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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. I agree with your post. From the perceptive of the void, spiral dynamics is "the dream trying to understand the dream". Spiral Dynamics is flawed simply because it is not silence. All noise is in the dream. And spiral dynamics is part of the noise. It is good to see the bullshit in all systems but still see the usefulness in playing around in them.
  2. I am the same with my parents. They are blue. I stopped "preaching" to them and just love them.
  3. Fun for Louis received a ton of hate in the media for his vlog series in North Korea. This is a good example of what it looks like when Stage Green tries to help out Stage Red.
  4. Adulthood is awesome! ............if you do it right. haha It can be ultimate freedom and joy! There are 4 choices in adulthood that you must be careful with: 1. College Debt 2. Romantic Relationship with unconscious partner. Especially, marriage or having kids with someone who is not conscious and who is unable to self-reflect 3. Mortgage Debt 4. Credit Card Debt When these 4 decisions go wrong, adults become really serious, zombie-like, and miserable. If you make these decisions wisely, while continuing to self actualize, you will have an enjoyable adulthood.
  5. I put a movie poster too haha but I think Leo wants videos - so he can make a video project. I added the trailer for the Schindler's List below:
  6. Some more depressing Green stage songs that are meant to "Wake people up". They are kind of like a sword into the belly of Orange.
  7. Another old-day song that makes fun of the Orange stage.
  8. Popular Classic Rock Green songs that speak out against Orange
  9. So yellow is the end of judgement? But how do you tell the difference between a yellow person and a philosopher who just knows a lot of head knowledge? Because I know a ton of people (philosophy geeks) who are like your example.
  10. I feel the same way sometimes. You write well and your English is perfect (many people would kill to have perfect English). Have you considered doing something relating to writing or English? Maybe start small. What do you already do well? Maximize on those things.
  11. You have a sword against your own self. Do you see your sword? You can swaying at yourself. What are you trying to change? Who are you trying to change for? What are you trying to change into? You should do what you want to do. I don't think the army is bad or good. It's neutral to me. But realize that you already are in a war inside of your mind. And the enemy on the battlefield is yourself.
  12. You should join the army if that is what you feel called to do but: Everything you are saying about yourself are lies. It is a lie that you are a loser. It is a lie that you are a failure. It is lie that you are paralyzed. It is a lie that you can't move forward. It is even a lie that you are poor. In many ways, metaphorically, you are rich. Anyone who discovers non-duality and the truth (being here on is rich. So I am not sure what life you are quitting - if the life you are seeing is not a real one.
  13. I binge watch and read non-duality and have insights I have also been getting into Vernon Howard lately which has been given me a huge blow to my ego. My mind is still really busy but I can quiet it within seconds now. And I can tap into feelings of insane bliss within seconds too - through my focus. I am also able to see that everything I am saying here is B.S. and a part of the illusion. But I still don't know if that counts as yellow. Because I am still super neurotic at the same time.
  14. Doubting my mind has been the best thing I've ever done.
  15. Lightning in a Bottle is another one! I would never go to one of these though. I couldn't handle it. They are too wild for me. haha
  16. I am confused by Yellow too. I don't fully know what it is.
  17. Teal Swan teaches that regression doesn't exist. And that you only move forward. And that moving backwards is an illusion. Her perspective helped me a TON.
  18. I think if young people have a desire for these things, they can. But as someone in my 20's who has never even once desired to party or drink, it wouldn't make sense to go down that path.
  19. Bentinho Massaro is one. He was into this topic since he was a teenager.
  20. Sounds great! Good luck!
  21. Chef Ramsey is debatable. Most of the time orange. But sometimes he is green.
  22. I would also like to add that I think millennial and Generation Z are forcing many corporations to turn green stage. A lot of orange stage companies are experiencing low sales because millennial refuse to buy from them due to their lack of consciousness. And behaviors that Gen X thought was okay Millenials won't support. I already see many cities becoming green stage even in "fast-paced" cities like New York and Philadelphia.
  23. People in the green stage are still productive and spend a ton of money. Lewis Howes' podcast "The School of Greatness" has a ton of successful stories from people in the "green stage". These people aren't lazy. They work hard but they are conscious about "how" they are working and why they are working. Some of these people may even appear "orange" at first until you hear their story and the reason behind their mission. In a green society, any company that sells "organic" or "locally grown" food will continue make a ton of money. Also, surprisingly, Tesla, Hershey and IKEA appear to be orange at first sight but they are actually "green" companies. And many more companies are following in their footsteps. I would also like to argue that even Disney is really green. Many of their movies like "Brother Bear", "Moana", "Pocahontas", "Brave"etc. are green stage . Some of their movies like "Inside Out" are even bordering the yellow stage. Other huge top selling movies like Avatar and the Black Panther are "green stage" movies. And many movies border the yellow stage like The Matrix and LOTR. Not to mention the entire music industry as well falls into the red, blue, orange, green and yellow stages. Also, there are new fads like the "Tiny House" movement which is a Green movement but it keeps the economy moving. It's still a ton of work to make these houses. The Tiny House movement is HUGE right now amongst the green stage. Check out Also, people in the green stage travel A LOT. Many of them hate 9-5 jobs and have flexible jobs and use their money on traveling the world. Fun For Louis is a popular example of this. Louis travels non-stop almost every day and films it online. He is green stage. There are tons of countries that live primarily in the green stage. But there are also many areas in the United States already living like this. Many citizens live in the green stage in Hawaii and California. And a lot of highschool and college graduates in the United States are moving to Hawaii and California for this reason. People in the green stage are not lazy. Many of these people in the green stage are entrepreneurs and own their own businesses either locally or on the internet. They are smart and hustle. But they hustle consciously. They follow their passion and don't do any work that doesn't serve their heart. Some live communally or are a part of work/living arrangements where you work on the land and they pay your rent. Some make their own food often in their backyard, some follow the "zero waste" movement and some follow a minimalist lifestyle which reduces their expenses.