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Everything posted by Ero

  1. @Phil King Ah, I forgot about that one, thanks. Imma rewatch it. I have had far worse, trust me.
  2. @Leo Gura If you are referring to the video ‘Dangers of Psychedelics’ (2021) I have watched it. I am referring more so to your more recent posts in the forum: You have given necessary precautions, I am not saying you haven’t. What I am asking is related to some of my recent trips/realisations about sheer scale of Chaos/ Insanity realms in an almost Lovecraftian manner. Remember when you said that if you go deep enough, you will eventually meet Insanity face to face? That’s what I am referring to, and from what I have seen in your videos and forum to date, that is a fairly recent encounter you have had.
  3. Courageous stuff, thanks for sharing. I definitely resonate with your realization - on certain trips of LSD and shrooms I stepped outside the 'human story' almost in 4D and realized how everything that had occurred in my life was somehow placed by me from outside the veil of the human story - my family, my life experiences - all of them were decision from a place beyond time.
  4. Do you plan on sharing at some point your experiences with the Horrors of Consciousness/ the Insanity Realms? It would be an important counter-balance to the rosy New Age approach to psychedelics which is implicitly dangerous. Kilindi Iyi, the ultra high-dose guy has spoken on some of it, but I would be genuinely interested in your perspective.
  5. I can give a few examples about why and how Infinity is so terrifying. It is related to something called a 'combinatorial explosion': You probably have heard of the idea that an immortal monkey with a typewriter and infinite time will eventually write 'Hamlet'. This is because in the 'parametric space' of all possible strings, there is a non-zero chance of the monkey typing up any one of them, including your past, future and all the gruesome ways you and your family can die. If we extrapolate this idea to potentially disruptive technologies, the consequences become quite worrying. If, for example, we want to develop the ability to restore all extinct species and/or be able to eliminate genetic diseases, this necessarily requires traversing the space of all possible genetic codes (instead of the alphabet, we use only A, C, G, T). By the same principle as above, there is a non-zero chance of us stumbling on the facehuggers/xenomorphs from 'Alien' or the 'The Thing', which consumes all organic matter it touches. Taming the Chaos/ Infinity is dangerous work.
  6. Despite this not being my formal background, I have found not only his work, but also his ontology and epistemic openness as a model to aspire to. Bernardo Kastrup coined him 'one of the most important people alive' and after watching his latest interview with Curt Jaimungal, I can't help but share the sentiment. Below I am listing some of the highlights from my 5-6 pages of notes: - He is a panpsychist/ idealist, i.e sees consciousness as the fundamental ontology. Understands the fact that consciousness cannot be subject to the 'scientific method' due to the fundamental first-person nature of it. Understands the emergent/ holistic nature of reality, i.e different levels of abstraction require different tools - not everything can be or should be described through physical laws. - He sees the underlying approach of his work as the study of embodied mind, i.e cognition/intelligence in various embodiments, both biological and synthetic/ cybernetic in nature. Sees the world as varying levels of cognition, including down to the physical level of what he describes as 'basal cognition' in the form of potential energy and least action principles. - Developed the first methods for bioelectrical manipulation of cell networks, which leads to manipulations of the phenotype in ways that break the existent paradigm as genes being the only factor for the shape and form of an organism (the first person to induce permanent change in planaria, i.e flat worm, which is a non-genetically-modifiable species). He describes bio-electricity as the 'cognitive glue', allowing for collective intelligence. - Introduced the idea of 'cognitive light cones' - the larger parametric/goal-oriented space of the organism's collective intelligence that allows for separate cells to collude/ organize the higher-order complexity and emergence of tissues, organs, limbs and the organism itself. The 'breakdown' of the cognitive light cone is what leads to metastatic cells. Proper function can be restored by establishing bioelectrical networks with neighboring cells. There were many other gems. I am going to dive deeper in the technical papers and some of his other talks. Hope you find it as useful, or at least as inspiring as I did.
