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Everything posted by Brittany

  1. I am in my 20's too but I don't think death is a "long way ahead" anymore. I won't go into details but I almost died last year. We could have died today. We could have died last week or last month. But instead, we are breathing. It's beautiful. Another day is experienced. Fear of death becomes more powerful in our subconscious mind when we think death is "far away" into the future. Thinking "death is for old people" or "death is far away" makes us take life for granted. It makes death this scary monster at the end that will come for us. Versus something that can happen to anyone at any moment regardless of age - which is actually closer to reality. The thought "I could have died 5 seconds ago. But instead, I am still here, breathing, healthy, alive , able to experience more." The replacement of fear with gratitude and wonder.
  2. I love you Leo. Thank you for being a pioneer into the shadow of "our" mind. Thank you for exploring doors, we are not ready to visit ------------------------------- May you be safe. May you be healthy and strong. May you be happy and peaceful. May you be at ease within this world,
  3. @d0ornokey I agree with those 2 things. His congruence is incredible. "When you play “for it” instead of what it “gives you” you win." Gary Vee posted this quote today. This sounds like common sense. But this is deep wisdom to me. What is the "for it"? The "for it" is the present moment. Whatever is happening [now]. The grind. The journey. The process. The in between. The space. This is the place where a musician becomes one with their music. This is place where an artists loses themselves inside of their painting. Time stops in the "for it". It's a kind of death. He is leading people home. But maybe I am just over analyzing him. LOL
  4. I love Gary Vee. His aura feels so good haha I don't care what stage he is in.
  5. I was worried about Rali. I hope he is okay and floating out into infinity somewhere. haha
  6. "You live life in the raw. And you feel more than ever, not less. Your bandwidth is infinite. From the deepest despair to the most ecstatic joy, it all passes through. But the difference is, now, you are not at war with it all. You allow all feelings to surge through. You don’t judge them or try to get rid of them. You are their mother, their sanctuary." - Jeff Foster
  7. This is not the truth. Some 9-5 jobs have yoga and meditation on site. You can do yoga and meditate with your colleagues and bosses. I expect to see this on the rise in the future. Some 9-5 companies are green and yellow stage. Some 9-5's allow you to work remote from your house. Some 9-5's feel like hippie land and are extremely progressive. And if you are disciplined, you can plan your work day to resemble a monastery or ashram. Problem is: we do not have many teachers who teach how to live a calm and zen life in a 9-5 job. While, we have a ton of teachers who teach on living a zen life as an entrepreneur. Living a zen life in a 9-5 job requires extreme discipline and awareness.
  8. Objects don't have ego. The other 3 questions are cool. But I don't know how to answer them. haha Maybe @Leo Gura
  9. Be careful with this - it's a trap. The "me" thinks it's going to win something. But the "me" loses this game. Either way, congrats! It sounds like everything is going well for you. I wish you luck.
  10. Immerse yourself into the dream of other people. Have intimacy with them. Cry with them. Laugh with them. Get mad with them. But remember to set your alarm clock.
  11. Whoa. I am too monk-y for the party scene. haha But this is cool. Thanks for sharing
  12. In regards to being a wage slave and working 9-5: 1. Are you debt free? 2. Are you spending most of your paycheck on materialism (new TV, new car, new clothes etc.) , escapism and entertainment? 3. Do you have money in savings and investments? The answer to these 3 questions will determine how much freedom you will have working a 9-5.
  13. I work in corporate and I am living proof that you can be in a deeply meditative state during an intense 9-5 job. I have had many spiritual experiences while doing corporate work. haha Some of my most profound epiphanies have been while at work. But there are a TON of obstacles that you need to overcome. 1. Do you wake up 5 minutes before your work day starts? Or do you wake up 3 hours before your work day starts to do your practice? 2. Do you scream at drivers who cut you off in the morning? Or do you practice loving compassion towards them? 3. Do you spend your lunch break gossiping with your colleagues? Or do you spend your lunch break doing yoga or meditating? I can list out 100000 obstacles that you need to overcome at a 9-5 to be in a deeply meditative state. But I don't have time right now. Entrepreneurship simply has less obstacles that attack your "higher self". A 9-5 job is constantly attacking your "higher self". So you have to be more alert.
  14. This is a stage on the path. The misanthropy stage. It won't last forever. The reason you feel empty and in discomfort is because your perspective is not loving. Viewing them as zombies is not loving. Hence, your suffering. Take on the role of a parent and have compassion for them. And then you will feel better. But as long as you see them as zombies, you won't feel good. You have to transcend the misanthropy and see every being as consciousness. And see them as the same source as you. You need more "namaste". haha "The light in me, sees the light in you" = Namaste You aren't practicing Namaste and it is making you feel disturbed and sick. Metta Meditation is really helpful for embodying Namaste. I recommend Metta to all people who fall into nihilism and misanthropy. Those are 2 stages that many people fall into because they were exposed to big truths but weren't connected to their hearts. Congrats on taking the red pill! And good luck!
  15. Marriage is a mirror that reflects the crap that still remains in your shadow self on a daily basis. It is a great spiritual tool for growth. haha It is like having a guru who calls you out on your crap.
  16. Most people are motivated to grow because they are trying to prove themselves to someone: To their lover. To their parents To their boss. To their friends. To their teacher or role model. Sometimes to even strangers and people they haven't met. Most people's growth is stunted because it's not really pure within their hearts. It is coming from the shadow. If you are motivated to grow, purely from the love inside of your heart - and not to receive anything in return from anything or anyone, nothing will slow you down. But most people's motivation comes from seeking love and approval from the external world. They hope to achieve something, so X or Y person finally accepts them. This is shadow. And anyone who walks down this path will suffer.
  17. What is your definition of "life"? Life as a separate identity going to school, getting married, having kids, retiring and dying? Life as in that who is breathing, feeling, seeing? Life as in that who is experiencing and observing? Life as in all that which is appearing? I am not sure if "all that is appearing" has no meaning. But maybe the "separate story of me" has no meaning. But even that... I am not sure.
  18. The world needs more of this.
  19. That's the point of the path. When you love the suffering, the suffering stops. The hatred of the suffering is the cause of the suffering. So it's a loop.
  20. It actually sounds like you are addicted to your house/apartment. haha Leave your house and keep your cellphone at home. And the internet addiction, cellphone addiction, jacking off, will immediately go away. Go biking, skateboarding, surfing, canoeing, swimming, horse back riding, arcade, bowling, socialize with people etc. etc. etc.
  21. You are right. But Leo knows his post is within the maya. Leo swims into the maya and meets the ego face to face. Whereas, many other spiritual teachers fly above the maya and speak to the ego through riddles and non-dual speech. It's just a different approach.
  22. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, to me, is a helpful tool to use with shadow work. It helps point out where you might be neurotic. And helps you build a healthy ego for living well in the Matrix. But the hierarchy lives within the dream. You have to identify as ego-mind for it to be effective.
  23. Straight into the void. Chills and Nausea.