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Everything posted by Good-boy

  1. Chakras are cool until you hit kundalini ☠️☠️
  2. @Thomas_VH Dan Bilzerian used to be my idol since he bangs hot chicks day and night and is a rich fuck, but after good boy raised his consciousness, he stopped following him. Best part from the podcast
  3. @lostmedstudent what a cheap ass. Good boy needs to open his heart Chakra and wallet. ???
  4. @theking00 good boy! I am proud of you. Infinite love ❤️ no homo
  5. Practicing honesty in the current era would lead you to becoming bankrupt, fool and a big joke. People take advantage of you. Btw did you smash or are you still a virgin? ?
  6. @ZZZZ good boy should smoke some weed and it should make you happier during the off season.
  7. You have to bang the chick so hard that she lose her mind out of pleasure ?. If you can't do that, then you should just jack off and give yourself pleasure.
  8. Reading your journal made me dizzy, but i definitely felt the connection. ?
  9. @Identity you are a young, good boy. Now stop being a pussy and get to work aka finding your life purpose. Also stop being a cheap ass and buy the life purpose course.??
  10. @ActualizedDavid you don't deserve to be loved because you are love. ?
  11. Ye. Lots of distraction in this work, but a good boy needs to focus hard and hard until it pops out. ?
  12. I was a fat kid until I found out this magical power in my right hand when I turned 13. Jacking off regularly helped me lose weight enormously. ✊
  13. @Beeman dont be a pussy man.. just bang them woman who dare to chase you. Boom ?
  14. @Aakash good boy needs to do 5 Meo followed by deep self inquiry to experience the truth. ?
  15. Enlightenment is the difference between those two stages imho
  16. @Tony 845 good boy forgot to mention about taming the kundalini. ☠️
  17. @preetom Seems like good boy is scared to follow an actualized religion. ☹️
  18. Suicide is hard man, call suicide prevention hotline for temporary relief. I am in the same shoe as you, don't know who the fuck am I and others around me, meditation and self inquiry scares the shit out of me now.
  19. Thank you Anton. You are a good boy ?
  20. High fat(good) low carb diet is dope.
  21. @Paul92 ye. I have tried pills numerous times, it is a pussy method and does not seem to work. Enjoy your new life. ?
  22. It's a straight forward method. If you are having problems in insertion, then ask your girlfriend to do it for you. ? Anything to attain nirvana baby.
  23. Enjoy the ego backlash while it lasts. Soon there won't be any ego if you continue to walk on the path. ?