe you should actually honor genuine conservatism and contemplate why marriage has existed for 10,000+ years in every nation and culture on the planet.

  21. Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    Trying to understand Elon Musks shift in personality or "radicalization".
    The delusion is the ego power trip.
    And the idea that mankind needs him to survive and thrive.
    No individual human is needed.
    Mankind does not need to go to Mars. These are power fantasies.
    When you think you are that important it ends in delusion and evil.
    Is Musk powerful. Yes.
    Is Trump powerful. Yes.
    Yes, egoic delusions DO work for gaining power. That's the whole point of why ego exists. And also ego is evil.

  22. 🚨 A Dictatorial Coup Is Taking Place Within The United States Right Now 🚨
    🚨 A Dictatorial Coup Is Taking Place Within The United States Right Now 🚨
    This sounds nice in theory, but in practice what you're saying is, let Putin turn Ukraine into a corrupt repressive mafia puppet state more backwards than Russia for the next 50 years.
    Don't forget why Americans have so much power. It's because the American system is superior to all the other systems that have been tried aside from Scandinavia. And Putin ain't Scandinavia.
    Don't hate on America so much that you overlook the obvious superiority of the American system relative to its alternatives.

  23. Why is major city required for game and is my city big enough?
    Why is major city required for game and is my city big enough?
    Be very careful here. 
    What you consider "cutting all fantasies" could itself be the fantasy. Don't overlook that negativity and doomerism is a kind of fantasy.
    Just because dating is difficult does not mean you shouldn't do it, can't be successful at it, or that it's not worthwhile.
    The most difficult aspects of life can also be the most rewarding. Building a business is also hell. So what? Do it anyway. That's life. Don't expect everything to be easy. People who have it easy with dating will have it hard in other areas. No one has an easy life.
    I am not good-looking, I am super introverted, so dating was very challenging for me. And yet I still had some success and it was very worthwhile.
    Really facing reality means going out there and dating. Not telling yourself why you'll fail.

  24. What is the point of torture if it "doesn't work"?
    What is the point of torture if it "doesn't work"?
    The point is to create a climate of fear and repression, so that opponents dare not challenge authority or speak up.
    Also, low consciousness people who do torture do not care if it works or not to get workable intel, these people are sadistic, vindictive, and power-hungry. They are bullies. They love the rush of just bullying for its own sake. They think they are doing good and serving God by torturing "evil" people.
    Remember, these people believe in Hell, a place where God tortures bad guys. So why not get a head start on that on Earth?
    You are dealing with the mentality of the mafia.

  25. Latest Ukraine/Russia Thread
    Latest Ukraine/Russia Thread
    Trump's narcissism in that press conference is off the hook. Pure ego.