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Everything posted by Good-boy

  1. True, that's why the pain disappears when we take a pain killer.
  2. Double big Mac with extra large fries and coke.
  3. I just watch the weekend one if he releases, it's mostly repetitive material anyways.
  4. Good boy is getting enlightened. ☠️
  5. Nice enlightening videos ?. On a side note Katie is getting old and wrinkly ?
  6. It was never designed to be like that, we humans fucked it up by filling it up with concepts, beliefs, materialistic paradigm etc. Now erasing all of the shit takes so much of work.
  7. @Average Investor smart move, two years is a long, boring time to be in a relationship. Now find some hot chicks and bang them weekend. You are a free bird now. Make good use of your ?
  8. Need money too. Check out Dan Bilzerian with the hottest chicks 24/7
  9. @JayG84 dont be a pussy man. Just play the character and hang in there.
  10. They are in peace with everything, plus their eyes have this weird attraction of calm and peace.
  11. Just get a head tattoo man ?
  12. The end of weekly videos era, it was fun while it lasted.
  13. Rupert does not seem to be in favour of using psychedelics, such a fool, enlightened master.
  14. If you have any kind of attachments
  15. Stage coral does not exist imho.
  16. After doing two years of do nothing , I have realized that I have done nothing. Fml
  17. So if you do a 15 day dark room retreat then your brain produces natural dmt for one time. Does that mean a blind person has dmt producing in their brain most of the time?
  18. Feel sorry for Martin boy since he is dying. That's why you should say no to drugs kids. ?
  19. Leo is running out of ideas.It's ok, shit happens.
  20. Just fap it out man. Nofap is useless.