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Amazing things that happened today: I'm the chief. That's something I'm realizing more and more as time goes by. Firstly for what concerns my diet, I'm sometimes tempted to seek other people's advice on this whole food vegan boat I've embarked on but then I remember that in the end I'm the one who decides what to put in my mouth and what not to.. Then there's the Switzerland thing.. A (huge) part of me expected much more support and external recognition for every little thing I accomplished.. Yet I'm the only one who can judge if I've done something significant or not and what is the right next step. The good thing is that all this makes me feel anxious but in a tamed way, it's not the paralyzing anxiety I used to feel, I just recognize and accept it and then move on. My "new" running shoes!!! I've never actually bought pair of shoes specifically for running, I just "downgraded" other training shoes I already had.. This time though I "downgraded" a very good pair, running really felt like flying inside them!!! I wasn't even so tired when I got home... I did my first meal prep!! I thought I couldn't do something similar as I don't have too much space in the fridge yet I now have all the vegetables I can need for the week ready to eat!! No more banana&peanuttoastsonly days!!! Ways I could have made today even better: Being more cheerful (and grateful!). What I learned --> my behavioral change: The bigger your dream, the earlier you have to get up. Eric Thomas (I think..)
Free thoughts Soooo... I got an interview for a residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the place is vacant from May 2019 not in 2018 as I had proposed for but I accepted anyway.. The interview will be on October, 24 in Sion.. I'm utterly unprepared but I have all the tools I need, I've been buying tons of books to re-learn French and to revise Medicine in French, I "just" have to start opening them more frequently, I've been very busy distracting myself lately... Fortunately Switzerland keeps calling me in every possible way (or I guess I just haven't given up the project despite my laziness): yesterday I went to a BLSD course and the room we were in was full of names of Swiss towns, on the floor there was this: Then during the afternoon we went to take a walk in Alghero and while watching the sunset (amazing btw, I had never seen the sun falling into the sea, it's a matter of minutes, if not seconds, a beautiful metaphor of life...) there was some people speaking in French behind me and my colleague... All this reminds me of the recurring dream I used to have about Guardian Angels... In Switzerland I'll probably see my putative husband, with whom I haven't been in contact as much as I had planned though.. We'll see, I'm in your hands life/God/Universe... Really, everything happens for a reason, or better for a purpose... Like the fact that the CrossiFit box I used to go to relocated, I'm so astonished by how wrong I did pretty much every single exercise (fortunately I haven't been corrected about my running, yet).. All I have to do is to be cheerful and grateful (AND hard-working), the rest is already settled!!
Amazing things that happened this week: Crossfit!! I will never be grateful enough for having found the new box I'm going at, I'm doing exercises with the correct tecniques and it's not as painful as before.. Even if it was a pretty lazy week I sent an application in response to a job advertisement, it was my first application by traditional mail, who knew that it was something still in use in 2017!! I also started reading ESC's guidelines on atrial fibrillation and found this in the table about AF risk factors: Maybe the Cardiologist who wrote this part had just had a week like mine and just needed a little pat on the shoulder.. In the actual study they took this from they actually say: "This risk decreased as the population aged and was offset by known beneficial effects of vigorous exercise on other AF risk factors". ThanksGod!!! I guess Platon wasn't so wrong in disliking writing, it definitely always needs explanation as it's very easy to misinterpret... The further I go on the more I'm amazed by my life and the things that happen to me.. Now that I've finally made up my mind about moving to Switzerland I discovered another way to go work there, an international project similar to the Erasmus called "Ulisse".. Oh, abundance!! Oh, law of attraction!!! Ways I could have made this week even better: Doing more, I can't wait for the day I'll go to sleep knowing that I couldn't have done more/better!! What I learned --> my behavioral change: There's A LOT of work to do and I need to be focused more than ever as my energies are limited, even my renewed plant-based diet --> focus and hard work!!
Thank you @thehero, so sweet!!
