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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. I havent noticed that but damn spice tastes amazing
  2. For the slim chance that this is not a troll: no you don't understand. Otherwise you're pretty funny
  3. Depends how you use that time. If you swap Music for youtube or any other entertainment it certainly isn't a net positive. To me it's not actually possible to listen to music "mindlessly" like you would do with a TV show or something. The only time when I am not 100% conscious of it is when I do something else at the same time which I tend to not do so much. To me Music IS meditation. I sit there and I pay attention. But I am a musician I am definitely biased.
  4. Hours of sunlight affect how much I sleep I tend to sleep a lot more in winter 8hrs or so where as in summer its more like 6hrs. In Canada we have very short winter days.
  5. I am 5'1 as a guy try to fathom that? Ego is never satisfied right. Play off your strengths. God wanted to have the experience of you so much try to honor it. ?
  6. PB may or may not be bad and/or good and/or both under different conditions and for different people. My body likes it. Just make sure you don't buy the crappy kind that's half-peanut and half-sugar/cheap oil.
  7. Attention span is a skill that grows with use. I am sure some people have it harder than others but I would bet that most "diagnosed" ADD are life style induced.
  8. Well isnt that hungers purpose?
  9. Veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds, high quality oils and meats, eggs, and the most important which isnt talked about nearly enough: high quality purified water.
  10. I like to wear a hat and white shirt instead of using sunscreen.
  11. Is there a reason to do it other than to lose weight? Because I don't see how eating healthy foods can make someone gain weight in the first place it seems impossible to me. Therefore, isnt counting calorie pointless as long as you eat nutritions, real foods? Maybe I just have a fast metabolism and it's actually possible for other people to gain weight by eating veggies, legumes, nuts and seeds, grass fed meats and eggs and this kinda stuff.
  12. Well the fact that food becomes hot is because radiation is affecting it wether there is a lid or not. Now is this bad? I dont know I dont use a microwave.
  13. A better question would be: What is consciousness? You talk as if its a given that consciousness is infinite but are you actually conscious of it?
  14. @peanutspathtotruth if you buy those white eggs from walmart with the thin ass shell then yeah. Quality does matter.
  15. Theres something which is lost when the work is only about information. Listen to what he doesnt say.
  16. To me psychedelics without meditation is not worth it. Meditation is always worth it. To really get to full depth of the psychedelic you need to be able to observe without judgement.
  17. Because It's hard.
  18. @VeganAwake A.M of course if you do it in P.M it will actually regress you spiritually so be careful !
  19. Accepting things as they are doesnt mean inaction.
  20. And you didnt feel sick at all the next morning?
  21. Consider making health your goal instead.