  7. @questionreality Your observations about Leo seem to be limited. To call him a narcissist just demonstrates you either don't know the meaning of ASPD or are just being inflammatory. Sure, he has a strong ego. But to question reality is not for the weak. Not displaying vulnerability? This is you not being aware of the many times we have seen genuine tears from him. Do a little research. For the intellectual integrity you accuse him of not having,
  8. I don't think so. She still has to convince voters, but Trump seems to forget what lost him the election in 2021 - the demographic that likes the over-zealous rhetoric and personal attacks is a minority. The moderate voter in swing states that doesn't follow politics closely is the one who essentially decides. That's definitely true, but I still think she has to forcefully check him when he is spewing lies, otherwise she may look weak. This is regretfully something that will be examined due to her being potentially the first woman president. I hope her prosecutor background shines. Trump needs to be met precisely with that strong and poignant critique.
  9. LSD is also fairly brutal for me (starting at around 300 ug). I enjoy the trips, because they are very humbling and consciously expanding, but I feel exhaustion after each one. I have had far more blissful and cosmic experiences on shrooms. I think it comes down to the molecule and dose.
  10. I don't think it is going to be easy, but it's definitely possible. She has to be consistent with her appearances and solidify her position on important topics, such as foreign policy, inflation, immigration, etc. We don't yet know the platform she is running on outside of her strong abortion position.
  11. That is just not true. I am referencing the Times and the American Enterprise Institute for the following facts: - China's debt to GDP ratio is 288% - 'Unless the Chinese government introduces major structural economic reforms that encourage domestic consumer spending, China could experience a Japanese-style lost economic decade' - China's economy is essentially a bubble - Goldman Sachs' estimation is that 50% of its GDP is from Real Estate (concrete without any value-add other than speculation for market growth) - follow up what happened to Evergrande. Currently more than 65 Million housing units are unoccupied. For reference, that is France's population. New construction is down 60%. - China's labor force is declining. Outside of that, let me just state that I am not arguing for the fact that the West is the sole reason countries are not developed. State corruption and ethnic violence is for example what I would put as the primary reason for the Balkan's underdevelopment, where I am personally from.
  12. Through totalitarian rule responsible for the deaths of 30-45 Million people.
  13. Having read "The Dark Alliance" by Gary Webb and "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties", I find too many facts hard to overlook for its existence in the US. The 2013 NSA reveal by Edward Snowden is also evidence. In my formerly communist country, the transition of power was puppeteered by the equivalent of the KGB/CIA, such that all of the national resources remained in those close to the Deep State, so there it is not even under question.
  14. I am sorry if that is how you felt. What I am trying to say is that it is hard to grasp your intellectual depth when this is the way you communicate. You pick and choose what different words mean, rather than explaining them to us, the ants in the "idiot realm", or maybe your depth is beyond my "lame" human state. Now, the sentence above was not meant to ironize, but rather show you that if we are to play the "gaslighting game", your use of such pejoratives far exceeds the "condescending tone" you presumed I had. I agree with your observation about science in its present form as epistemically limited due to its fundamentally materialistic ontology and metaphysics. But that doesn't change the fact that it is this "science" that will bring AI. And epistemically and metaphysically-revolutionary ideas will still have to be communicated through language. So, I would be interested to hear your thoughts on where these innovations would come from? From what I understood of your earlier posts, you think we have to transition away from "computational determinism", which correct me if I am wrong, but I understand as the philosophical position of finitism, i.e only computable objects exist. Your suggestions was for a non-deterministic substrate, which is something I agree with.
  15. @nuwu I believe "AGI" in the way you are referring to it is worth contemplating/ researching, due to its expected revolutionary impact. From an expected (E[X] = P(X) x C) opportunity cost point of view, even at a 20 year timeline, your effort will most likely be worth it. What I was pointing to you is that without a consensus on what the various words and concepts mean, such as "AGI" itself, or without you clarifying what exactly the "implicit undisclosed contest" for your use of "autodual" is, it is very hard to communicate on such topics. AI is fundamentally a scientific research discipline, currently residing at the intersection of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. If you have studied any of them in a formal manner, you may realize that all three of the disciplines inherently work with “strong formal mathematical objects”. Every AI model created in existence is a “mathematical object”. When you read a paper, say "Attention is all you need" or "Categorical Deep Learning is an Algebraic Theory of All Architectures", all the terms used in them, such as "computation", "graph", "automata" are terms with a precise meaning, such that whoever reads them and has the necessary background can without a problem understand the gist of it. If you personally begin researching, which if you are serious, would entail reading papers, you will encounter many such concepts. And if you want to understand and possibly contribute, your current mode of communication and approach to definitions as "subjective" would be rather unfruitful. P.S. Outside of the nerdy context, throwing around words like "mafia" without you actually having experienced what it means to lose a family member to organized crime is an example of a difference in the subjective meaning we have for that word. Just saying.