Amazing things that happened this week: I don't remember the exact circumstances it happened but at a certain point I had this realization: "It's an eternal becoming". There are some things I refrain from buying with the promise that I will buy them when I'm in Switzerland and it's ok, it's kind of a little prize. Yet it doesn't mean that relocating to Switzerland will be the end point of my journey: I'll still have to work towards being a world-class Cardiologist and as a Cardiologist I now have the goal to help using diet as medicine become a common-practice in my field and in medicine in general. I also want to have a beautiful family, a fulfilling social life, to be more and more physically active... The great thing is that all this doesn't make me anxious at all even if they're a lot of great goals.. It's somewhat comforting knowing that I will never be "perfect".. Actually, I'm already perfect, all I have to do is to enjoy and make the most out of the wonderful life I was given.. Another beautiful thought: "winter too is beautiful". Talking about winter in Sardinia is a bit of an oxymoron, I know, yet it's no longer time for dresses and sandals and I like it too!! On Friday I did the first CrossFit lesson in the new box I'll be going to. It was amazing!!! It's even better than the one I used to go to, which was already great!! Oh, infinity!!! "I was lost but now I'm found". It was a bit of a strange week, also because I did my first night shift (that went amazingly well!!!) so I somewhat lost to days.. In the end though "I was found", also thanks to Matt Kahn's video "The Most Important Spiritual Decision". It's good to know that I don't have to figure it all out by myself.. "Scientific abstinence". I had this idea of trying to apply the third of the five precepts of morality (as said by Jonathan Foust: "knowing that sexual desire is not love, that sexual activity moved by craving always harm myself and others, I am determiner not to engage in sexual relations without true love ad deep long-term commitment, made known to my family and friend. Seeing that body and mind are one, I am committed to learning appropriate ways to take care of my sexual energy and to cultivate loving kindness, joy, compassion and inclusiveness". At first this was the one I felt most difficult to apply in my own life yet it's as Leo said in his las video: abstaining from lower consciousness pleasure preparing to taste the much more yummy higher consciousness' ones.. Ways I could have made this week even better: Being more active and doing my evening routine. What I learned --> how is my behavior going to change: Switzerland is not the ultimate goal ( --> I removed the voice "ways I got closer to Switzerland"). The ultimate goal, as written under my vision board is "to live an extraordinary life and realize the purpose of making people healthier through consciousness". And this is something that is done everyday, no mater where I am, the various mid-term goals are only steps that will help me better realize the ultimate goal..
Amazing things that happened this weekend: The resident in internal medicine in Switzerland I'm in contact with keeps giving me very useful advice!! Like also applying for a residency in surgery.. He seems more active than me from a certain point of view... I don't know if it's resistance or just laziness but for example I've spent the last two hours looking for pictures to post on facebook and in the end I didn't post any (I postponed the task no next weekend...).. Sometimes I'm a little too much self-indulgent.. I was listening to "The 48 laws of power" by Robert Greene (in French!! ) and suddenly came up with this interesting paradox: in this book Robert Green teaches how to attain power, which is very useful in everyday life, but on the other hand I still remember how Jonathan Foust's video mentioning the 5 precepts of morality hit me.. I even took notes... So should I follow the laws of power or the precepts of morality?? Both I guess, depending on the situation and the stage I'm at.. That's the trick about learning more and more, you discover that there are infinite possibilities and for a basically indecisive person like me it's hard sometimes.. Take the nutrition thing for example: until a few weeks ago I was convinced that eating olive oil was a good thing yet now I know it's not.. At the hospital when we ask people about their diets we always ask if they're vegetarian or not, assuming that there's no way that a non animal-eater could be healthy, or at least that's what I assumed until recently.. Everyone is supposed to derive the truth by him/herself, which is to experience it first hand.. Commitment is the key.. My beloved CrossFit crew relocated too far for me to go there on foot. When I wrote the coach that I won't be able to continue training with them he told me to remember that the box will always be home!! So sweet!!! Ways I could have made this weekend even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : No one.. What I learned --> how is my behavior going to change: To put first things first... Repetita iuvant they say..
Amazing things that happened today: It was an incredible day!!! I had planned to go to see a friend and spend the weekend with her but on my way there I found out that there had been a misunderstanding and she wasn't even home... In the end I spent the night out with the amazing girls I met on the ridesharing and I'll sleep at my friend's sister's.. AND we're going to the beach tomorrow exactly as initially planned... I managed to do everything at work on time to go.. A lot of incredible coincidences happened, as I say I live in a continuous state of grace!! Ways I could have made today even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : No one.. What I learned --> how is my behavior going to change: Life is an incredible experience.
Amazing things that happened the last few days: I had a call with a colleague who's doing a residency in internal medicine in Switzerland, I was very lucky to catch up with him: he showed me some book I can buy to become familiar with medicine in French and also gave me the name of the head physician of the ward where he's working so that I could send him an application, which I did!! I did 50 burpees today!! It was my first workout since returning home.. As always I'm still wondering why I didn't start earlier... I came home from work a lot earlier than usual today and had the time to prepare this amazing lunch: I'm still a bit confused about what I should and shouldn't eat but certainly meat and dairy won't be part of my long-term diet.. I don't know about eggs, for the moment I'm not buying them either.. What I'm most resistant to let go are salt and oil, not that I overconsume them.. We'll see.. Ways I could have made the last few days even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Sending other applications. I What I learned --> how is my behavior going to change: "Unhappiness is the difference between how we are and how we would like to be". Giacomo Tonelli --> to always do what the person I would like to be would do.
Amazing things that happened today: My reentry to work went very well. I studied!!! I kind of went with the flow but still managed to do something in the afternoon. I finally knew of doctor John McDougall thanks to the video "The starch solution". So now I can go back to eating potatoes and white rice... Joking aside all this information I'm getting is very difficult to integrate with what I actually do at work based on international guidelines on how to treat diseases... Fortunately my the word "research" appears many times and in different forms in my mission statement.. Ways I could have made today even better: Running!! I've realized only today that now that the crossfit box in closed for vacations (they're also moving, hopefully still in a place I can reach on foot) I actually could run every day if so I desired... Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Reaching out to people!! I don't remember where but I once heard/read that when you feel sad the best thing to do is to reach out to people.. So I did and it worked phenomenally!! I wrote to a total of 4 people in Switzerland, included my potential husband (Matthew Hussey says that it's better not to focus on one specific person).. I'm very proud of this, I recognized that yeah, I can do it all by myself but including other people in the loop might mean much more fun and maybe also be easier.. What I learned --> how is my behavior going to change To be flexible, doing something is far better than not doing anything because things didn't go exactly as planned..
