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Everything posted by Diane

  1. Things I'm excited about today: Enjoying life!! Studying studying studying!!! Going on with the life purpose course. Starting to read the book "Autobiography of a Yogi".
  2. Amazing things that happened today: I definitely had lots of fun at the internship!!! I ran and it was amazing as always!!! I had the opportunity to explain something to a patient!! Ways I could have made today better: Studying more. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Explaining to the patient hypertension therapy. Studying. What I've learnt: Saying no becomes easier and easier with practice!!
  3. Things I'm excited about today: Going on with the life purpose course!! Running, of course!! Being positive!!
  4. Blessed Today I was very very very lucky in everything I did, it was as if luck was hunting me!! So much that at a certain point I started feeling anxious... Then luckily I went to the group meditation and everything was fine again. Amazing things that happened today: I ran!!! A neighbour helped me with a problem I had getting my bike out of the basement and I arrived in time at the internship. I was present and authentic. Ways I could have made today better: Studying more. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Going to the internship; Studying. What I've learnt: To wait for the last train home.
  5. Things I'm excited about today: Running!!! Studying!! Having a great day!!!
  6. Happy L-day!!!
  7. Perfect. There's no other way I could describe today, maybe it was the intentions I set this morning, maybe the full moon.. The only thing I know is that today I was in a constant state of amazement for what was happening and what I was doing. I woke up, had breakfast, meditated, substituted the morning run with a 7 min workout, got ready, studied a little and then went to the internship. The three hours I spent there literally flew. Once at home I watched some videos on Bruno Mars: his performance at 2014's superbowl and the speech he gave in Ellen's show after that, amazing!!! In the afternoon I went to study at the library and then to the swim lesson, wich was amazing too!! To top it off while doing my hair I sang along a wonderful playlist I found on youtube. Finally here I am now writing here!! I also found a way to make it impossible to skip my evening routine: I'll do it right after dinner!! Amazing things that happened today: The mechanic lifted the seat of my bycicle for free. My mum exchanged her bycicle with mine, now I can safely bike in the evening. It was really one of the best days of my life, my ideal day!! Ways I could have made today better: Running. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Being present and friendly to patients at the internship; Studying. What I've learnt:
  8. Things I'm excited about today: Re-recommitting.. Life in general. Being the best version of myself and giving my all!!
  9. Things I'm excited about today: This evening's workout Being focused; Being authentic; Being present.
  10. Amazing things that happened yesterday: Even the doctor I'm doing the internship to told me that I have to be more focused... And he has known me for just two weeks now... It's not "amazing" but certainly remarkable. My mind, heart and spirit are finally aligned; I studied!!! Ways I could have made the day better: Running; Not losing so much time on the phone. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Listening to and applying the doctor's advice.. Studying! What I've learnt: What 100% commitment truely means.
  11. Things I'm excited about today: Recommitting; Being calm; Being enthusiastic!!
  12. Raising my standards Until a few minutes ago I was totally anxious and frustrated by the fact that this whole weekend I didn't study.. Fortunately I decided to re-watch the video "meditation on steroids".. My "problems" pale in comparison to what those monks face up to!! So... Toughen up sista, it's easier than it seems!! Amazing things that happened this weekend: I ran!!! (yesterday...) I socialized this afternoon; I discovered Elliott Hulse's channels, it was amazing in every possible way!! I definitely missed hearing some hip hop music, can't wait going to clubs again!! Ways I could have made this weekend better: Saying more NOs... Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: No one.. I'll study something after finishing this post.. What I've learnt: Saying NO has to apply to everything!! It's not easy and it's neither supposed to, I just have to accept the fact and execute.
  13. Things I'm excited about today: Restarting the second month of meditation; Running; Studying.
  14. Amazing things that happened yesterday: I "manifested" a medical seminar!! On my vision board there's an image referring to me participating to seminars and conferences related to my work, both as a learner and as a speaker. Yesterday the doctor I'm doing the internship to invited me to a pneumology seminar, wich is good even if it wasn't directly relative to becoming a worldclass Cardiologist as I want to have a holistic approach to medicine.. It was a very useful and interesting experience, it's always nice being around other physicians!! I'm learning more and more thanks to this internship. I did go on with the life purpose course, not much but still more than not doing it at all!! Ways I could have made the day better: Being more energetic and aggressive!! Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Being active and present at the internship; Studying; Asking questions at the seminar. What I've learnt: I can do much more than I think I can, I just have to find the way.
