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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. I don't think this is more twisted. I think this is actually "playing it safe" so you don't scare yourself too much.
  2. Brutal love , to me, is when I first realized that the mind can't own love or any other positiive attribute. It's not "my" love or "your" love. Same thing with owning any other positive attributes. "My kindness" or "My compassion" or "My happiness" or "My high vibration" completely drops. That's when things start getting scary haha
  3. You are whole and complete, right now. With or without the course. The anxiety and fear of abandonment is not being caused from Leo. The fear of abandonment is coming from the belief that "I am incomplete and I need to find my fullfillment in the external world."
  4. The problem is that you think these statements above are true. And then you are projecting these statements unto life as ultimate truth.
  5. It is common for spiritual teachers to slow down .... with "illusion killing" haha when they receive feedback that their students can't handle it. Adyashanti, Jeff Foster, Lisa Cairns , Scott Kiloby and Teal Swan are other teachers who seemed to have done this.
  6. Affirmations are like a mental pencil that design a self image. So it depends on what your ultimate goal is. Are you trying to build up a self image or knock the self image down? If you are trying to build up your self image, then affirmations can be powerful for that. But if you are trying to knock down the self image, affirmations are a waste of time because no affirmation (positive or negative) is what you truly are.
  7. This is what is driving people into madness.
  8. Personal development is a hamster wheel if your end result is: - becoming whole - becoming loved - becoming worthy - having more value You ALREADY are whole, loved, and worthy. And your value doesn't increase or decrease with what you do. Achieving things doesn't increase your worthiness, value or lovability. Those things were innate since the day you were born.
  9. Bernadette Robert's no-self books are both terrifying and wonderful.
  10. The non-dualists are saying: "Spiritual bypassing doesn't exist ." The shadow workers are saying: "Spiritual bypassing is wrong and you need to stop doing it.". But there is also a viewpoint of, "Spiritual bypassing is okay to do, sometimes": This is a quote that Matt Khan posted on Facebook on Spiritual Bypassing that takes this 3rd stance. "Anyone accusing you of spiritual bypassing is using their judgments, assumptions, and projections of you to overlook their next humbling moment of inner growth, in favor of maintaining a false sense of superiority. No one can tell you when, if, and how you are bypassing. How you process life is unique and different to how others may assimilate it. In reality, there are simply moments in time when you are ready to face deeper feelings and other moments when they aren't quite ready to be felt at full potency. The fact that someone else can sense what may be faced sometime in the near future, doesn’t mean you are avoiding it by not processing it now. This means everything gets faced and felt the moment it is meant to be explored. When its time to feel it, there’s no way to avoid, ignore, or bypass what’s ready to arise. This post isn't against spiritual bypassing as a concept, but shining a light on the way it is so often used to disempower others in the name of clarity" And a video from Perception Trainers that takes this 3rd stance: This 3rd stance is the most compassionate, in my opinion.
  11. Neville Goddard's work is really good. Especially if you remove it from the "manifestation lens" and see it as a general way of understanding psychology and relating.
  12. Andreas Müller often has free talks 3 times a week. He is German.
  13. Lots of good things are coming from Gen Z recently. They are challenging a lot of ways even Millennials have been doing things.
  14. Well, Tarot Cards are giving advice to the ego. It's not non-duality. It's very much dream-illusion-time based. It's like positive affirmations, to me. It helps the ego live in the dream world.
  15. In a recent workshop, Teal Swan said something along the lines of "there is not a difference between receiving love from others and self love". Or something like that. haha And I think she hit the nail on the head. Ego transcendence work or self love work blossoms when it's done as a hobby. Instead of when you force yourself to do it.
  16. I honestly think that everyone lives a full life. I feel like this idea of "I didn't live a full life" is a form of self attack. And it's also blind to the beauty of God that is present in every moment. Not in the future. "I need to live a full life" thinks fulfillment comes in a future moment. Fulfillment is here , right now, in the presence of God. You were swimming in the beauty of God since the day you were born - whether you realize it or not. You've been surrounded by grace even when you are in pain, even when you are acting selfish and negative, and even when you are wasting time on things that don't matter. Grace never left your side. Your life has always been full, even if you can't see it.