Amazing things that happened today: It wasn't "amazing" but this video from Tai Lopez was pretty remarkable.. I'm still very very confused about the best way to eat, certainly eating mostly vegan for a month was a good thing.. I don't know about eggs but I'm definitely not going back to eating dairy.. And also meat I think will remain something I only eat out.. Eddie Pinero's video titled "Have the guts" that came along exactly while I was wondering how I should approach what I'll now be calling "project marriage".. Incredible!! What's even more incredible is that things like that keep happening to me every single day, I'm so so blessed!!! I was feeling a little down this evening as I once more faced the fact that moving to Switzerland won't be a cakewalk so I decided to go through my by now long list of quotes on Evernote and stumbled on this one: "Anything worth doing requires feeling scared and then doing it anyway." Kate Northrup. So I postponed to tomorrow what I had to do today!! Ways I could have made today even better: Being bolder. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Semi-sending another application. What I learned --> how is my behavior going to change: Being more corageous, especially considering that nothing I do or don't do is about life or death...
Amazing things that happened today: I was a bit lazy in the morning but in the end it was a pretty productive day. I found out that I won't need to spend so much to prepare for the French certification exam, who needs online courses when there are books available!! I could be sleeping but I chose to write anyway.. Ways I could have made today even better: Making better use of this morning, I did do something, just very very slowly.. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Funishing up my "plan A", I just have it execute on this now... What I learned = how is my behavior going to change To put first thing first, again.. Sometimes I get lost in small things..
A wonderful summer Or better, wonderful summer vacations.. I'm on vacation until next Tuesday, right now I'm back in Sardinia.. I left on the 4th of August, spent a few days at home and then went on a 5 days trip in Puglia with a friend. After that went to visit some relatives for a few days.. I took some notes every day about things I wanted to remember so now is the time to elaborate on them.. Amazing things that happened: 4/8 "The miracle of the suitcase". While rushing to get out the house and take the ride that would take me to the airport I broke the zipper of the bag I had brought instead of a suitcase. There was no time to look for an alternative so I roughly closed it with some safety pins. In the past this would have bothered me a lot, yet I was able to see it as the firstworldproblem that it was and in the end I was able to buy a suitcase near to the airport. The real miracle though was fitting everything in this tiny suitcase, the clerk I bought it from took every single item in my bag and put it in the suitcase teaching me how to actually pack a carry-on in a way I had never seen before.. Unfortunately I don't have pre- and post pictures, but it was impressive!! 5/8 "Ready to let him go". I saw my ex fiancé for what I'm pretty certain will be the last time and had this sensation of finally being ready to move on. We kept in touch and also saw each other a few times in the last year and a half.. He was the one I called after the second Prosecco, or when I needs to talk to someone.. Yet he does belong in the past.. "Never marry a person who is not a friend of your excitement." Nathaniel Brandon 6/8 "Switzerland, mother-in-law, heeeelp!!!". So yeah, I'm single but I know who my mother-in-law is and she wishes me to be her daughter-in-law too.. It's a strange story that started last summer when she called me proposing me to go work in Switzerland and why not?, maybe marry one of her sons and I actually agreed.. I haven't been very active on that, nor on moving in Switzerland in general, it's only now that I'm more serious about actually making it happen.. On August the 6th my mum called her by mistake and she took it as a sign and called me.. The first thing she pointed out was the fact that I had disappeared from the show and I was like "ehm, uhm..." but she didn't mention the marriage thing. I can't say I'm in love with that guy but there's something, in both parties, or at least there was the last time I saw him, in February 2016... the "problem" now is how to approach the thing, I guess I can't send him a Facebook message asking him to marry me... A few days ago I came up with the idea of using the need to improve my French as an excuse to start chatting regularly.. We'll see.. 7/8 "Where there is the will there's the way". I managed to cook lunch for my brothers even if I had a lot of engagements that day, I was amazingly surprised by that!! 8/8 I bought this beautiful bracelet: Since not wearing an engagement ring any more I have desired a ring with symbol of the infinite but never bought it so when I saw this bracelet I had to grab it!! It's not in that perfect shape anymore but I still think it was well spent money even if I'm now more than ever convinced that it's better to prove/show things rather than saying/wearing them.. I danced the "Pizzica", the typical Apulian dance, amazing!!! 