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Everything posted by Ero

  1. I've experienced telepathy with my twin and premonition/ synchronicity loops. The waviness/ shakiness of existence for me happens all too often. If I stare at the floor for 5 seconds, it starts "breathing".
  2. Existence is spiritual, so spirituality never ends. There are infinite degrees.
  3. Thing is, the conflict in Ukraine has been going on since before Hillary said anything. The article correctly points out the protests against Putin as the decidable shift in his politics - from economic to fearmongering and imperialism. Russia has been sponsoring Donbas insurrectionists since 2012-2013 and later engaged in all out war (Donbas War 2014): The truth is, Russians view Ukraine as a “rightful part” of their land. This is what Putin was blabbering to Tucker Carlson about “Kievska Rus”. The “Russia vs. NATO” is just part of the mythology, aligning Russia as part of the new “multipolar” thesis of geopolitics along the likes of China, Iran and North Korea. This is another example of his stated aim back in 2011 -
  4. @Leo Gura Thing is, Russia has always been imperialist. They would have invaded Ukraine regardless of NATO - Putin’s brain, Dugin, said “Russia must expand to survive”. Our country was part of the supposed “buffer zone” until we joined NATO and thank god we did. They have consistently undermined our history and democracy even before that (e.g., KGB tried the forceful renaming of muslims)
  5. Cute. If this is actually your justification, then it shows pretty strong cognitive bias. Shit been going on since before this guy graduated high school. It also doesn’t account for all the encounters in our country, some 2700 km away. Your argument is epistemically equivalent to the “light cloud refraction” for flat earthers.
  6. Thanks for sharing. Outside of psychological techniques, the answer is workout. I’ve had aggression due to trauma for a large part of my life. Redirecting and channeling it the out exercise is what has made me relentlessly driven (also super fit) Study proper stage Red and not its caricatures.
  7. Yeah, nah. UFOs are not a US psyop, they are real. Many similar reports in the Soviet union and satellites as well.
  8. I haven’t tried MDMA, but smoking prior to the peak smoothes it out for me and removes the stomach irritation I seem to always have on high doses of LSD.
  9. Because there is no “bottom”/base of reality. By nature of infinity, whatever you think is the foundation/depth is, you can go deeper. Question is, are you ready for what is lurking there?
  10. The binary debate of free will vs. determinism is characteristic of a stage blue/orange cognitive structure and the corresponding dissonance. Instead of this false dichotomy, why not consider “degrees of freedom”? You clearly have a choice of what you are doing throughout the day, no matter how much you try and philosophise. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem like you can grow a third hand, however much you wish. So clearly there are aspects you have free will over and others that you don’t. At a certain level of consciousness, that boundary itself can start shifting.
  11. And Bingo. Multifractal behaviour emerges at the mobility edge, quantified by…. Entropy. The same behaviour occurs in phase transitions and meta-materials. This about to be legendary.
  12. You definitely want to ground yourself. There is a way to deeply experience spirituality and still be grounded and a highly-functioning individual. It takes hard work.
  13. It’s moreso about still being able to function in society, to have normal conversations. Above a certain level of drive and vision one is most certainly going to be perceived as unhinged, even if “down to earth”.
  14. 95% of people on this forum would benefit from more David Goggins rather than less. The best medicine for entitlement.
  15. Observe that the same proof works for any collection of things that don’t exist, which you can denote A_1 \subset A^C (all things that don’t exist). If they did exist, then A_1\subset A, but this is a contradiction with the intersection A^C \cap A is by definition empty (whereas if A_1 did exist, it would be part of their intersection)
  16. Second one for Hassabis. Science will never be the same.
  17. That’s like saying all “books use words”. Sure, but the nuance is what makes the difference. US is a much more highly-functioning bureaucracy with clear security and technological directive. Afghanistan is also a bureaucracy but you are clearly not moving there. Point is, the EU will face a reckoning for other reasons as well. They have enabled and supported the mafia regime in our country for what amounts to almost 2 decades. There is a very deep level corruption even most western wouldn’t know, because it is hidden for them. Pfizergate isn’t even scratching the surface.
  18. Agreed. All I am pointing to is that what is the administrative structure and regulation of the EU currently is deadweight. And will continue to be until a revitalisation under proper leadership. Thing is, people don’t understand that the fundamental shift that is coming in technology is nothing contemporary organisations and structures can handle. EU is already showing it’s inadequate on that front. None of the latest open sourced models or Apple Intelligence is available there. That should tell you something. I don’t expect it to change.
  19. It’s issue are not the nationalists. They will bitch about everything. It is due to the upcoming technological asymmetry. And green globalism is inadequate at handling that. Individual countries will pull ahead not because but despite its regulations on energy and AI. That will change the leverage the EU has. It has already exported its energy and security to the US. It’s nothing but bureaucracy at this point.
  20. Agreed. But what I was pointing to is the nuance that although this is where the history trends towards, that doesn’t mean EU in its present form is what will achieve that. Same way I don’t think the UN will be the “world government”. The line will be eventually crossed, but that doesn’t mean the horse you bet on will be the one to do it. EU is a technological laggard without sophisticated leadership. Green deals alone will be the death of it, mark my words. My people are in the race and not the audience, so I rather also bet on the right horse.
  21. The EU is failing pretty miserably at that. Lack of systemic and Tier 2 thinking as it relates to immigration, energy, technology and economic security has lead to polarisation that got far-right parties elected not just at the outskirts, but at the supposed centres of the EU - Germany, France and the Netherlands.
  22. Two examples if you are interested in going deeper are Carlo Rovelli's Relational QM (you probably would have heard it, having listened to Kastrup) and Chris Fields's Free Energy QM Interpretation. In general, I believe that all Quantum Information-based interpretations are a step in the right direction by "de-materializing" the underlying ontology. It is much easier to step from information to consciousness as an ontology then it is from objective materialism. One thing you should keep in mind is that even if a theory offers interesting or maybe even correct interpretations, that doesn't guarantee at all its technical correctness. The devil's in the details and that is especially true in science. In case you are also interested in the technical side of things, my advice would be for you to study the Functional Analysis/ Operator Theory formalism and its Categorical lifting. Consider reading von Neumann, John Baez and Alain Connes. My current intuition is to treat entropy as a topological operad and quantum systems as observers themselves (i.e you no longer have a separation between observer and observed).
  23. @Oppositionless You are very in-tune. That's impressive. QBism does indeed use a Bayesian interpretation, however, I would argue it still fails to address the measurement/observer problem and fundamentally believes in the distinction between the two. In that sense, while it proposes what I believe to be an epistemic description in the right direction, it views quantum mechanics as a tool for organizing agents’ expectations and as such offers limited explanatory power when it comes to the nature of physical phenomena in an ontological sense. It gives you no description/ definition of what 'quantum entities' are and why does QM work the way it does. It still does nothing to address the fundamental nature of consciousness.
  24. Absolutely, Hence the name "Geopolitics".
  25. This year's Nobel prize was awarded to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton (Godfather of AI) for providing rigorous mean-field solutions to Hopfield nets and Boltzmann machines. Their work is at the Intersection of Statistical Mechanics and Theory of Computation. This is only further confirmation for the ongoing transition in paradigm. The latest quanta article in fact examines this precise connection above. When asked about it, this is what she said "In both cases, extracting the macroscopic behavior of a system from a microscopic description is difficult." This is where the majority of the work will be done, as part of what I dubbed "abstract/macroscopic-level rationality" in my following response: