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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. What you describe is not health for health’s sake. What you describe is health dogma. If you go vegan cause you read somewhere that it’s healthy but it clearly isn’t for your genetics, you aren’t doing health for health’s sake, you are being stupid & disregarding your health in favour of ideology. Health for health’s sake doesn’t mean you start believing every quack doctor on YouTube. Health for health’s sake means you look at health in the eye & do what it asks of you. Health is never going to ask you to drink too much water. Only dumb humans will do that. Health is well being
  2. Health for health’s sake > Health for longevity
  3. An instant pot & sound proof from neighbors.
  4. Niacin is one of the best ones I’ve tried. Initially I was using as a pre workout because of the vasodilation it provides. But it turns out that more blood flow doesn’t just make you stronger in the gym. It also means that my hands stay warmer & that is a huge help when I am practicing my instrument. So I have been taking it most days for about a month now. I don’t get much from Lion’s Mane to be honest. I use it as a filler for my homemade microdose capsules. I want to grow them eventually though. They look sick & are very tasty. The interaction between niacin & psilocybin has been talked about before in the context of neurogenesis which is more of a long term thing & it’s not obvious what it does to the experience itself, in the moment. I need to test it on a macro dose for that I think.
  5. This my stack Caffeine Niacin Omega-3 Magnesium L-threonate Psilocbe Cubensis 0.05g (half a low micro dose) Lions Mane Creatine I would eventually like to experiment with Vitamin D3 Ginko Biloba L-theanine Ashwaganda
  6. Apple podcast generates them automatically. Copy and paste into a word document.
  7. I think they look better. I wear vivobearfoot. They have a bunch of cool looking models. Now I think pointy toe boxes look grotesque. Nothing is uglier to me than regular-ass running shoes. Dress shoes look nice but they are so shitty that I can’t wear them all the time.
  8. Echinacea didn’t do much for me.
  9. Drink tons of water. You are made of it. Act like it 💪 Sleep a lot. Light movement. Go out for a walk. Stretch. Don’t eat heavy. Eat fruits, cooked or raw vegetables depending what it is, eggs, seafoods, bone broth, fish, white meats, fermented stuff like yogurt or kefir, etc. Easy stuff to digest basically. You can eat the spicy Mexican chili bowl some other time. I am realizing this is pretty basic advice but there you go! I got sick a lot in the winter months & realized the value of the basics.
  10. I would love to listen to Leo & Alex
  11. Mark Manson would be a cool guess for more practical, down to earth self help. I wonder how he would handle a god talk lol. He mentioned using psychedelics in his youth but he tends to belittle them. That’d be interesting.
  12. I like to go with the flow & improvise my training. I am pretty ripped even though what I care about is my health & the enjoyment of what I am doing.
  13. This post made me buy barefoot shoes a week ago and I can say with a fair degree of confidence that I am never going back to regular shoes. Totally barefoot seems undoable to me. I don’t want step on glass or puke or poop or needles. Big city & barefoot seems like the worst idea.
  14. I don’t like lemon tek at all. I’ll be balancing options here. Tea is better. There’s just something dirty about the flesh. Psilocybin dissolves in water fairly easily. Grind your shrooms in pestle & mortar to make it as fine as possible & soak it for a good 15min. No need to simmer or anything. Just pour boiling water on it and let it be. Then strain and enjoy.
  15. Depends on the genetics of the mushroom. I would agree to be cautious if you don’t know the potency of your batch but it could be a good dose. 2 grams of mushrooms mean nothing. It’s more complicated than that. I’d say do a micro dose on the heavier side like 0,2g to gauge whether 2g of this batch would be suitable. If it’s still sub perceptual, 2g would be good. If you can clearly feel something’s up, maybe start with 1g. It depends!!
  16. Every thing you need to know to grow them is on Reddit. Shroomery forum also has all info you need. It’ll take around 300$ of investment to start but gets much cheaper after that. The biggest costs are the pressure cooker & dehydrator. Substrate is pretty cheap and it’s the only thing that you need to buy more of every time. That and isopropyl. If you know you have legit shrooms then the only left to do is to blend them together to average out the potency. Tea is my preferred method. I don’t eat the flesh.
  17. Transitioning to barefoot style shoes.
  18. I am glad he’s got plans for 2 more books. I’ll read them alright.
  19. Yes. More jazz. Always.
  20. You could put earplugs and exist with your mind for a while. That’s productive in my book. It will help you grow in some way.
  21. @UnbornTao You sound like Ralston😁
  22. You sound good bro. I just think we could all be a little more pompous when using our voices ahah! Doesn’t need to be loud. You didn’t ask for it but I’ll talk a bit about breathing for anyone interested. It’s very counterintuitive. From what I can hear 95+% of people push the breath out when using their voice. Which is exactly the opposite of how it’s designed to work. Exhalation should be very slow. Barely letting any air out and placing the pharynx lower with a good mask activation is how opera singers get their high volume without hurting themselves. Rib cage should remain open at all times. In the front and the back. When exhaling the rib cage should not drop at all. Collapsing it makes the air come out way to fast. I want to also mention that playing guitar at the same time tends to mess up proper posture. Special effort should be made to keep the shoulder blades back. Balance is key. It’s like doing a handstand. The moment you put yourself into balance the effort required to do the thing is divided by a hundred. I love talking about that stuff. I am curious. What kind of practice are you into when it comes to keeping your voice well & alive? Are you into humming? Humming is god sent, it places the voice so well. Makes your entire cranium vibrate. So fun.
  23. My critique is not really a critique. It’ll come in the form of a game to play for fun. Game: Pretend you are yogi the bear(Or Elvis for that matter) & sing the whole song like this. It should feel like your pharynx is gigantic. Soft palate lifted high. Throat fully open. Keep your cheeks activated. Nasal passages open. Notice how different it feels. You should be able to sing every pitch like this. Never let the pharynx go up when you go up in pitch. Pitch is controlled by placing the vibration higher up in your mask. I am not saying you should sing like that when you are performing but I am sure you could gain some insights into the actual mechanics of the voice by doing this. I can explain what to look for with your breathing too if you’d like. I will recommend the best resource I know for technique. It’s called « your body, your voice » by Theodore Dimon. This book was a game changer for me when I read it. It explains in detail the actual biology of the voice in relation to our upright design. It is a must read if you are serious about your voice and keeping it healthy.
  24. My ocean obsessed ass thinks there’s a lot of potential. Thanks for sharing! Are you open to having your singing technique critiqued? I think I could help a bit. I like the grit in it.