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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. Don't fall into the "entrepreneurship = heaven" trap. You can be in states of ecstasy and bliss in a 9-5 job. And you can be in states of hell and unease as an entrepreneur.
  2. You can not BECOME anything. I think this is the biggest trick of the ego. The idea that you can BECOME something. When you are playing the game and lose, you think you are BECOMING bad. And when you play the game and win, you think you are BECOMING good. You, the container, never change. Only the contents (thoughts, emotions, sensations, etc.) inside the container change. Your essence, as awareness, never BECOMES anything. "Good thoughts/emotions" and "Bad thoughts/emotions" pass through you but you never BECOME then. When this makes sense to you, then you can compete in a friendly manner.
  3. I thought the Law of Attraction was B.S. until I started getting into Neville Goddard. And then my jaw dropped. Pure sorcery. The stuff works and I am excited to see how it evolves as more people practice it.
  4. The spiritual path is not a path towards "wholeness". You are not broken. You will not BECOME whole. You are whole right now. The ego does not make you broken. The stories of your ego are the artwork of God.
  5. "Thoughts are bad" is not mindfulness. "Thoughts are bad" is a moral judgement.
  6. I love Jim. He has 0% patience with ego.
  7. Don't guess this. There is a ton of people in their 20's and even teenagers who are getting into this stuff. It's not about age. For example, your non-spiritual friends who are focused on dating now in their 20's, probably will be focused on taking care of their house and children in their 30/40's. They aren't necessarily going to AGE into spirituality and self actualization. haha It doesn't usually work like that. Instead of "picking up hot chicks".... it will just change to him "picking up his baby from daycare" 15 years from now. haha
  8. All of these thoughts are lies. Let go of the voice that says "THIS is good." and "THIS is bad." You are neither good nor bad. Who you are, cannot be described. You are not your past. And you are not your memories. You are not the good things you have done. And you are not the bad things you have done. You are also not good things you feel. And you are also not the bad things you feel. Don't claim the good or the bad. You are free beyond both.
  9. The idea of "worth" is an illusion that the mind creates. "Ownership" is an illusion. "Worth" is an illusion. You can't "own" a man. And there is no man who has "more worth" than another man.
  10. How about playing around with neutrality? Notice, in your post above, you are splitting the world into duality and moralization: happy = good smiling = good joy = good creativity = good flowers = good creativity = good dark = bad suffering = bad depressing = bad problem = bad crying = bad alien = bad
  11. The mind hates itself. Or at least , the mind "says" it hates itself. BEING includes the mind "saying" that it hates itself. Cortisol is released when we are unhappy, stressed, negative, resisting, afraid, having painful emotions etc. BEING is not an escape from cortisol. It includes the cortisol. But we are trying to escape the cortisol release.
  12. What is your opinion on watching Netflix? What about going on vacation? Or playing the guitar? What activities fall under the "not seeking" category?
  13. I have been on the spiritual path for a long time. And my parents are evangelical Christians but we are cool. haha No arguments, no debates, no fight. I don't think it's BAD that my parents are religious. I don't feel a need to "save" them from their "Wrong" path. If you think religion = BAD or even religion = dumb/stupid/ignorant which is all duality, then you will get triggered into a "I must save them!!" path. You can have close intimacy with people even if you don't share their religion.
  14. Ownership = ego Anything that falls under the category of "mine" or "my" is ego. It could be your smart phone. But it could also be your guitar. Your shirt. Your spouse. Your child. etc. Even invisible stuff like "my happiness" or "my anger" or "my stress" or "my confidence". Anything under "mine" or "my".
  15. "If you are turning 40 and you don't understand that you are still a baby. You are making a huge mistake. Change your perspective. And change your life." - Gary Vee
  16. "You are the vast Sky; the loving Mother of all 'positive' and 'negative' weather. All feelings are valid, natural. All feelings are your beloved children. Anger, sadness, shame, fear; you birthed them joyfully long ago." - Jeff Foster
  17. I don't scroll anymore. I look at one resource at a time. And when I am done, I move unto the next resource. Slow down. The flow of information you take in depends on you.
  18. Are these "certain topics" like politics and religion? What are you arguing about?
  19. A love based on conditions is blackmail. There is no such thing as "going upwards" and "going downwards". That is an illusion of the matrix mind. I am reading your post and I don't see any bad decisions. It sounds like you are on a good track. You are being honest about what you want and how you feel. Many people become doctors and are miserable because they never thought twice about their decision. Outside of medicine and German, what else are you interested in?
  20. I WANT is the home. This is the death of the "one that wants". The "one that wants" does not WANT to die. haha To find it's home, look at the I ____ and the I AM______. Ex: I want happiness. I feel love. I AM angry. I AM SAD. I AM successful . I AM a failure. I AM ugly. I AM beautiful. I want to go to Bali. Anything you put after I_______ or I AM______, is where you will find the home.
  21. This is not a bad place to be. Truth is everywhere. You won't find it in a box.