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Everything posted by Diane

  1. Ok, there must be something wrong with my phone.. I wrote a super long post and all I see is a video.. Fortunately nobody's life depended from that, I'll just surrender to the fact that today is not the right day to write.. @Dragallur I fell asleep while editing that post after erroneously publishing it.. I meant to tell you that I'll try and see what works best with measuring my progress, I guess that as with everything else everyone has his/her own style, it's just a matter of finding it!!
  2. @Dragallur I'm not actualized enough to start making enlightenment jokes.. I fell asleep while trying to edit the post after erroneously publishing it... I meant to tell you that I'll try and see what works best with measuring my progress, I guess that as with any other thing everyone has his/her own style, it's just a matter of finding it.. Amazing things that happened today: I walk pretty fast, especially in the morning while rushing to work, but today I found someone faster than me, we made a mini race and she "won".. It was nice!! I ran with one of my colleagues today!! She said that she used to run 15 to 30 km, wonderful!! She's actually the reason I stepped up my runs from 5 to 10 km each.. I'm not perfect but I'm learning to be a little bit tougher every day.. In Italian they say "to make a virtue out of necessity".. When I was at home, and especially when I was still engaged, there always was someone who could do for me what I didn't want/was too tired to do.. Now if something doesn't get done it just stays there waiting.. Ways I could have made today even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: No one in particular.. What I learned: I need to reengineer my mind so that I waste the least time possible..
  3. @Dragallur Amazing things that happened today: Ways I could have made today even better: Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: What I learned:
  4. Amazing things that happened in the last two days: I attracted a walk!! The past few times I went out with my colleagues I really wanted to also take a walk around town and yesterday afternoon one of them just asked me that, it was fun!! I "rediscovered" the music on my mp3 player, I had forgotten about it.. It's like a beautiful little gift from my past self to the one I am now, thank you dear!! This forum makes me feel home.. For the first time since I came here in Sardinia today I felt some nostalgia for what I left behind.. I realized that I'm not seeing my BFF anytime soon... I guess it took me so much because even when I was at home we mostly texted and saw each other just once a week.. I miss her and she misses me too but it's ok.. Ways I could have made the last two days even better: Being more focused on studying.. I confined myself in a convent to avoid distractions but in the three days off I had for one reason or another I spent most of the time doing everything but studying.. It's definitely not about the external conditions, sometimes I forget the basics.. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying and loving every second of it!! What I learned: The importance of keeping up with my routines, writing this journal in particular, it really helps me recalibrate when I go off balance..
  5. @Dragallur Ah, ok, thank you!! And what about the "what is measured is managed" mantra?! I think I'll take it as yet another paradox to embrace... P.S.: I've just discovered that you're only 16, AMAZING!!!
  6. Amazing things that happened today: Everything is Illumenated (Dexter 5x06)!! The cobbler I had brought to my beautiful ballerinas didn't want anything for the work. I ran!!! It's becoming more and more "normal", it used to be the first thing I wrote.. Ways I could have made today even better: Waking up earlier. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying. What I learned: To fulfill the 10000 hours rule and master the field of Cardiology by the next 10 years I need to focus on it for at least 3 hours/day. The only thing is that I don't know how to count the time in the Internal Medicine ward.. We'll see..
  7. Amazing things that happened today: It was a good day of vacation!! Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of the town I live in so today was a holiday. I reeeally pampered myself!! Tomorrow I won't be going to work too as I decided to take a day to do some commissions I couldn't otherwise do and the day after tomorrow will be a holiday again.. They should also say that sometimes things can also be easy and pleasant, not every single step towards one's life purpose is hard and painful.. Or maybe I'm just learning to love the drudgery as between one cuddle and the other I also did my morning routine, studied and did some chores.. I'm becoming more and more aware of how abnormal my life is.. My colleagues wake up at 7 to be at work at 8 while my alarm clock is set at 4.30am and drinking a latte for breakfast is almost a luxury (I even posted on facebook the picture of my latte with rusk bread and honey: normally I drink a protein shake, two spoon of olive oil and one of honey, I didn't do the maths but I think it's a complete meal and it takes me less that 5 minutes to prepare and eat it..). Sometimes all this bothers me, fortunately it doesn't usually take too much for me to remember my whys.. Here is another "abnormality": the neon lamp in my room is not working so until they change it I'll just have a bedside lamp as lighting and I love it!! It creates such a cozy ambient!! It also reminds me of Burundi in some ways... I was about to write that there certainly is some masochism in all this but in the end the true pain is in the "easy and comfortable" life... I hope I'll rember it the next time I find myself envying 7am people.. I ate with someone else both at lunch and and dinner. Not that I don't enjoy eating by myself but being a holiday it was quite unusual as I didn't even go out (the majority of the other girls at my dorm are university students and they usually go home in the weekends and in holidays..). I also found a shopping mate for when I will allow myself to do some shopping!! Someday I won't have to force myself to do the right thing, can't wait!! Ways I could have made today even better: Running!! Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying!! Hopefully from tomorrow I'll be finally doing (interpreting) an ECG per day!! What I learned: To trust my intuition, even if I don't see anybody around me doing what I do the way I do it..
