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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. Meditation is your entire life. I understand that it is not really useful for you to ear that right now but the more you do it the more it is going to sink in. Keep the consistency! Consciousness is already conscious i doesn't need a method!
  2. Don't act like a victim. If you want to be alone then be it and if not then go out. Keep it humble. People generally connect better when you have no need to show off and you don't take yourself so seriously. Even if you are the greatest *blank* alive.(Which is most likely false anyway) It is also keeping you away from truth because ultimately you are everybody so you can't be better then anybody else Set truth as your priority. I could be bullshitting you. So is everybody. Keep walking the path <3
  3. Mastery is an ever expending notion there's no number of hours at which you can say that you mastered something. You're are going to be better at 10 001h than 10k. The line is totally arbitrary. It also depends on the quality of focus in those hours so I wouldn't latch onto this notion of 10k hours. The number of hours to mastery is that: One more
  4. For me these are the same thing. I just have "I want truth" in mind when sitting to do any practice. At some point it just all merged for me. No difference between meditation and self inquiry. Just my two cents.
  5. If you want to find a reason to be healthy that is truthful(That is you simply want it). Try eating the standard american diet and stop exercising for a couple days while you sit on your couch and watch TV. It becomes soul crushing kinda fast ahah Then you can train your awareness to gravitate toward what is most healthy for you Unfortunately there's no one size fits all for this kind of stuff. Awareness is key. After each meal go and stare at your naked body in the mirror, analyse how you feel and ask yourself: is this really working for me?
  6. To me it comes down to being at ease
  7. Whatever you come up with it is not that <--- Not that either - to infinity
  8. It is totally normal that you don't feel like you are improving in the beginning. I suggest you read Mastery by George Leonard to get your expectation straight That being said, you want to make sure that you practice this stuff systematically. Focus on the weaknesses that you are conscious of in yourself. Dissect, isolate and repeat down to the smallest thing until it is like second nature. Then pick another task and so on. Don't be distracted during your practice time. Shut down internet and your phone and focus wholeheartedly on what you are doing. Cultivate a sens of wonder about your field. That will motivate you like nothing else will. And also don't expect to become world class by putting in 30-60min everyday. World class looks more like 4-6h every day if not more. The only way I know how to do that is to love the thing that you do
  9. It seems to me that you are afraid to commit to something You Howard is not the one being creative. Creativity happens on it's own when you let your fears aside and you just lose yourself in whatever it is that you want to do. Indecisiveness is a sneaky trap that your mind creates to stand still in its comfort zone. My advise would be to choose something and dig it. After a couple of months, if you see that it's REALLY not right for you it is always time to change the path you're on Creativity is also intrinsically linked to mastery. That's why I am suggesting you dig deep on one thing that you love!
  10. What is it that you love to do?
  11. Sorry for my lack of contribution to your actual topic?
  12. Immerse yourself in your own being that's one hell of teacher?
  13. I don't think affirmations are going to cut it if you want truth Meditation doesn't need to involve language
  14. Just as you can zoom into what you see to infinity you can zoom into what you hear to infinity
  15. There's going to be a little bit of math and also basic music theory here but it's intended for everyone nonetheless Ratios and the nature of harmony: As you may already know, pitch is defined by the number of oscillation that a wave goes through in a given amount of time. Typically we measure it in hertz(number of cycle per second). Now, if we were to vibrate a string with a length of let's say One(For simplicity - Doesn't really matter because it's going to be true for any length), We would hear the fondamental note that our given string length produces along with what we call Harmonics: A series of pitch that resonates in sympathy with the fondamental following a pattern of simple ratios. For exemple, let's imagine that our string with a length of one produces the note C. This C is the fondamental and lowest note that our string produces and it could be thought of as the ratio 1:1. The harmonics of that C are going to follow this order of ratios -> 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 and so on. In conventional music notation it corresponds to another C one octave higher, then a G the perfect fifth, then another C, then an E the major third and so on.(All the harmonics up to the 5th partial are quite noticeable and I encourage you to listen for them to get what I am saying experientially. Just take the old dusty guitar in your closet and pluck any open string will muting the others. The tuning doesn't matter!) Theoretically it goes on to infinity even though our hearing can't keep up to a certain point. And that's where it gets interesting. Infinity is also One: Not only does the harmonics of our fundamental C stretch infinitely far but all those harmonics generate their own sets of harmonics and so on to infinity! So yeah every notes are present within a single note:) Fun fact: The more complicated the ratio between two notes, the more "division" there is, the more dissonant and unrested the interval feels. And at the bottom of that we have the unison, the 1:1, the One, the undisturbed Oneness. How practical is that?: When I say that all notes are present within a single note, I come at it from an intellectual standpoint extrapolating that the ratios will just keep rising in the 1x, 2x, 3x fashion and I don't mean that you can hear all the notes with your human ears. I think it's neat way of conceptualizing the thing but you can become directly conscious of this infinity and this Oneness for yourself. What I have been experimenting with in the last week is what I want you to take away from this post and it is that(Technique): Sing a perfect unison along with a drone. I know that not everyone has equipment or instruments to produce a drone but if you do this is an amazing practice! Simply play that One note on your drone and then sing in unison to it. Open your chest and neck and let your tongue fall toward you throat, find the breath and sing long soft notes. Focus on what you hear and what you feel. Your inner ear knows the Oneness. By aligning yourself to the sound your aligning yourself to the entire universe;) P.S. I know there is a lot of musician/singer on this forum so if you are at all interested in approaching music theory from an experiential stand point(Because it's all that really matters let's be honest?) I recommend you check out the book "Harmonic Experience" By W. A Mathieu. He addresses a lot of things that I found missing in my music degree such as just intonation and how to REALLY sing in tune with nature!
  16. You need to figure out what you want from life. The LP course is amazing for a starter but you certainly don't need it. It basically serves as a framework. You get as much as you put into it. A simple(Not so simple) question like : "What do I truly want from life?" Asked repeatedly with great intent, focus and awareness can get you pretty far! Also there are ressources that come with the course that are really great(Books and so forth - *Only recommendations*)
  17. It basically comes down to how your body reacts to said food. The goal here is to maximise consciousness and the more healthy your vessel is the easier it will be. You have to check with your own body. For me plant based is the way to go. I don't know any better:)
  18. I am still studying jazz in college while working part time as a janitor. I have my first jazz gig in about a week so I am very excited! And at the centre of all of that I make music for the simple joy of creating and loosing my self in my own little world:)
  19. I spent a good 2h this morning singing one note repeatedly along with a drone(It was a C). I lost myself in the infinite fractale nature of the harmonic series. It was quite enjoyable
  20. You know life is all over the place sometimes. Trying to get rid of negative emotions is not the best strategy. Know that you are always whole? Even in the midst of the hurricane