  17. From a non-dualistic perspective, relationships don't exist. Relationships are an attempt to unite people that are separated. But from the non-dualistic perspective, there is no separation. There is nothing that is separate that needs to be united. You cannot join what is not divided. You cannot connect what has never been broken. So it makes no sense talking about this from a non-duality perspective, in my opinion. ---------------- But from the lens of Duality and the dream world, questions like "Why do most men prefer younger and prettier women over older and uglier? Why do most women prefer taller and richer men over shorter and poorer?" is about human pride. Some people see young, pretty, and rich people as Pride opportunities. For example, "She is young and pretty so I will gain X,Y and Z from her". or "He is rich so I will gain X, Y and Z from him". But..........haha some people even see "ugly" and poor people as a Pride opportunities. For example, "Maybe she/he won't cheat on me because they are so ugly". or "Maybe they won't leave me because they are poor and dependent on me". My definition of Pride = What the ego gains from objects, experiences, thoughts/emotions and people. Also, pride can show up as anything you think is greater than anything else. X is better than Y. You can have pride for yourself. But you can also have pride for other people and you can even have pride for inanimate objects. When you fall in love with a man/woman, you actually have pride FOR them. It's a trippy concept. haha For example, when you are jealous of someone, you have pride FOR them. You think they have MORE of something than you. Or for example, when you think Hawaii is better than Chicago, then you have pride FOR Hawaii. You think Hawaii has something of MORE value than Chicago. An easy formula for pride is: Anything that comes after I AM ____________ and I HAVE/know/experienced ___________and I WILL HAVE __________ (even negative things) is pride. Also, anything that comes after THEY are ________________, They HAVE/know/experienced _____________or They WILL HAVE _____________ are forms of pride that you place upon other people. The mind tries to claim that it has become or it owns something. But from a non-dualistic perspective, the separate self becoming or having something other than Consciousness is impossible. Consciousness does not become or have anything other than itself. Consciousness also doesn't experience anything other than itself. So if the mind thinks another person HAS something valuable that can greatly benefit you and your survival, then you will be attracted to that person. And you will want to add what they HAVE.... into the collection of things that you HAVE. Sometimes this collection of things includes ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Even a person who considers themselves a minimalist of material objects... might want to HAVE a lot of positive emotions and thoughts. For example, I AM a great husband/wife. I AM kind. I AM loyal. I AM compassionate. I AM grateful. I AM loved. are all forms of pride/ego. Even I AM nothing or I AM consciousness or I AM God are Pride for the ego to chew on. These are some of trickiest ways pride manifest. Pride can even be I AM a piece of crap. Or I AM worthless. Pride is not bad. It's the electricity of the world of duality. Duality is fueled by pride. When you understand pride, you understand 50% of the game that the mind plays. All human relationships are a pride game. Without pride, you won't see a separate person to relate to. You will just see God.
  18. You can't become... what you already are. You have never been un-enlightened. That's not a thing. Enlightenment is not an object that you can HAVE.
  19. You have many non-duality disclaimers in this post. haha However; none of this makes sense through the lens of non-duality. Ultimately, because relationships are a dualistic symbol of separation. A relationship implies we are separate. And that we, as separate things, are joining. Relationships are the mind's attempt to connect what has never been broken. How can you join something that has never been divided? But through the lens of duality, where the mind has divided reality into separate parts, what you are saying is 100% on point. And I also love Teal Swan's work on relationships. One of things she said in a recent Workshop is along the lines of "there is no difference between loving yourself and loving another person" because there is no separation. Therefore, if you meet the needs of another person, you are meeting the needs of yourself. There is no difference. So when you are saying "They are so needy!!" ; you are also saying "I am so needy!!!" Because there is no separation.
  20. "Women are more emotional than men" is not a Stage Yellow statement. That is a Stage Blue statement.
  21. Alan Watts says this too. And I have the same question for Alan Watts. haha