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Everything posted by Ero

  1. Look. Similar stories were written about Leo on quora as well. You are your own person and can decide for yourself. Are the things written true? Maybe. I cannot chime in on this. But realise that you are wasting your time with personal stories and attacks. You have bigger fish to fry. Mods, this thread requires some cleaning amongst the responses.
  2. @Neph It may be a useful story along your journey. For example "reading your karma" may point you to what you need to work on, purify and transcend. It for sure is something a lot more sophisticated and you can probably gain insight on it, but don't forget the bigger picture - that you are to burn away all your karma.
  3. @Raptorsin7 Just so you know, my knowledge is that the field is heavily saturated and is in quite a late stage of its development (hence saturation). That does not mean you can't make it work, but I'm just giving you a heads up that a lot has changed since the "golden days" and probably the idea you have for how things will go. I went through a similar phase with some projects of mine. Read the market. That will help you in the long run.
  4. @John Iverson The bible is not one homogeneous text, but thousands of pages written across centuries by different people. The "final version" we are familiar with is the result of centuries of filtering, sorting and suppression of the various other "pages". That is what the church did. Of course, based on the denomination, different books will be accepted. Evangelicals for example accept entirely different parts of the bible than Eastern Orthodox. I am sure amongst the "lost pages" there will be more occult and healing type of stuff, as well as more non-dual teachings. But I wouldn't stress too much on it. If it really has peaked your interest, by all means go for it, but you won't come different out in the end.
  5. @WellbeingSeeker A lot of the resources you have pointed to are low-quality. A lot of dogma is present in those people. For spiritual experiences to be interpreted in the given way, it means that the paradigm and entire worldview of those people is locked within "Christianity". The "spiritual realm" is here. You are in it. What those experiences reveal is the present moment - YOU ARE IT. Observe the distancing that those people experience - that is the product of all the conditioning they have went through. The fact you resonate with the given materials is pointing to your developmental stage. You will find a lot of worth in discarding the mental stories you are currently in.
  6. The fact that are you're asking shows that you yourself are not eligible to do so, because you have no idea of the way growth happens. And that already means you're nowhere near turquoise. Appreciate the complexity and dedication it takes on this path. Suffered the same mistake with my friends and family.
  7. What in the world just happened?
  8. Shameless and unstoppable That always comes up when something thrilling and truly great follows. I think I have found a cadence. The dance of self - love rocks while creating what is meant to be.
  9. @Kushu2000 If you you remove the "righteousness " you are left with little. That should be a red sign for you.
  10. Stumbled across his channel. Haven't watched much, but it would be interesting to learn more. Sorry if somebody already shared it, only today I came across his channel. "We humans are insatiable. We do or best to limit the limitless. We find that much easier than let go of our limits and unite with the limitless. "
  11. @moon777light That was the one that worked for me.
  12. @Leo Gura Oh, believe me, they can. Only on my second trip I was 10 people experiencing orgasm at once (female and male). The fluidity you describe definitely was there. Although the Sun was my Love-bringer then. Is there something special you were referring to with this quote : I came across not that far back the description of Ramanujan's genius by Sadhguru, so it peaked my interest. There's a particular intuition I have in that direction.
  13. What made me get into self-actualization? - A previous impulse that may have arisen was to seek the "call to adventure", the turning point in my life... yet that just wouldn't be the whole story. Of course one part of the story is connected with the whole dissatisfaction that arises with the human condition - whether it was failure, lack of self-esteem, the desire to live better, to not feel like shit half the time... But that is only the personal story. One that is not and should not be the focus... Now I see that everything I have ever done or will ever do is part of the Grand journey of Evolution - The evolution of my consciousness. Every desire I've ever had is a fragment of the real Love that is to unify. The other part was the inner calling. To discover what is true. My entire life has been saturated with visions and intuitions that don't allow me to forget for long enough where I am headed. The funny thing is that in the beginning there was a story of what drove me, of what made go down this path... But now that is just so tiny and frail. It just doesn't make sense to say that there was a beginning of it all, because this is how it has always been. The only thing that changes is the scope and intensity of how much I actually realise that. Where have I been? - It looked as if I was in the shoes of @Ero , yet I was in the NOW. That is where I have always been. Whenever I snap out of the story, I'm within the NOW - prior to the space-time or personal context. That is where all is. For Ero it may have seemed as if I walked years of living and have many more to. Yet nothing really changed. Where am I going? - Towards Infinity. The current steps require transcending my current story. Structuring my life abundantly, expanding my consciousness by travelling, by socialising, by challenging all my current beliefs and paradigm. Becoming disciplined and focused, working on what I love. By helping humanity evolve. By approaching structural and conscious issues. By understanding the complexity and pure mysticism of the world. That is what I face now. Yet a time will come when all of that will be behind me. When all of that will just melt into Nothing. That is where I am to be.
  14. [26.01.2020] "... I need to exercise infinitely more Self - Love. The desire of having a different story - a different life, comes from lack of self - esteem and self - love. Why not experience fully the current story I'm living. Live it, embrace it, experience it. Grow with it, let my consciousness mature the way it has to. The way it really is. Wanting things to be in a particular way comes from a deep place of not trusting and loving oneself enough. I am to walk the steps of @Ero until I transcend stories altogether. This is not a problem of content... But of the fundamental orientation of my consciousness. This is about shifting myself to follow and embrace the way of Love. The Love that is to be my end. The Love that is to be everything..."