9/8 To my own great surprise I discovered that I actually like driving!! Especially nice beautiful Renault Captures with automatic change.. "I accidentally broke my sandals and it was a fortune". I don't even know why I brought them but I had this pair of high wedge heel sandals so that night I wore them and one of the heels went off, it was actually a fortune because that way I had more space in my suitcase.. 10/8 Vegan day!! I ate only plant-based food for a whole day for the first time since the beginning of my vacations.. It lasted a total of two days.. Maybe the next vacations will be more animal and environment-friendly.. We did a nice night hike in the nature around the south of Puglia.. I'll definitely have more adventurous vacations in the future, this one was pretty ordinary: we were on the beach half of the day and visiting the other half.. I did enjoy it too, in the end this is The ideal vacation has always been for me, not doing much more that just enjoying myself but I now see that there is also a point in breaking a sweat even when off work.. 11/8 Talking about breaking sweats, we went to see the beautiful Porto Selvaggio, savage in the fact that to reach the sea you have to walk through half-signalled trails for a bit, totally worth it though!! I really need to learn to swim, we'll see when.. They are relocating the crossfit box, if it's too far for me I'ok look for some swim lessons around the town.. We'll see.. I had the pleasure of noticing that oftentimes the things that are less publicized are actually the most beautiful: like Nardó, a little town we visited that from my point of view has nothing to envy to bigger and more famous cities that we visited.. It was the second and last vegan day of my vacations, I also ate a delicious vegan pistachio ice cream, not whole-food plant based I fear but you know, holidays!! 12/8 I finally found a typical dish of the place that did not contain meat, dairy or eggs: the Frisa!! Essentially a variant of a Bruschetta.. I confirmed my idea of not so much publicized things with Zany Irene's church in Lecce, I loved it much more that the Cathedral!! Back with Burundians!!! The more I grow up and the more I feel the need to be with people from my country, not because they're in any way better that anyone else, just to see a point of view that I would otherwise miss.. 13/8 "Leo talking about junior doctors and the impostor sindrome!! ??? and happy marriages...". I was catching up with Leo's videos and in the video about expectations he kept referring to junior doctors.. I don't remember what he said about happy marriages though, it's somewhere anyway.. Like the fact that I did not fully understand why I am almost obsessed with being physically active and eating healthy and then re-reading Mastery by George Leonard I found the quote "Ultimately, fitness and health are related to everything we do, think and feel". The beauty of being to a relatives' home is that it's almost as being at home or even better, so relaxing, waking up whenever I want and not missing a single nap!! 14/8 "Super morning routine, 60 burpees!!". I finally did my entire morning routine and restarted meditating every day, I haven't miss a day yet so bravo me!! During the vacations I was more consistent with working out: I did 50 burpees almost every day and then started adding 5 per day with the goal of arriving to 100 by the end of the vacations. I'll skip some steps and start with 100 from tomorrow though, it shouldn't take me more than 10 minutes so I really don't have any excuse.. "Family!!". My brother and my cousin arrived and it was amazing!!! 15/8 "Super day at the Royal Palace of Caserta!!". We really had a great time, we visited the rooms, did a picnic and then visited the park, this is me at the Fountain of Diana: And I also found out that there was an exhibit on Klimt... 16/8 We went to a countryside festival, there was a Neapolitan blues group singing there, The blue stuff, it was fun!! After that we had a drink in a bar in town and I appreciated the mojito for the first time!! 17/8 I finally went to see the exhibit on Klimt, it's called "Klimt experience". What hit me was the concept of "total art" because everything is art... Again the idea of making of my life a work of art.. And apparently "all art is erotic"... Yet he did work all day long: "There is nothing that special to see when looking at me. I'm a painter who paints day in day out, from morning till evening".. "Super workout!!". I had the honor of being blessed to do an outdoor workout session with my cousin who, among other things, is a personal trainer and he showered me with compliments about my performance as a runner and also about my strength!! Amazing!!! 18/8 I finally finished reading Mastery for the second time!! It definitely was a good idea choosing the boat to get back in Sardinia.. What I learned: It's better to write a little bit every day than everything at once...
