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Everything posted by Good-boy

  1. Ye. I am going to leave an army of good boys to save the world.
  2. Bang as many chicks as possible.
  3. You missed the golden chance to bang man.???. She was sad and vulnerable ffs.
  4. I was excited to become invisible
  5. No need to study myself ??
  6. @Black Elephant good boy
  7. Shhh!!! Don't disturb Leo guys, he is getting enlightened. ?
  8. Only way to get total freedom "He has not spoken or left more than a few feet from the cave for more than 12 years"
  9. Psychedelics is the key here guys. Start with shrooms and then upgrade to 5 Meo to attain nirvana.
  10. Feel bad for you man, I have seen you struggling with kundalini for months now. Too bad no one can help you in any way on this topic.
  11. Just bang the shit out of her and if the sex is great then continue the relationship, otherwise say goodbye. Its 2019 ffs.
  12. Add a large penis, big bank balance and you have the highest success rate in getting almost any chick.
  13. Took the test. Iam a proud stage red. ?
  14. Ye. Remember we are already enlightened, so chasing anything is a waste of time. You would realize it when it's the right time.
  15. All cultures are bad and shameful, so I don't give a fuck about them.
  16. Just create peace within yourself and the earth would follow you since you are the earth.
  17. Seems like veryone in this thread is dying. Congrats on your enlightenment guys ?
  18. Growth is impossible when you are living with parents, they turn you into a little bitch.