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Everything posted by Ero

  1. It's interesting to see how this whole thing goes on.
  2. Flipping stocks is not "low consciousness" per say, but it doesn't create any value in the world. If you're making money on the stocks, it directly means that somebody is loosing that amount. (this is in the case of short-term investment) Being a long-term investor in companies you see growing and value does not have the same outcome, but still does not bring creative value. As for the top 500...In most cases they're built on very corrupt and damaging mechanisms, so yeah... It's quite the difference in investing 5 years of your life on building something worthwhile for the world.
  3. @TheAvatarState I thoroughly laughed my ass off during this movie On a serious note, I agree. Realizing the pure magic of existence is quite the experience.
  4. @mandyjw Thanks for checking me. Point taken. Thanks for the elaboration
  5. It certainly was fruitful and interesting to read, so thanks for chiming in. To just add as somebody who lives in one of the least developed eastern european countries, there were a lot of stereotypes used, that certainly were not general truth. As Dr Luv has expressed, this is about an "us" dynamic and it's a learning experience. Whenever someone puts in the "that's how it is" dynamic the conversation is bound to become based on stereotypes - something that should be left, when being in a relationship. Who can know best what a girl likes than the girl herself? With a bit of Dr Luv's magical technique of reading the vibes, it can turn out to be great.
  6. @mandyjw It was an interesting post to read. I enjoyed it. It's crazy to what extents can consciousness can reach as to symbolism, archetypes and memes. How much of this symbolism actually has any influence on you? To a great extent this seems a form of mental maturbation. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just interested to understand how this picks ground with you.
  7. The majority of the work will be done by you, regardless of you having a teacher /mentor or you studied in some form of an organisation. Autodidactism is a quality you want to build. For highly professional topics like these a teacher may be of help, but you can do it yourself. It'll just take a lot more out of you - discipline, consistency and some kind of an approach. Learning yourself will be definitely harder, but you'll grow a lot more out of it. In essence that's how I study math and physics to prepare for science olympiads and competition.
  8. @Ferdi Le I'm not aware, but it seems he has an unhealthy relationship with "success". So much so he is ready to exploit others. This is the familiar story with unhealthy orange. A big portion of our global problems resulted from this kind of mentality. That's precisely why you want to understand this fully, without moralising. That's what we currently need to grow out of as a society.
  9. It's a great tool to describe and predict certain phenomena. A lot of the physics experimental projects I work on utilise post-grad math modeling that has serious predictive power. But that's it. You can't take it out of this context, because it rests on a particular conscious state to "make sense". Do you use math when you talk with people? When you draw? When you meditate? When you try to understand emotions, how you feel, what you should do? Hell, some people don't have a clue of math and still function properly, so how can it be universal?
  10. Seems like an interesting fellow. Will give you my opinion after I check the vid out. Thanks for the share!
  11. Why "should"? If you don't want it, no one's making you. When you do want it, I'll be here to help.
  12. @Identity In a very similar mindset, brother. Good luck with your journey.
  13. @DrewNows Wow, didn't now how his change ended up. Thanks for the heads up!
  14. Immediately when you ask those types of questions, you're throwing yourself in a rut. No matter what answer anyone gives you, it ain't going to change anything, because the problem is in the context and not the content. Change your approach, go out of your comfort zone, do something that is difficult. The conscious states that are described by forum members have northing to do with the personal context. Don't mix 'em.
  15. Experiment, try out new expressions of this dynamic. It's only natural when attraction occurs between polar poles. Your girl knows best what she likes. You may be in for some very fun experiences.
  16. He had mini-series on Occult an mysticism. I found them very interesting.
  17. I've had episodes like those. Normally they pass, however long it takes. It's only natural you'll see through the various survival mechanisms. You just have work through it.
  18. @Spiral Wizard The book list is what I use to jump-start my practice. There's always the option to go traditional with some organisation, but I guarantee you alone is better.
  19. @skywords Any question can receive any answer when we change the context (aka conscious state). Your job is not to like one answer and stick to it, but transcend it. You have better ways to focus your attention.
  20. How much of this is actually your experience? Can you love death, pain, suffering?
  21. @Rasheed There's a very big gap between structuring your life (something that you need prior to consciousness work) and the structure of consciousness (aka conscious level). In fact how you structure your life is content /filling only to what your consciousness allows. So there's a very big difference. This does not undermine the words of Conor, they are just not applicable.
  22. By all means go for it. If you already have a wide selection of artworks, it takes nothing to post it.
  23. @Light Lover Painful, but very purifying. It meets the intuition I had about it in 2018. 2020...Oh, boy. I'm in for the ride