Amazing things that happened in the past few days: I'm getting used to my plant based diet and finally found out that it's normal to be al little bloated (AND farty...) at the beginning.. No more raw cauliflowers for me!! On Saturday I had agreed to go to the beach with a friend and stay at her home until Sunday evening but I actually didn't feel like going.. For one reason or another in the end I didn't manage to find a way to get there so I spent the weekend at home and it was a wonderful weekend!!! I'm simply astonished by the majesty of the law of attraction!! Leo talking about the concept of Pantheism, I think it was in last week's video.. Anyway, I remember being very fascinated by this idea the first time I heard about this concept, I think I was in middle school and I immediately felt it true, especially considering nature.. While re-organizing and planning for my future in Switzerland I "found out" that in January I used the pre-mortem technique focusing on specializing in Cardiology in Switzerland.. Almost everything that I wrote that could cause that project's failure happened. It's incredible.. Now I have a sheet titled "Plan A" with all the details of how I'll get there.. Ways I could have made the past few days even better: Not napping when not needed. I previously had the pseudo-habit of taking a nap after lunch or when I got home, I'm still doing it even if now that I don't eat eat and dairy no matter how much I eat I don't actually feel sleepy getting up from the table.. I'll replace it with a 10 min meditation. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : No one in particular.. What I learned: The greater the change and the more difficult our challenge is, the more relevant the habits become. Stephen Covey
Amazing things that happened in the last few days: I went for grocery shopping for the week buying only plant-based stuff for the first time!! I'm also starting to like going grocery shopping!! And most of all cooking. Contrary to grocery shopping I already loved cooking, maybe I just hadn't done it properly for so long... Talking about veganism, yesterday I had THE perfect vegan dinner: french fries and Prosecco!! I'm actually getting a bit confused about the whole issue: it's easy to do when I am at home or even at a restaurant when I still get to decide what to eat but what if I am a guest somewhere and they cook only things I chose not to eat (and I'm staying there for some days so I can't get around it by eating before going there)?? There was a quote that really hit me in Leo's first video about understanding absolute infinity: "There is no mistake". Mind-blowing!! It's like the infamous workout I keep talking about: one should prepare people to it.. Yet I can't but be ready, otherwise it wouldn't have happened.. Another interesting question is: "how far am I willing to stretch my people-pleasing tendencies???". Or: "what is the real reason I decided to start all this??". Instead of being influenced by meat-eaters I decided to be more influenced by plant-eaters. I remember that when I drew up the list of the questions I wanted to devote my life to one of them was: "how should I live my life?". Was Marcus Aurelius vegan?? I know that Napoleon Hill was vegetarian.. Regardless, why should I do what someone else did, how do I know that there is not another way "exclusive to me"?? Aaand we're back to Socrates again, all I know is that I don't know.. I could use a scientific approach but as far as I know I only have this life to live so it's difficult to explore all the different possibilities.. I'll find my way!! As I actually did with my hair, now that I think about it: I did the big chop, went natural and all was good and fine until my hair grew a little bit so I started relaxing it again, then last October I cut it all again and decided to just keep it short and natural for a ton of reasons (minimalism -in products and in styling-; the freedom to wash it every day or even several times a day; not having to go to the hair salon every two months; having more free time in general..). I shall trust my timing!! I've just seen that on Audible there also books to learn a language!!! I had this idea this evening to let go of trying again the national competitive exam to obtain a residency in Cardiology (it should be in October) and focus entirely on moving to Switzerland. I'll consider this year as kind of a sabbatical year in which I got the map.. As Brendon Buchard says: "The time you want the map... is before you enter the woods". And now I definitely know what I want for my life, in precise details and not only in what regards my career!! Ways I could have made the last few days even better: Doing my morning routine. I had made it to do one month of meditating every day yet yesterday and today I didn't meditate. I decided to approach it from a different side now: instead of signing on my calendar when the milestone falls I'll mark the starting point and see how far I can go. Starting tomorrow... Today was also the first time I wrote here (part of my evening routine) without doing my morning routine.. I guess I wouldn't be so confused if I did my routines every day... Here's one possibility to give a chance to!!! Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : No one.. What I learned: We are what we repeatedly do. I'm trying to tattoo it into my everything..
Amazing things that happened this week: I've just finished watching the movie "The hundred-feet journey" and my thought when it ended was: "now I'm ready to write my own (romantic) novel"... Beautiful things keep happening to me, some I can't even describe... Like yesterday's workout at Crossfit.. It's called "Murph", today I discovered that it's dedicated to a war hero.. It's pretty hard but I finished it. I was exhausted at the end (even if I'm sure I could have done better...) and I received a lot of support from the others seeing me pretty worn-out.. Crossfitters are the best!!! While writing here I'm listening to my beautiful playlist called "Love songs".. My vegan transition is going on interestingly well.. On Monday I went to a colleague's birthday aperitif with buffet and there was not one only thing without meat, let alone dairy.. Fortunately I had already had dinner so it was no biggie but it still was pretty remarkable.. The same day I made friends on Facebook with a girl who I then discovered is vegetarian, she has a very good vibe!! Law of attraction babe!! Other than that I'm learning more and more, I feel like when I had decided to go natural (from relaxed hair).. The only difference is that now I'm actually conscious that learning and research are part of me, I put "love of learning" as the first of my top five strengths and the word "research" is part of my mission statement. I used to think that everybody approached life the way I do but apparently that's not the case (and it's perfectly fine as I learnt from the book "the Vortex" and Leo's last video...). I was able to go through the Murph workout also thanks to a wonderful quote from Ralph Smart in a video about going vegan: "Eat the best. Live the best. Be the best.". And this evening when the thought "nobody will die if I eat a bit of meat/diary products here and there" came to my mind I instinctively replied "nobody but the animal"... But what about milk?? The cow doesn't die from milking it, I actually recall learning that milking a cow is doing her a favor.. Yet I wouldn't milk a woman... [I like how Socratic I am becoming!!] And it goes full circle: "don't do to others what you don't want done to you".. Or better "do to others what you would like to be done to you".. The greatest teaching I got from "The Vortex" was: "LOVE IS". It's like God, it just is, they're synonyms in fact... It is everything, the "alpha and omega", what we naturally are.. Ways I could have made this week even better: Studying more and being more balanced between the urge to learn everything about veganism (I had never thought that it also meant not eating honey...) and doing the other things I had to do.. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Finishing one of the applications I had started. What I learned: I am worthy. This too comes from a Ralph Smart's video about being vegan (I loved the way he said "I don't like labeling but society would call me a vegan", I'll be using it!!). The title was something like "being vegan on a budget". I'm kind of saving for moving to Switzerland and I've always had this concept that food was the last thing I had to spend my money on.. Yet yesterday I finally bought some avocados!! Adulting...