  16. This is a good observation, one that I have contemplated myself. From an Absolute point of view, nothing really is changing, since all is just an expression of Consciousness, regardless of the content - something you experienced when you dissociate. On the other hand, if you engage in the dream, there seems to be a "phase transition" based on a particular configuration of symbols and/or images - one you can understand perfectly, another barely understand, or a third can make you feel totally lost. How does one traverse this "understanding"? You before and you after the realization - what changed? Your consciousness is now somehow more refined, more aware of the particular object/topic you are examining. There seems to be indeed some interplay happening between the perceived self and external no-self, one leading to self-realization of you as All.
  17. @Evelyna I second what @Princess Arabia and @Bobby_2021 said. Thank you for sharing your time with us, please don't let this interaction sway your opinion of the forum. The people who cannot appreciate guidance and are only antagonizing do not stay for long.
  18. There is a lot of toxicity and projection in your post. Having had the privilege of relationships with "pretty women", I believe this is mostly in your head. I have in fact never met a woman fitting your description above. It seems like you would benefit from actually going out and socializing rather than engaging in this red pill stuff.
  19. Duolingo is actually surprisingly good. I speak 4 languages, the last of which has been Spanish. I spent last summer about hour thirty a day for 2 months on the app and got up to B1. It was about the same material I covered during my fall semester at uni, which is about 3 months, so I essentially didn't have to study. The only thing you might need additional practice for is speaking, just to get your thoughts flowing. Finding some people to chat with from time to time is definitely a must.
  20. I am interested to hear what rules you are referring to. I am personally referring to a slightly larger frame of reference, similar to the one Leo uses when speaking of Survival as a fundamental mechanism of retaining a particular state of consciousness. When I choose to eat, I kill plants and animals. When I walk, I step on insects and fungi. When I live, part of society, I participate in the extermination of ecosystems and possibly even other societies, even if unwillingly. If we use the definition of hypocrisy as "a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess", I think you can agree that survival is necessarily a hypocritical endeavor, because whatever set of moral beliefs I choose, they will necessarily be hypocritical due to the nature of existing as an organism. I personally have no qualms with it and the extent to which I can control my effect on the world Btw, I don't believe @Evelyna was belittling you or being antagonizing. She didn't call you "stupid", a "sap", nor did she call herself a "social expert". I believe you can engage in a more civil manner, without being this combative. Of course, it is your own choice, but don't expect people to engage if this is the way you speak to others.
  21. The term is definitely being overused for gaslighting, but there is truth to the statement. Survival entails hypocrisy. Of course, blanket statements, such as “everybody” remove the nuance of degrees. The hypocrisy of a narcissist vs. a conscious individual is vastly different.
  22. "AGI" is not something being researched itself, since there is neither an agreed definition of what it actually means, nor are we actually close to it. Research in AI is currently conducted under the Deep Learning paradigm, so most of the work is done empirically by scaling existent models and seeing what comes out of it. Seconding what OBEler said, "metaphysics paralleling autodual fractal" is a word soup. "Autodual" is spanish for "self-dual", a mathematical term expressing an isomorphism between a mathematical object and its dual, something that does not apply to fractals.
  23. The degrees of freedom as one scales up is what fascinates me greatly. My intuition is it wouldn't be a single "consciousness nob" that determines the access to the "source code" per the fact that there are people with human-level consciousness exercising greater control over the dream (Talbot's anecdotes) over say your personal experience of extreme consciousness but very little effect on the present dream. I imagine it something like a fractal tree, one that you can scale at the stem in a fashion similar to yours, or one can explore the many branches, each revealing a different metaphysical aspect : the illusion of time leading to premonitions and/or regressions, the illusion of distance - telepathy and so on. Either way, the higher you go, the more fluid the dream becomes to a point where you can no longer sustain its "frequency", having ascended too high (Mahasamadhi)