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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. Shadow work is never complete. Enlightenment does not excuse anyone from shadow work - even though many people use accessing infinity to bypass having to deal with the conditioning in the psyche.
  2. "Where I could be" will never end. It will follow us for the rest of our lives. We always think we will arrive at "where I could be" one day. But it will follow us to death. And so the earlier we understand that "where I could be" will last forever, the more at peace we will be with ourselves. It doesn't mean to stop making changes or going on the journey to "where I could be". Just realize that even on our death beds, we will think of "where I could be" or "what I could have done or been" It's a song that haunts all humans.
  3. These are my top 2. I have watched them over and over and over again. And each time, the information sounds brand new. It's like I haven't heard it before...even if it's the 100th time. Because these videos are completely against the way I live my life, what I was taught and how I regularly see things.
  4. I agree. In order to make Atheists want to hear about the Bible, which many have failed at, he is quite progressive.
  5. Are there any high conscious television shows or movies that you like? Or any high conscious music that you like?
  6. I think I am starting to realize how Peterson is Blue Stage. He pushes sacrifice, marriage, kids, working hard and being responsible, and is trying to bring the Bible to the mainstream world. His videos sound like sermons at church - brought down to a "washed down" level that Atheists and Agnostics won't run away from. He can instill Biblical principles into people and they don't even realize what is happening. If he mixes Bible topics, mythology, and Disney movies all in one package, people will be less suspicious. Well done Peterson. haha Genius, really.
  7. Excellent analysis on the human identity and vlogging.
  8. You are stuck within the void. It's a trap. Here are some comedic videos about people stuck in the void:
  9. You did not "kill your ego". Your ego is alive and well. It is panicking and in fear. You stayed within the void longer than you could handle. And your ego is in panic mode and it is terrified. This happens when you are consumed by nihilism but don't have any Metta or Love. Nihilism without love or Metta is terrifying. Go back into the Matrix for a while. Watch TV (comedy) and socialize with friends and family. Do all of the things you love. And check and see if there is a supportive spiritual community in your local neighborhood. Also, try Metta Meditation as well.
  10. You are right about this. Sometimes I worry that I opened people's pandora box before they were ready.
  11. You are excited about a list of places that you want to visit in the dream. Leo is asking you to wake up from the dream. Of course this won't feel good! And it won't make the character in the dream happy. Because the character in the dream will die if it wakes up.
  12. Use the term "non-duality" in your search. Non-duality kind of punches the ego in the face. haha
  13. Do you feel negative emotions at all? Anger, boredom, sadness, annoyance, frustration? Sometimes it's easier to start with the negative.
  14. Turquoise can watch the grass outside for 7 hours and still be entertained.
  15. MGTOW and Feminism are symptoms of a much bigger illness that exists within the foundations of romantic love itself. Men and women are looking to each other for a savior. And this simply won't ever work. Ego cannot save ego from ego. The whole foundation is crumbling because it was always sick from the start.
  16. I don't think I understand what an ideology is then. What is an example of a thought that is not an ideology? How is it possible for a thought to not be an idea? My mind is spinning in circles on this.
  17. I think that's it. Are "we" in this body, in this universe, in this reality, in this time, in this place in the universe. What if we are wrong about this?
  18. Animals are already enlightened.
  19. Language/Words/Speaking/Writing = Ideology Witnessing/Experiencing = Not Ideology
  20. Yes and No. Non-duality written and spoken is an ideology. If you read about non-duality in a book, it's ideology. If you watch non-duality concepts in a video, it is ideology. Once translated into words, it's ideology. But non-duality as a personal experience is not an ideology though. That's why spiritual teachers keep pointing people with riddles and telling them to be silent. Language and Words corrupt it
  21. Green and Yellow people still buy material possessions. But their emotional connection to material possessions is different. Green and Yellow sees material possessions as = a piece of the earth Orange thinks material possessions = a valuable item found in store This is the main difference between green/yellow and orange. haha When you see a guitar, do you see earth or do you just see a guitar? When you see cake, do you see earth or do you just see cake? In both cases, green and yellow, sees earth first and then sees the guitar and cake afterwards. This explains why some green people are emotional about the environment and animals. It's because they see the earth EVERYWHERE. haha It's like superhero [earth] goggles that they are wearing that Orange doesn't have....or that orange forgets to put on.