Amazing things that happened in the past few days: Dr. Nun S Amen-Ra's quote: "Subjecting yourself to a self imposed discipline is the surest way to increase the quality of your existence, period." from this video. I still can't fully capture the magnificence of this quote. And also, to what kind of discipline should I subject myself to? It all goes back to the infamous "following plan A". Plan A right now is to move to Switzerland and have a great life there. Yet the more I get into it and the further it seems.. I have the equivalence certification of my degree BUT: I don't have any language certification and it won't be possible to obtain one until November and I wouldn't know where to start to interact with a patient in French. Possible solutions: To apply anyway anywhere possible and to study French AND medicine in French so that I'm ready when opportunity comes. As easy as that!! Yet I spent most of the afternoon in bed also because I was too overwhelmed by this situation... I studied!! Not much but I did. I may sooner or later become vegan. The main reason is that I'm literally too lazy to buy meat, the others are coming from the videos and documentaries I keep watching. The last one was "what the health". It all kinda gets confusing after a while though: low fat-high carb, high fat-low carb??? Oil is a processed food?? I can't even eat oil??? The good thing is that I found a wonderfully sweet and satisfying snack: bananas and almonds!! Even better than biscuits!! Ways I could have made the past few days even better: Being more optimistic!! Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Does worrying count?? What I learned: "A belief is only a thought that I keep thinking". The Vortex
Amazing things that happened in the past two days: I ran today!!! For one reason or another I haven't been running so much lately.. Which is a total nonsense considering how much I love running.. Thankfully I'm still able to do it!! It's really all about the little things: yesterday night I had a drink with a colleague after work, seeing that I was a bit annoyed by the fact that I didn't have somewhere to put my bag he asked the waiter to give us another chair, so sweet!! I keep learning every day and I am fortunate enough to have someone be there when I overlook things I should give more attention to. Ways I could have made the past two days even better: Not drinking the second Prosecco yesterday night.. A few years ago I had a much more efficient liver and a much sensible brain... Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️: I started studying some semiotics in French.. I have SO MUCH work to do!!! What I learned: The value of working hard. I've been watching some of Evan Carmichael's "VIPs' top 10 rules for success" and (surprise surprise) there is this recurring theme.. I should apply the mentality I have while running to everything else: I can always do more than I think at the moment.
Amazing things that happened this week: I'm writing seated on the balcony out of our living room and it's amazing!! As Ralph Smart would say, I'm here breathing in this good ass Prana!! Really, it's so fresh and calm!! I'm still meditating every day!! I'm becoming more and more focused on the goal of moving to Switzerland.. I'm sorry I wasted so much time (and money) on less important things but as they say the only thing that actually counts is my next move. So now, when I happen to have some free time, instead of doing the first thing that comes to my mind I stop and ask "if I died tomorrow would I be proud of having spent my time doing this thing?" or I just remind to myself of my mission statement: "to do plenty of research and public speaking to make people healthier through consciousness and become a world class cardiologist". BTW I was really moved by Leo's last video when he talked about people with healing powers.. Who knows, maybe one day... Ways I could have made this week even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Finally applying for some places as a resident, one was in response to a job offer and the other as a spontaneous application. Seeing a wonderful future there. I'm committed to do my 10 minutes of visualization every evening but I already sometimes find myself daydreaming about my life there.. I'm even open to the idea of having kids now... What I learned: To put first things first. I didn't go to work today as I had a 12h shift on Sunday yesterday. Normally I would have started the day tidying up my room, ironing and going grocery shopping, yet after slowly waking up I did my morning routine, prepared and ate a super healthy brunch and finally went on with my job search. I definitely could be a vegetarian. Little by little I'm learning to prepare mostly plant-based dishes that actually leave me on a full stomach when I finish eating them, good!! It's incredible how the mind works sometimes.. I've been craving sweets almost all week long, I had an ice-cream on Saturday and it was amazing but the craving didn't stop so today I bought a packet of cookies and now that I have them I don't crave them anymore.. I kinda knew it would happen but still.. So I guess this week I also learnt to compromise with myself, I don't usually buy any sweets to keep at home..