  8. Amazing things that happened today: I didn't almost not run but I did almost not go out with some colleagues for trivial reasons.. And it was a great night in the end!! I stayed calm at work in a situation that in the past would have totally upset me.. I was so calm I took the time to have lunch... I received a lot of compliments for my earrings dragonfly-shaped earrings!! I will never wear them at work again as they're not practical but it was nice!! Ways I could have made today even better: Running, again.. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Going to a mini lesson on percarditis!! What I learned: Not to take things personally.
  9. @Dragallur yes, I meditate 25 minutes per day (so that I'm sure I do at least 20... ). Last month I finished the third month of meditating with the techniques in the video "how to meditate deeper" and now I more or less use the do nothing technique. My present goal is just not to miss one day of meditation for a year. The good thing is that now meditating has become even more important than studying. I can sleep well even if I don't study for a day but I really couldn't stand finishing a day without meditating. It's kind of become part of me. Maybe that's the reason I don't talk about it, it's not special nor "amazing", it just is.
  10. Amazing things that happened today: I went to church. I would still define myself as agnostic right now but I enjoy going to church, especially during Advent to see the evolution from here to Christmas day.. After all I love preparing and organizing, I could spend all of my life just doing that.. I read that it might be a form of unconscious self-cure for anxiety.. Consciousness really is a cure-all: I am now much more loving and understanding towards my past (and present) self.. I studied and rested. I might be a newbie but my intuition is already near to the top!! I smiled when Leo said that one's life purpose should include raising consciousness in others and that it can be done in every possible field one chooses to master... Just a few weeks ago I updated my life purpose statement to "To do plenty of research and public speaking to make people healthier through consciousness AND become a world-class Cardiologist". Ways I could have made today even better: Running. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying!! What I learned: First they question you, then they ask you how you did it. Franck Nicolas The vision is more important than the how: if you have a strong enough vision and you're committed to it, the how will take care of itself. Leo Gura
  11. Amazing things that happened in the last few days: It's December!! In contrast with last year I'm not happy about this because it means that I'm getting out of a bad year.. I feel that a great year is about to end and an even better one is waiting around the corner!! Yesterday one of the girls who live at my dorm left me a delicious piece of cake!! I don't buy sweets for myself so it's always a treat when I get some!! Yesterday I forgot my keys at work but then found them!! Also one of my white coats got lost and then found.. Today was a good day at work. Little by little I'm becoming the person I want to be!! Ways I could have made the last few days even better: Being more focused on studying. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying. Being assertive. What I learned: Being a doctor is hard... I'm grateful for Leo's video about confusion.. In the last few days I confronted a lot of ethical questions, knowing that sometimes it's ok not to know or not having THE answer rereally helped me.. http://www.upworthy.com/this-comic-from-the-oatmeal-illustrates-how-were-missing-the-mark-on-happiness?c=ufb1
  12. Amazing things that happened today: This song It came to my mind while I was coming back home after another wonderful day.. I ended up dancing by myself in my room... I loved the cover by the Passenger too!! I'm really in my element here in Sardinia, from every possible point of view!! I just have to pay attention not to get too comfortable.. I had a great dinner at the University Cafeteria.. I'm really living the life I want to live someday, just in miniature!! This is what I currently see when I open google chrome from my phone.. As you can see I also go on medscape quite frequently!! There's actually a beautiful relationship between me and medscape.. When I subscribed to it they also asked the expected graduation date and I had written 2014 and since then I've been called Doctor on that site and anytime I wrote medscape on my browser they automatically redirected me to the Cardiology section.... Ways I could have made today even better: Studying and working out. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Being conscious of the fact that Sardinia is not my final destination... What I learned: A flame can be a fragile thing and if you don't keep it lit it will die. Eddie Pinero
