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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. Spiral Dynamics teases the ego - in general. It is a method to evaluate the "separate self". Similar to Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. These are methods for measuring the health of the "ego" and the individual "psyche" When you leave the maya, spiral dynamics and the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs disappears.
  2. I don't talk about self-help or spiritual subjects to people unless it comes up naturally. However; if someone is about to "fall off a bridge", I will lead their mind to safety.
  3. I experienced the same thing recently. I was a mess. LOL Romantic Love is a fire that burns away bullshit. It is a great spiritual teacher. The two most painful thoughts of romantic love (in my opinion) are: "beauty is in this but NOT that" and "love is in this but NOT that" This is the lie of romantic love. The lie of romantic love is when the "ordinary" is not beautiful. But the "special" is the source of beauty. The lie of romantic love is when the "ordinary" is not the source of love. But the "special" is the source of love. The embrace of the darkness and the embrace of the ordinary will heal this type of pain. The glorification of the "special" causes the suffering. Because glorification of the "special" is conditional love. Romantic love shows us where we are loving conditionally. You are loving yourself conditionally - this is where the suicidal thoughts, the feelings of worthlessness, the feeling of low self esteem is coming from. But I also assume that you probably love the whole world conditionally too. Because how we love ourselves usually reflects to how we treat all things that are "ordinary". We have to return to loving the "ordinary" and seeing the beauty in the "ordinary". In loving both the dark and the light. In finding love and beauty in seeing poop on the sidewalk haha This is unconditional love. This is where life wants to take you. The fire burning in your heart is grace.
  4. I resonate with all of the stages (even beige when I was in the hospital and could barely move haha).
  5. What do you guys think of Teal Swan's new teachings on human connection being the path towards enlightenment? That all suffering is due to our inability to connect to other people. And the only reason spiritual people are even on the "spiritual path" is due to relationship bonds that were broken in their past that split their psyche into parts. And so through healing connection with other people (other people are YOU), the human psyche will repair itself and it will end suffering and separation on the planet. Her advice is going in the opposite direction of the "monk" path. That instead of going on your own into solitude to meditate and heal --- to go in the direction of connection with other people. Since I guess the idea is that "there is no other" and "the other is you". So if you heal your connection with people, you heal it with yourself. I am worried that even though this is true and can be done --- it will make many people , especially someone in stage blue or stage orange, become stuck. And cause them to fall into rabbit holes and traps on the journey. Because it is through aloneness and silence, that you usually spot bullshit. And through connecting with the other, your mind gets noisy and unclear. Can people reach stage Turquoise with this method?
  6. This is all love. Unconscious love. But love nonetheless. It is love dancing in an ocean of darkness and shadow. The "unconscious love" in your post is the: - fear - possession - feelings of lack - separation - ego - quantifying love. aka the idea that "someone can have more or less love than me". as if anyone has held love in their hands. it is an error. love can not be "counted". this thought causes a lot of suffering. - good vs. bad - self hatred - love needs an object to exist - the idea that pleasure is more holy than pain But the shadow doesn't mean the love isn't real. We don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water.
  7. A lot of this is grace - more than choice and freewill.
  8. Yes. But be honest about "why" you want charisma. What are you trying to get? And what are you trying to use people for? What needs are you trying to fulfill? Be honest about your intentions for why you want charisma. Charisma, just like confidence, has a shadow side. It's not black or white.
  9. +1 I feel the same. Relationships are filled with so much paradox. It's an unsolvable puzzle. Once you think you've solved the puzzle, there is still mountains more to learn.
  10. You are right! There is a lot more depth to the teaching. I do see some loop holes. Because you have to go heavily into the maya to do this work. Relationships bring you into a world of paradox and "dreaming". But maybe she will flesh out the paradox in the future.
  11. I don't post things to inspire people. haha It's just a hobby. It's okay to have hobbies outside of meditation and spiritual work. If your everyday life feels like a mess, it is good to cut out all distractions. At the beginning of the path, it is good to cut everything out cold turkey. But overtime, you will begin to "integrate the entire world", without falling back into deep illusion.
  12. I watch Leo's videos instead of watching Netflix. It's not school or academics. I can't imagine writing notes and studying notes while watching a show on Netflix haha The "school" mindset sucks the joy out of beautiful things.
  13. If the entire world was enlightened, a ton of industries would collapse. Not just therapy. Awakened people spend less money on materialism and escapism overall. A ton of industries are collapsing right now because a large portion of the youth are becoming green stage.
  14. This thought causes deep suffering
  15. "shorter than peers" "he's among less preferred" "girls won't like him" "disadvantage with taller people" You need self love. Self love and self compassion heals all of the "I am not as great as other people" thoughts. You are bullying yourself! And saying horrible and mean things to yourself. This is why you are suffering. Because there is a bully in your brain. You are holding up a sword against yourself. Drop your sword and stop attacking yourself.
  16. Julien Blanc is the Buddha of the pick up community. His material is great.
  17. Wake up 1-3 hours early each morning Cook dinner on Sunday nights for the entire week. (or whichever day you get off) Take care of mundane tasks on Saturdays and Sundays. (or whichever day you get off) Also, what do you do during your lunch breaks? Also, what do you listen to during your commute?
  18. Be careful with this. haha We are always trying to change men into who "we want them to be". Don't be with a man for the "potential that he will become a better person". Men will always drive us crazy if we view them as a "become a better person" project.
  19. Female/Male begins to break down once you begin to talk about enlightenment. Many teachers that "focus exclusively on developing the feminine" fall into "new age' and not enlightenment/non-duality. There are many "new age" resources on the feminine spiritual life. But here are some female resources that combine enlightenment and femininity in their work: Meagan Moon - Her work is really poetical and metaphorical (really feminine approach), sounds very new age but the foundation of all of her work is non-duality. Boho Beautiful Meditation & yoga from a (feminine) perspective. Her work is solid. Allie Michelle - She integrates non-duality and femininity with grace. She has 100000's of young girls who are following her and look up to her for guidance. There are tons of girls in their teens and 20's who are getting into non-duality because of her influence. It's interesting to watch. The Perception Trainers She reminds me so much of Leo. haha She digs really really deep into things you would usually never think about. She often speaks about eating disorders and body image which are her more female oriented topics. She doesn't play around with lies or deception. She destroys them. Annie Tarasova Once in a while, she makes really trippy non-duality content. haha Teal Swan - She breaks the ego down layer by layer. I learned a lot about how my own brain works as a woman through her work. Krystal Arayani - She teaches about feminine spirituality from a Hindu perspective. I am reading her new book now "Awakening the Goddess". Lisa Cairns Female non-duality speaker who sometimes speaks about non-duality from the perspective of a woman Emerald Of course haha I could think of a ton more femininity resources but they fall into "new age" more than enlightenment.
  20. Do everything that you love without putting an age limit on it. Don't worry about what is "normal". Try new things. Go into your town and do activities you haven't done before.