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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. @MM1988 that's interesting for sure I guess I was very naive about what this path entailed. Wanting only the good stuff without actually facing anything. During my trip I got to a place where I was all alone. I the ego was all alone, my family didn't exist anymore, my friends didn't exist anymore, I remembered them but I was sure that they didn't exist anymore. I the ego was all alone for eternity. Eternity seemed like hell to me. The only logical way out at the moment was to die. I the ego wanting to kill I the ego. I just kept crying and telling myself "why don't I just die?" for eternity. I didn't. I was there all along.
  2. From one point of view yes because the thing that motivates you to sit down and meditate is always ego driven. Seeking end of suffering or peace. From another point of view no because meditation is simply being. There's no action involved. I guess it depends where you are on path?
  3. I think it goes through inspiration. You don't want to force anybody to raise their consciousness. You want to inspire them by being the most conscious and loving that you can be and share this love for life. An exemple that comes to mind is Jacob Collier. He is not teaching any consciousness stuff at all. He is a musician but he and his art just sparks joy and life for me. I don't think a life purpose needs to be expressed so obviously as in I raise consciousness. The raising of consciousness is organic and happens at all levels of consciousness.
  4. You could go out anyway. Don't drink just try to understand why you hate this environnement so much. Observe your social reactions and ask yourself why you act in the way you act. How could you be more authentique? There's enormous growth to be had by walking straight toward what you fear. Being more conscious doesn't just happen when you're on the cushion. It is your whole life. Also try to see the beauty in these behaviours. Everybody is at a different place on their journey and it's beautiful.❤️ The only reason you don't see beauty is because you judge.
  5. Ask yourself: What do I really want? No nonsens, no bullshit, no excuses. Put aside your beliefs about any question of possibility and create a vision A vision of the results you want to create is the source of all motivation. It needs to be cristal fucking clear so spend a lot of time visioning When the vision is strong enough in your mind, all your actions will naturally align themselves to it. It all starts with : What do I really want?
  6. By that I mean having the four phases within each phases. I have observed that in my own life. I consider myself to be in the second phase where I know what I want and I am excited to work at it a lot to build momentum and get the ball rolling. It's been about 6 months since I entered the phase I think but what happened in that time period is that first I discovered where I wanted to go and then I started to engage in my Mastery as I saw that building my skills was just the most logical step forward.(1st and 2nd phase) I did enjoy practicing all my semester and I built a strong practice routine that enabled me to work consistently and not ask myself to many questions about it.(3rd phase) Eventually I got to a point where I couldn't keep up physically. I developed tendinitis in both arms an so now I am at the end phase of this cycle.(4th phase) I still consider that all of that is within the second phase because my vision and my motivation hasn't changed. I still feel the momentum building towards it but I need time to heal and a new way of approaching things. I recognize that it's still just concepts but I think it's useful to view this whole model of chapters in the way because it makes for more realistic exceptions. It connects with the idea that progress is not linear but a constant correction of trajectory.
  7. @Vagos Well you got to figure that out by yourself? First ask yourself a question like : Why do I fear this existence ending? It may take a long long time to answer so brace yourself! But if you really want to grow it's a very powerful route.
  8. @Vagos If you are a healthy human being and you don't have medical issues, DMT is very unlikely to kill you "physically". You might feel like your are dying but remember that the trip is going to end and you are basically going to return to baseline. You fear your own fear of dying. When dying occurs your are not there anymore. As to your fear of putting an end to this chapter of your life remember that an end is just a new beginning. After you smoke it and you return to your baseline level of consciousness you will likely realize that smoking DMT wasn't really your life purpose. Often the mind focuses on processes rather than what you really want. DMT is a tool not a life purpose.
