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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. What do you mean by "yourself"? If you can define "yourself", how would you define it? Do I trust the mind? Absolutely not. LOL There is a lot of B.S. in there. haha I will always be open to people saying "You are full of shit". Always. Doesn't mean I will agree with them. But I will always welcome external guidance. "Not taking feedback" is not a goal of mine.
  2. Disney. haha Moana, especially, reminds me of the journey of ego integration on the spiritual path.
  3. I agree with Carl-Richard.
  4. +1 Also, philosophy meet ups Hippie communities....they are not all Green. Yoga/Meditation classes and retreats Satsangs and Non-Duality talks
  5. Bentinho called Relationships "the anti-Christ of love" in his podcast. I don't agree with everything he said. But it gives food for the mind to chew on.
  6. A lot of spiritual teachers and gurus hold this position. But I am skeptical about our attempts at answering the "why" for the Tao/Mystery.
  7. Differentiate between time and change. Change /= time
  8. I misread your quote but it makes a strong point anyways. Jealousy is pride (for another person). The voice of pride says "I OWN a piece of consciousness." or "I OWN a piece of God." Jealousy is when the ego looks at someone who "OWNS a piece of God" .... and then says "That's not fair!! I want to OWN that piece of God too!". Ownership leads to pride. Pride leads to jealousy. The concept of "this is mine" leads to confusion on a metaphysical level...... Jealousy is a side effect of the ownership games that we play. I HAVE = ego I WANT to HAVE what they HAVE = ego responding to ego (aka jealousy) However; a person who , like you said, has their needs met or who has transcended the ego won't fall into jealousy. But jealousy does not exist in a SILO. Jealousy is an egoic reaction to ownership. Ownership is an illusion.
  9. I agree with this. The truth is that you are ONE with the "Hot Girl". And you are ONE with all of the Victoria Secret models. haha They aren't separate from you. You are worthy of every girl in the world. You are connected to every girl in the world. There is also nothing to "gain" from girls. The idea of "Gaining", "Getting" "Having" and "Ownership" is an illusion. But this is a tough illusion to crack and I could write an entire book on how "getting/having/owning" is a metaphysical misunderstanding.
  10. Ariana Grande released a song this year about the Law of Attraction.
  11. It looks like he is beginning to accept Stage Green. He just posted a video demonstration of Breathing techniques to his main channel.
  12. It's not social media but who you follow. Follow accounts that release oxytocin (accounts that make you feel loved and speak truth) instead of following accounts that release cortisol (accounts that are coming from a place of separation). And don't use social media for a dopamine high (getting validation for the ego from what you post). Ultimately, the chemical reactions are not caused from the external world. The chemical lab is your own creation........that seems to be caused from the outside world.
  13. I agree. I think Cosmic Skeptic is in a place of having not "stumbled across" higher truths vs. being closed minded. He responds to [new] information with a very open mind.
  14. The line doesn't exist. Because "friends" don't exist. LOL "Friendship" is an illusion of the mind. Anytime we say "THIS is more special than THAT" we are moving into illusion territory. Friendship is a "hierarchy scale" that the mind uses to divide the "objects" in reality. Friendship is one of the divisions the mind places on reality. And then within friendships, we can create a million divisions like "good friends", "bad friends", "real friends", "fake friends", "friends I should keep", "friends I should walk away from". The divisions are endless once you make the initial division of "friendship" But none of the divisions are truth.
  15. The Cosmic Skeptic is an Atheist with a deeply philosophical mind. His content is not related to spiritual awakening but it is brilliant. I've been binge watching his channel for the past 24 hours.
  16. Super cool resources peqkno!
  17. I would take this chart with a Grain of Salt haha But it can be a useful tool. PRIDE aka "wanting to be the best or to want to be better than others" is number 175. Read about Death, Loss and Decay. It is helpful for shutting pride down. If death is too depressing, then Non-Duality is also helpful for shutting pride down too. Non-duality puts a sword into the heart of pride. Non-duality moves you into Neutrality which is number 250 on David's chart.
  18. "flaunting a big car/house, having a phony relationship, being super ambitious with money, chasing the capitalist corporate model" "being called a loser" Whose voice is this? I am playing the devil's advocate to the whole "become an entrepreneurship/social media influencer or you are a wage slave" bandwagon. Working for a corporation is often a living hell. BUT A Stage Purple person would be able to have ecstasy and bliss while even washing toilets for 8 hours. This is what is getting lost in the "Wage Slave' discussions. A Stage Purple person could be a "Wage Slave" and transform the entire corporation with their presence and influence. This is what I found interesting about Benjamin Smythe. He could have been making major $$$ as a spiritual teacher, if he went into the spiritual influencer route. But he turned his back on that and kept working at a local bike shop probably making minimum wage. Spiritual Growth does not mean being an entrepreneur or retired monk who lives in an aesthetically pleasing location haha Spiritual Growth is when "wherever you are, heaven is"...whether on an island meditating all day or washing toilets in a city for rich people.
  19. That's a good question. I have a lot of female friends who do not get their "identity" from their career. Even 1%. I am honestly curious about how a stay-at-home mother should integrate Stage Orange. haha A relationship focused person who has 0% interest in career growth or development .... could sometimes be Stage Green, in my opinion.
  20. Unrequited Love is a metaphysical misunderstanding. The first misunderstanding is: "I am separate from this man." You aren't separate from him. In fact, you aren't separate from taken/partnered or married men either..... But this is extremely taboo and forbidden. The taboo truth is that "You are ONE with ALL men that are alive, both single and married." Breakups, divorce, and unrequited love feel like shit because they are ultimately lies from the ego. Society is not ready for this. Not even non-duality spiritual teachers are ready to fix this metaphysical misunderstanding. The second misunderstanding is: "I can consume someone else's oxytocin." This is simply impossible. A painful longing for romantic union comes from thinking you are separate. And that by forming a union with the man, you will "gain" or "consume" his oxytocin. This gain is a lie. You can not taste someone else's oxytocin. You can only ever taste your own oxytocin. And you don't need a partner to taste your own oxytocin. The sad thing is that we haven't developed good tools to help people with this. In fact, our tools for teaching people how to taste their own oxytocin are absolute crap right now.
  21. Really cliché and trite but: "You don't HAVE a life. You ARE life."
  22. I AM ____________ is always false. Anything that comes after I AM is duality.