  15. Things I'm excited about today: Running!!! Being a good doctor Going on with the life purpose course. Will this weekend finally be the one in which I finish it? We'll see..
  16. Yesterday was too much of a great day not to write about it, 100% commitment or not. Amazing things that happened: I recieved an amazing feedback from the doctor I'm doing the internship to!! He said that: I have good theoretical basis that I need to make more practical and "grounded in real life"; I must be more aggressive I shouldn't underestimate myself. I'm immensely grateful that he took the time to talk to me!!! I was very active during the internship and actually remembered to be present and stay focused. I had a great time in the lunch break too and was able to fix a problem with the next internships I'm going to do. The evening's group meditation really helped me to unwind from all the excitment of the day. Ways I could have made the day better: Studying more; Finding the time to run. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Asking for a feedback from the doctor I'm doing the internship to; Being active during the internship, if talking to patients was a person I definitely would marry him/her!!! Studying. What I've learnt: Life can be an amazing experience if I just let myself be open to it without being worried about every little thing. Or, as Benjamin Franklin excellently says it, industry pays debts, despair increases them.
  17. Things I'm excited about today: Giving my all; Being present and focused; Enjoying life!!
  18. Outlier Apparently the "21 days to form a habit" rule doesn't apply to me.. I'll just keep recommitting... Today I realized that as a matter of fact recently I've been a little too indulgent with myself and protective towards my health.. My new mantra in "No Excuses", I'll do what I have (want) to do no matter what!! Amazing things that happened today: This evening's swim lesson too was amazing!! I put into practice Leo's advices on how to be effective; I studied!!! Ways I could have made today better: Being more present and focused. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Going to the internship even if I made some mistakes; Studying!! What I've learnt: To give my all to what I do, not a little bit less because I may get hurt.
  19. Things I'm excited about today: Seeing the dawn; Finally running again; Following plan A with ease.
  20. Becoming As more time goes by, the more and more astonished I am about everything: myself, the world around me and life in general. I'm growing more and more accepting also of the contradictions of life, I'm learning that being is much more important than doing and not to take things too seriously.. Wow!! Amazing things that happened today: It was a lovely day!! I didn't worry too much about the mistakes I made; I was positive!!! Ways I could have made today better: Running!! Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Going to the internship; Reviewing some questions of the written part of the bar exam. What I've learnt: Life is much funnier than it seems!!!
  21. Things I'm excited about today: Striving for excellence, not perfection; Talking to patients Doing a bellydance workout.
  22. Things I'm excited about today: Cleaning and tidying up my spaces. Going on with the life purpose course and maybe finishing it by tomorrow; Being happy!!
  23. I have a wonderful life I woke up with this thought.. About yesterday: Amazing things that happened: I went to the internship calmly, without rushing for once.. I watched the film "Hungry for change", it was very useful as I've been a little complacent with how I eat lately.. I "took the afternoon off". It's always interesting to see what I actually do when I decide to do anything I want. This time I watched two episodes of Gotham (no Fish yet but sassy Butch was there!! I also liked Bruce's stoic approach to life, personal development is everywhere now.. ), then I spent some time on pinterest and facebook, watched the documentary and read some posts here.. Then, when I finally decided to go on with the life purpose course, the abdominal cramps I had been having the whole afternoon were suddenly a good reason to go to bed.. Ways I could have made the day better: Taking a nap after lunch... Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Going to the internship. What I've learnt: When I'm not feeling well I'd rather try to understand what my body is telling me instead of just distracting me..
  24. Things I'm excited about today: Watching a new episode of Gotham this evening's, I can't wait to see my beloved Fish again!! Studying! Running!!
  25. Will I ever learn? I hope so.. Anyways... Amazing things that happened yesterday: I'm learning a lot at the internship, also about the fact that in the end I'm not so bad as a doctor!! There's hope for me too!! I was serene.. I remembered to say no.. Ways I could have made the day better: Running.. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Actively participating to the work at the medical practice where I'm doing the internship. I definitely love being a doctor and talking to patients!!! Reviewing some questions of the written part of the bar exam. What I've learnt: In spite of what I believed I actually did learn something about medicine during the past 8 years!!