  13. Amazing things that happened in the last few days: Yesterday I ran my first 10 km!!!! Precisely 10,94 km in 55 minutes, 1 second per km faster than the last time too!!! While running I almost got hit by a car.. I really could be in an intensive care unit right now... The theory that accidents like that are a sign that there's something wrong is still valid.. I think that this time the message could be that I need to be more focused on studying and on my goals.. On one hand there's the realization I had about my values and how they actually correlate to my current priorities: passion comes before professionalism and this could explain how religiously committed I am to running versus studying: I am bothered by not being able to run when I plan to but when it's time to study there's always something more urgent to do first... On the other hand I am very very easily distracted.. Today I spent 10 good minutes on my desk... I waste time in many many ways but it's rare that I give myself a real break. I just sat on my desk for 10 minutes but it really felt like a little vacation, a luxury even.. This evening I sang in a choir!! Talking about Cardiologists being VIPs, apparently all the other voices have to follow the lead of the sopranos and I am one, of course!!! I ate a very delicious shawarma, with lamb and pecorino. I usually don't like pecorino but this shawarma was simply delicious!!! Ways could have made the last few days even better: Studying more. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying. What I learned: You can always run a little bit harder. Eddie Pinero
  14. @Vercingetorix Thank you!! I'm truly honored to have inspired you to run!!!
  15. Amazing things that happened today: I discovered one new thing about myself: two myrtle drinks are too much for me!! But the myrtle liqueur is so good!!! I ran 8 km!! I'm still at 5 min per km but I also still feel that I can do better!! I spent a great night out with two colleagues, soon to be friends: once you have booze with someone you can't but become friends!! Ways I could have made today even better: Studying and maybe not having a second drink.. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Becoming more aware of the fact that even if I'm not a specialist yet my opinions/intuitions in medical scenarios still matter and have value.. What learned: That I need to trust myself more and to stop acting like an intern/apprentice..
  16. (From yesterday night) Amazing things that happened today: It was another great day!! I worked from 8 to 8.. I'm finally becoming a little bit useful at work.. I just have to pay attention to balance the rate between medicak and not medical things I do towards the medical side of the pendulum.. I'll never be grateful enough for the great atmosphere I found at my workplace, it's amazing!! I trusted myself. Ways I could have made today even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Confirming that Cardiologists are really VIPs!!! What I learned: To persist.
  17. Hello!! I've been writing a journal on this forum since February.. Personally (especially thanks to the format I chose) it helps me in focusing on the positive and on realizing my life purpose.. Sometimes I even take notes on evernote of things I want to write on my journal in the evening.. And as Tony Robbins says "whatever you focus on, you'll find". Believe me, it's true!! Not every day is perfect but I've never been so happy about my life!!
  18. Amazing things that happened today: I was strange today, hormones I guess.. Sometimes you really can't do anything about it. I was anxious, energized and at times also depressed.. I had planned to run after work but in the end I came back home too late to do it and realizing it made me really frustrated, angry and sad at the same time.. The incredible thing was that during the afternoon I discovered I have to pay for the renewal of an insurance I don't need anymore and I accepted it without blinking an eye. So not being able to run pisses me off while having to pay for something I don't even know how I will able to afford has no effect on me. My priorities are definitely evolving, good!! I materialize people!! I was thinking about the guy I met the first time I went to the university cafeteria, looked up and there he was!! He was kind as the last time, he was even worried about my social life!! This video: I started using the app "Forest", it's like playing to one of those games I try to stay away from where you build cities and countries but with a benefit!! Yeah, one "shoud" be intrinsically motivated to do things but what about an extrinsic motivation I set up by myself?! And there's also a timer for breaks on Forest!! Ways I could have made today even better: Being more present. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: What I learned: To be more open-minded.
  19. Amazing things that happened today: I don't know where to begin.. If I was a song-writer I would write a love song to my life, something like this: I'm totally in love with my life!! Right now I'm listening to the song from this post, there must be something wrong with my internet connection or with my audio system that makes it go slower and it's even more lascivious!!! Everything went well at work and I keep getting offered things, the colleague who paid the lunch for everyone didn't accept anything in return and after work another colleague paid my coffee.. I got the chance to do something similar for someone else though: a man I then found out was from Sudan tried to pay for me at the supermarket but I ended up paying for him, not because he didn't have the money of course!! Everything is circular, or better infinite.. I keep having this need to buy myself a ring with the symbol of the infinite upon it.. Until now I couldn't explain why in words, it was just a need. Now I have at least an image: things move on rails with an overall shape of the infinite.. What goes around comes around, even if this time the personal benefit came before the "investment".. But I'm getting off the point.. Long story short it was another great day: I woke up at 5:08 (), did my morning routine, worked out (it's already the third day in a row that I workout in the morning, bravo me!!!), went to work, had a coffee with a colleague after work and then went to the library where I didn't study.. I then had a super dinner to the university's cafeteria and now I'm finally writing here!! And it was yet another beautiful sunny day of course!!! Ah, and Switzerland keeps calling me!! I have the most loving mum ever!!!! Ways I could have made today even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Um, I'll be studying after I finish writing.. What I learned: Not to look for perfection, to be more accepting.
  20. Amazing things that happened today: I ran!! @Marc Schinkel I think there was something strange in my coffee that day, or runtastic was very generous in its estimates: today I ran 7.7 km in 40 minutes.. The great thing is that I know I could have done better, I'm sure I'll repeat/get to that time very soon!! If there was someone chasing me it would be the person I want to become, sometimes I really would like to go back in time and lit a fire under my past self!! I studied!! It was a wonderful sunny day also today!! I don't know if I'll ever get used to it, neither why it moves me so much but it's indescribable opening the window and being hit with so much sunlight!! Ways I could have made today even better: Doing the few chores I have to do a little bit faster. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying!! And being ok with being different. I probably won't go home for Christmas, from society's point of view I should be sad for that, instead I'm totally ok with it, it's really a day like any other one.. What I learned: I can do more than I think!!
  21. Amazing things that happened today: Today I went to a convention of the Italian Society of Internal Medicine. It's always good to breathe the air of a Congress, I definitely see myself talking at lots of them in the future!! I finally started seriously re-reading Mastery by George Leonard. There's so many things I had overlooked the first time!! I think that in the end every single word of the book will be underscored/highlighted!! I had the chance to wear my graduation's outfit again, lovely!! Ways I could have made today even better: Working out. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Learning something new about the "new" oral anticoagulants. What I learned: To stay on my path. I'm starting to get comfortable here in Sardinia, there are many pros to staying here: the people, the weather and also the actual possibility to find a job rather easily as a specialist in Internal Medicine.. I had this song on my mind all day long, at first it was referred to literally staying here or going in Switzerland as planned, now I also viewed it as if it was Cardiology asking me this question, a silly question as it won't actually go away and if it does it will be only because I'll have gone so far away from it that I won't be hearing it calling me any more.. So the only thing to do now is to be grateful for the luck of being in a good place right now, as I am (grateful) and continue on my path. Good night!!
  22. Amazing things that happened today: I've just read a wonderful phrase while browsing on Facebook, for once it sounds better in Italian than in English but I'll write it in English: the only thing between said and done is you!! I'm writing here, which is already a great thing!! The weather is wonderful in Sardinia!! It's almost December and I can sleep leaving the windows open... I worked out!! It was a 5 min workout but still, I prevented my arms from wasting!! Ways I could have made today even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: No one in particular.. What I learned: To dare to be different.
  23. @Marc Schinkel I was half asleep while writing... I didn't even know I had posted it but yes, according to runtastic I did, we'll see if it's true on Sunday!!
  24. Amazing things that happened today: I ran!!! Apparenlty 8.77 I'm in 26 minutes.. Ways I could have made today even better: Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: What I learned:
  25. Amazing things that happened in the last two days today: I have the best tutor ever!! She's super nice with patients and to us residents too and she's very prepared!!! I'm finally beginning to feel more like a doctor than an illegitimately payed intern at the hospital.. I love being a doctor!! Even if it's hard, and people suffer. Ways I could have made these two days even better: Working out/running. Ways I got closer to becoming a wordclass Cardiologist: Studying. What I learned: Not to complain about the life I've freely chosen.