Amazing things that happened this week: This song: It kept me company all week long.. Believing in magic is definitely the only way I can explain my life and this week in particular.. Everything went super well and I was happy even when something "bad" happened, like my phone's screen breaking when I dropped it on the sidewalk.. Anyway, for some to me still mysterious reasons this song came to mind after seeing the colleague I had kind of a crush on some time ago.. It's really peculiar how sometimes I can't even explain myself to myself and then a song comes over and makes me question everything or other times clears everything out.. The little unexpected things, like two men apparently coming from nothing to help me bring the water I had just bought up on the stairs, they were so kind!! I meditated every day and yesterday I did 100 burpees!! It wasn't so hard, I'm still wondering why it was so difficult in the past months... I came into contact with the concept of one meal a day: Fascinating, isn't it!?! The great thing is that at the end he says that he doesn't pretend to make everybody eat one meal a day but just to inspire those who watch the video to eat when hungry, not just because they're supposed to (or bored...). I involontarily did it for one day, I guess it's one of those tastes one acquires with time, like the taste for the strange sensation in-between hunger and satiety I have now that I mostly eat vegetables and proteins with very few simple carbs.. Ways I could have made this week even better: Doing the evening routine... I tend to overlook it yet it's very useful!! Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : I CAN OFFICIALLY PRACTICE MEDICINE IN SWITZERLAND!!! I received the certificate!!! Now I really don't have any excuse!! Except the language.. I do speak French more or less fluently but I don't know if it will be enough to speak with patients.. Yes, the more it becomes true and the more frightened I become... I had decided to dedicate this whole day to applying or at least preparing some applications but I started working on it at 5pm.... Sometimes I wonder if all this procrastination comes from the fact that I don't really want it but no, I do want to become a Cardiologist and to move to Switzerland SO this evening, differently from other times, I took a coffee after dinner to be able to do the evening routine and then go on with the applications.. The question was: "why do I take coffee at work to stay focused and alert but then don't allow myself to do the same on weekends to work on my projects?!". Yeah, resting is important (and I shouldn't be drinking coffee in the first place) but this is time to What I learned: I'm a very lucky person!! I already knew it and this week was an additional demonstration!!
Amazing things that happened in the last few days: I really have an amazing life!! I keep realizing it more and more.. For example, I had just decided to finally stop eating pre-prepared meals (I don't know how to call them, it's like soups or risottos that you just have to boil.. I liked to buy them for when I ate at home because they come in single portion and there's no risk in them expiring if I happen not to consume them right away) and a friend of the dorm offered to leave all the actually healthy food she had in the freezer to me as she's going back home and won't be back until September.. The interesting thing is that there's nothing there I couldn't afford but I just didn't buy anything that would occupy the fridge since it's shared and I feared risking to throw away some of the food. So yeah, I guess I'm on the path towards learning to do the groceries like an adult now... Which is a good thing also because from the blood tests I took at work, even if there weren't macroscopic alterations, there was some evidence of a possible deficit in folic acid.. I definitely grew up a little bit spoiled, how else could we explain the fact that at 28 years old buying fruits and vegetables seems totally out of y categories?!? I did do burpees in the morning, for two days.. But at least now I know it's possible!! I started running regularly again and this video appeared to me on youtube: Incredible!! I watched the movie "Without limits" on Steve Prefontaine, very very inspiring!!! Ways I could have made the last few days even better: Studying. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Going on with the material I downloaded, still in love!!! What I learned: Life has to be lived. Intensely.
Amazing things that happened today: It was a great day!!! Really, there must be something magical in the 21st of June!! I was a bit lazy in the morning and didn't do my morning routine but everything went well at work, I was very productive (little by little I'm learning to spend more time doing medical stuff trusting that everything else will be done by someone else...) and also went home earlier than usual. Once at home I managed to finally do a shortened version of my morning routine (ie gratitude journal, reading my mission statement + meditating for 30 minutes) before going to crossfit. After dinner I went on reading the material I've downloaded regarding specializing in Switzerland, hoping that I won't fall into a paralysis by analysis vortex.. AND now I'm writing here!! Oh, did I mention that I'm also doing my evening routine again?! Not every part of it but it's still better than not doing it at all! I've decided do replace my morning workout (which I don't remember the last time I actually did) with 100 burpees!! They say that burpees are a "complete exercise" and it should be easier than having to follow a video (which was already quite easy... ). Day by day I'm getting closer and closer to the person I want to become!! Ways I could have made today even better: Waking up earlier. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Reading the material I've downloaded. There are some things I had already read but only now truly understood and appreciated. One of them is the description they give of what a specialist is: I couldn't have better described what I want to become!!! What I learned: Sometimes set backs are actually blessings!! I guess it's called "flexibility". It's one of the many wonderful concepts I'm learning from The 7 habits of highly effective people, the idea that it's not a bad thing not to be able to do everything that was planned as long as one continues to "organize and execute around priorities". I will never be thankful enough, Stephen!!