  9. Hello everyone I just want to share something that happened to me that maybe some of you can benefit from. So yesterday I was in an ego backlash after having a mushroom trip the day before and telling the truth to my parents about everything I do and my consumption of psychedelic compounds.(Another story) It was not that big of a backlash. I feel a lot more present today and I think part of what helped me get out of that is the very fact that I did not try to resist any of the "unconscious" behaviour. I ate terrible food all day and I did not guilt myself for it. What happened instead of me just going down that spiral is that I became very conscious of the effect that it had on my body. I felt terrible to be honest and I still do to a certain extend today while I am writing this. By this point I have absolutely no interest in eating junk food anymore. I did yesterday and I didn't like it. The little rush of pleasure from the taste I can get is just not worth it. I am way more at ease and happy when eating my regular whole food vegan diet. I remembre the video where leo talks about real vs fake growth and where he explains the difference and I understand now. I could just build an environnement for myself where I would have very limited contact to those kind of foods. For exemple, by not going out and hangout with my friends anymore(Because let's be honest restaurant food is generally garbage). By doing that I would probably eat a quite healty diet but it wouldn't solve anything internaly. I feel like I could go out right now, surrounded by junk food and alcool and not even want any of that. Just the joy of being with friends would be more than enough. For a long time I did the whole diet thing out of a sens of "Should" because it's somehow the "right" thing to do. That's terrible way to go about it ahah. Now I just want to be healthy and conscious. That's want I want not what I think I should do to become "better" or to aggrandize myself.
  10. I'm 19 years old and I probably read 30 books in the last 2 years.(Excluding the obligatory books that I read in high school) I think it had a pretty significant impact on my life overall.
  11. My advice would be to read Mastery by George Leonard and to start to apply the Mastery process in you own life. It's incredibility fulfilling to learn something for real. You can also have in mind that learning is fun. The more you learn, the more you can make new connections and the more you are able to create what you really want in life. Also real learning doesn't come from someone telling you something and then you taking that as the truth. Real learning happens when you can focus your awareness on a thing with a genuine desire to understand.(Not to say that the information coming from other people isn't valuable. It is.)
  12. @rnd I have never heard of it being injected but you can vape, snort or plug it. Just make sure you have the HCl version for snorting and plugging. Google is your friend here do some research. Also you could check out the 5-MeO mega tread.
  13. If you think that smoking DMT is your life purpose then what will you do once you have done that?
  14. It's all french but if I had to translate it would be something like that I think: *Just doing anything sometimes and not taking yourself so seriously sometimes because sometimes we take ourselves too seriously sometimes and sometimes that's it* A king lives under the ground He was living in you A cross that is lying on the ground They were fearing me Why do we break our heads? Against moons to see Your turn to melt the hand Under that silky shirt *Wooah I almost fell to the ground! And now I am blowing my nose on my shirt... Everything fonctions perfectly every where everything works!* It's a lot better in french, it ryhmes? Funny note: almost all the video is a montage of a river flowing that I filmed a couple days ago at night under a bridge.
  15. What is ignorance? I don't know I guess.
  16. I don't fit in the poll! I'm 19
  17. I don't think it's a wise way to go. Live up to what you want and if that means leaving your parents so be it... Follow your intuition, you seem interested in reality and truth and my advice would be to follow that. I know there's no easy way to go about this but I wish you all the best!?
  18. There's no evil conspiracy just ignorance.
  19. I don't know how to help you practically but I hope you find your way. Keep digging it's there.<3 I second @ivankiss on that: Passion is the way.
  20. Every time you have a thought about how "unconscious" you think they are. Ask yourself how you are doing said "unconscious" behavior yourself. Judgment make it seem like there's a problem out there that you are well above but it's just a smokescreen to mask one's own bullshit. I hope you'll find the light within all of this turmoil<3
  21. Happy to hear that thank you? ear-say feels so real sometimes! lol
  22. How do you know that an object is "physical"?
  23. Watch how your mind tries to cling to a process in order to surrender. There is only awareness. Be that❤️ "Can total surrender only come from this awareness?" This awareness is not separate from you