  15. The following quote is from one of Leo's posts. I'm sharing it to show another wording of what was described in the excerpt from 25.01.2020. The reason this is necessary is to evade attachement to the wording when one has not become conscious of this. "When you are directly conscious of the Absolute, you become it. You are not interpreting it, thinking about it, or even looking at it. You and it become ONE. Then you can come back down into duality and do interpretations and analysis on it. But when you're doing that, you're again disconnected from it. Yet at the same time you cannot ever be disconnected from it because it is all things at all times."
  16. @Bazooka Jesus Very good to hear you've become conscious of it. This was my starting point as well. An all in stoic "hermit". I wish you a pleasant journey, for it absolutely is doable.
  17. @Raptorsin7 Thanks. In a few days I will. It will be a good exercise to recollect and reminisce.
  18. [25.01.2020] "... Whatever is one to wish to come to fruition…The power of the genie…It fundamentally does not change a thing about the consciousness of that person. Wishing money, power or whatever fundamentally does not change a thing about that person's approach, perspective or paradigm. This is not a problem of "external" matter. Of course in lack one does not see that. How can you? You can only see so far as your mind allows. This also goes for asking "the question"… The paradox of consciousness and duality itself. Receiving an answer does not change a thing about the consciousness of the one asking. An answer is apparent and is within the being of that conscious state itself. The questioning is an expression of the desire to reunite with the fullness of consciousness…and for that is required for one to grow to it. No answer is going to change a thing… Yet I'm not quite right. "Asking the right questions"… Crucial for the direction of that energy, of that focus…Of the underlying Love - the reality after unification. Remember the conscious state after the voiceless question "Who am I?". What lead to that occurring was the fact that no answer sufficed. The desire for unity was so strong…an experience of unity followed. .."
  19. The reasons are in your life situation and only you can figure out best why it occurred. Use this as an opportunity to start anew and grow. If you refuse to, you will keep making the same mistakes and always wonder why did it pan out the way it did. Only later, after trying many times will you see where you fucked up. But not until you move away from it.
  20. @Bazooka Jesus Yoga in its true form was created to sort out those imbalances. Kriya Yoga is recommended here a lot. I myself have not tried it, yet there's probably a reason for it being credited as a very effective tool. The book list of Leo has some titles on it. I know @Serotoninluv practices Yin Yoga and has spoken of it as an amazing tool, I'm sure he can help. For me running long distances has had freeing and releasing effects (10+ km/6.1+miles) for my whole body, but I do intend on starting a serious Yoga practice. Breathing exercises are very important. Yet I have to note something: Neither is the way of the Body the only way, neither should you think of it as the exclusive way of sorting those blockages. Your life is an expression of your consciousness and those blockages are feature of it. Changing your way of life is part of the whole work. For example, a lot of my blockages were sorted by slowly changing my life. Becoming more social, approaching fears and so on. Let your whole life become a process.
  21. @Bazooka Jesus Most of the health problems I've had were connected with my throat and lungs. There was an understanding in my family that this was connected with not being able to express and share what I wanted to. At that point of time that was a useful story to help me, yet of course it is neither the only one, nor "the best". All blockages, desensitisations and traumas in the body-mind require your conscious awareness and work towards an active release. This is a whole domain of consciousness work that is highly complex and nuanced and requires you yourself to go through it, as it is highly personal. Start educating yourself, reading various materials in scope and paradigm and actively engaging in this part of your life, for it is highly worth it. Starting points may be the karmic paradigm, the past lives story, the psychosomatic approach, release through physical exercises, holotropic breathwork, psychedelics and so on. Whatever resonates, you should try out. Make a dedication to it, for it is a big part of your development and purification.
  22. @Dylan Page Conscious engagement in the political process is required for a stable and healthy leadership. There's a direct correlation between voters' ability and desire to voice their position and the state of the country. In my country - Bulgaria, there's a serious distrust bulgarians have towards the government, driven by this very same position. It's a significant part of the current problems we face. The common phrase is "The politicians screwed our country up", yet this fundamentally is the case because of the active separation between people and government. The leadership should be a direct extension of the people's will, not a separate "entity". We have a long way to go to fix the problems we have, and it all starts from changing nationally the very conscious position you hold.
  23. @astrokeen Self - Realisation is inescapable. It will come to fruition with your death. If it's not your time, there's no reason to feel guilty. There needs to be a natural inclination for Truth, that if not present will be unattainable without a fundamental reshaping of yourself. Enjoy life, improve your relationships, work on something that excites you. When you no longer feel fulfilled by earthly matters, Death awaits you.
  24. @Parththakkar12 Interesting that this is the problem you experience. I for example have a problem with the memory orientation of the education system and standardising the tests. Thanks for sharing. It really depends where do you live. Systemic change is a very slow and painful process, but you can for sure be apart of it.
  25. @Shin Try to say this whilst experiencing hell. I'm not disagreeing with the message, but realise that it takes a lot of suffering and painful steps to come out of a self - degrading perspective. It certainly took me a long time. If you want to reach your hand down, you have to account for the state and position within which people are. Tell some of the violently traumatised victims that all is love. Whilst it may be true, it just won't reach them.