Amazing things that happened today: I'm almost back home!! This time though I don't feel the same feeling of finally being somewhere I belong I felt the last time.. In the last few days I couldn't wait for today to come, I was thrilled at the idea of finally being home but maybe it was more the joy of having a few days off.. I'm listening to the 7 habits of highly effective people.. So thanksGod I'm aware that the solution to being a bit dissatisfied at work is not taking more holidays.. Getting back to the home/belonging thing I now feel more as a traveller, it's ok if I don't have a place where to stay forever. Actually it's part of the vision I have for my life.. So far so good then!! There's a full moon tonight!! It was full also yesterday, it can't but be a good omen!!! This morning, I don't remember what I was doing but I realized that I have a very very easy life, I'm grateful for that!! Ways I could have made today even better: Doing my morning routine!! Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Finally paying the tax I had to pay!! What I learned: We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit. Aristotle It's obvious. But common sense seems not to always be common practice also in my "zone of influence"...
Amazing things that happened recently: In the end I did not resume my routines but for some strange and absurd reason my laziness brought me to a renewed sense of clarity: for all this time I still had some doubts about whether leaving my fiancé was the right decision or not (we did keep in touch even if everywhere I looked for advice they said not to) but now I feel totally at peace with that decision and I know that it really was the right one. At the same time I am more and more aware of the necessity of letting go of the good to make space for the great in my work life. I "just" need to toughen up a little bit and stop mourning about how tired I am and all the other excuses I come up with every time the word "Switzerland" come to my mind. This beautiful flower: Unfortunately I can't upload its wonderful smell. Yet I'm glad to be able to be stopped by the smell of flowers!! I finally tided up the notes and various papers I had been accumulating I think since I came here in Sardinia. What hit me was how easy and actually enjoyable it was, I kept wondering why I haven't done it for all this time.. I really don't know, it literally unified two of the things I do better and more willingly: tidying up and studying.. Leo's video on how to stop backsliding.. I think it was the third time I watched it.. It was consoling (re)discovering that "failure this time does make it better next time". Ways I could have made the past few days even better: Doing my routines even if as odd as it may seem this time I don't feel so guilty for having been this lazy.. This afternoon Marie Forleo gave me one more reason not to... Ok, maybe she wasn't watching tv series nor oversleeping or going to the beach when she wasn't doing her routines but it definitely was the first time I heard a self-help "guru" talk about the possibility of not having morning and/or evening routines... Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : No one in particular.. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally go to pay the tax I need to pay to make my graduation valid in Switzerland too.. I may be comfortable with having been lazy with all the rest but on this I definitely have some regrets... What I learned: To let go of the Underwoods!! I think I started watching House of Cards sometime around one month ago following the suggestion of a colleague and fostered by knowing that Leo watches it too.. I was really intrigued by this couple, to the point of quite aspiring to create something like that in my own life, then during s2 I realized that they literally destroy everything they touch. At first I had decided to stop there but my colleague insisted on telling me that it was worth it so I went on until at the end of the first episode of s5 I realized that if it was true (as it is) that they destroy everything they touch it wasn't so unrealistic that that could affect me too... So after something like 52 hours I finally decided to let go of the Underwood.. I do want a relationship based upon a shared vision like their's but I also want to do some good for the people around me/us.
Amazing things that happened today: I did my morning routine!! And from tomorrow I'll be working out in the morning every day again!! Since I haven't been meditating for a while now I decided to go back to meditating just for 30 minutes for a month, then I'll go up to 45 and finally back to 1 hour.. Things went well at work. CROSSFIT!!! I came back home limping this evening but I still love it!!! I'm beginning to do the various exercises in the right way: I learned how to deadlift from the backache I got the day I did them wrong and by hearing the coach tell me to get lower so much I'm finally also feeling the squats... Ways I could have made today even better: Studying!! Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Uhm, doing my morning routine??! What I learned: Maybe working out and running are sublte distractions from doing the "real" work.. I've been having this tought for a few days now.. I'm not a gym junkie, I do crossfit only two times a week, and I actually run less than I did a few months ago but for some reasons every time I have some free time (if I don't spend it watching tv series, another sore point...) I'll either be at the box or running... Because seeing and feeling physical results is easier that waiting for internal changes to happen while continuing to meditate, to study and to prepare for the future... So it's backtoplanA time: I cut my hair so that I could workout every day and I'll be doing that AND I'll also meditate, study and hopefully continue to pave the way to my glorious future as a worldclass Cardiologist!!!
Amazing things that happened today: I meditated!! During the day I realized that today was definitely the perfect day to (re)start: the first of the month and also Monday!! I finished watching Fences. It's not something "amazing" per se but this movie really made me think about a lot of things: love, life, the relationship between parents and children, how great Denzel Washington and Viola Davis are... I went out for a pizza with two friends.. I remember that one of my tutors during the bar exam once told me that wherever I would have gone I wouldn't have had any problem whatsoever. I didn't expect any problem too but I really couldn't imagine having such a good social life!! I did my morning routine and "discovered" that it's actually very easy and simple!! Ways I could have made today even better: Focusing on my goals. Ways I got closer to Switzerland ❤️ : Tomorrow seems to always be the perfect day to finally send the applications for a residency in Internal Medicine... I'm listening to the book "The big leap", Gay Hendrick couldn't be righter about the upper limit problem.. Just after sending the papers required to make my degree fully valid in Switzerland I catched a cold... As I always say, consciousness is key. What I learned: You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. John C. Maxwell