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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. I love that I don't understand what is meant by silence. It doesn't seem to exist to me. Silence that is. There's always a sound object present in my experience and it has been like that ever since I was born. He probably means the silence from before I was born but I don't have experience of that. Or an analogy of some sort. Anyway that's cool.
  2. @Danioover9000 5 syllables, then 7, then 5
  3. Do you guys feel any noticeable effects when micro dosing? I heard that a micro dose is supposed to be subperceptual but I really don’t get it. 0,38g I would be mildly tripping. And it's not like I have crazy high sensitivity, my macros tend to be around 3g typically. I tried as little as 0,05g and still had perceptual modulations. Maybe I just need to take even less but I am suspiscious that what people call subperceptual is really not subperceptual.
  4. No it's very obvious that human genetics vary wildly & there's no one size fits all.
  5. It would make sens. It's CO2. Your body is wired to work off oxygen, turn it into CO2 and then excrete it. The CO2 in your bevrage doesn't just disapear. Your body absorbs it. CO2 is normally a waste product of human biology. Or something I don't know.
  6. @M A J I Legit points. I definitely don't want to ruin the vaporizer. Thanks.
  7. Are these kinds of vaporizers good for DMT? I never tried DMT but I plan on getting some soon and I have a vape thingy like this lying around. It's literaly just a heating chambre that goes from 0 to 260 degrees C and a fan. Probably some amount will stick to the inside of the bag. It may be negligable tho.
  8. The tube attachement would probably be less wasteful that the bag as it limits the surface area onto which DMT can condense. To what extent is this an improvement? I don't know. @Leo Gura You mentioned the concentrates vape is a great option cause the coils basically vaporise DMT right away and there's very little travelling the vapors have to go through. I am guessing a herb vaporiser with very short pathway to your lungs would also work great. Like a hand held herb vape. Or a very short tube for the big desktop unit. Of course you would need to bring it up to temperature before putting in the DMT.
  9. Oh right the stuff is expensive. It must be my familiarity with mushrooms and their gratuity that spoiled me. I am still going to try one time. I can’t help myself.
  10. I already have it. It works great for weed maybe you are right and DMT is somehow more "sticky" than weed. For cannabis specifically I find it way better than hand held. But like I said I have no idea about the results with DMT. Might have to try it anyway to confirm you are right?
  11. Yeah they are a little bit worse.
  12. I have been transitioning from a big nested folder of text edits to obsidian in the past week or so and I like it so far. The main improvements I can see as of now are the ability to create internal links, the audio player and the drawing/sketch plugin.
  13. Well you are right I wouldnt consider myself awake. I read this thread and none of it makes any sens to me. I think i exhausted trying to get the answers from others. Every answers about God I read is obviously not what I am seeking.
  14. I love brewing some chaga to flavour Cubensis tea. Or on its own. The taste of chaga is amazing.
  15. I get everything I would want out of a psychedelic with mushrooms but I definitely want to confirme the 5-meo hype some day.
  16. If you want to get to professional level of expertise you should seek out lessons with a teacher in person. There is no limit to how much you can learn it's only a question of how far you want to take it. Theory is very useful dont be afraid of it and your ear is more important than the specific motions of your instrument. Your hands only purpose should be to execute what's in your ear.
  17. It's the exact opposite for me. I can’t wait to be old and wise. So to speak ahah I wouldnt skip over the experience of being young.
  18. 3g is my sweet spot but keep in mind PE are generally more potent. That's what people tend to report anyway. Ive never had PE. Other people say all the strains are marketing ploy which is plausible to be honest. All of that to say: start low cause you never know what kind of potency a genetic specimen is going to have. Better crush them all and mix them together to average out the potency. Unless you know for a fact that they all have the same dna.
  19. I put that one on my reading list for sure.
  20. THC is a significant downgrade to my congnition. Makes me think outside the box a little but it's very hard to remember, apply or stick to a chain of reasoning. It's a lot of fun but makes me dumb as a rock.
  21. Is it about happiness? I cant remember if I read that on the forum a few days ago.
  22. Not sure what you are asking here. He can criticize all he wants, that doesn't make him just or right.
  23. The point is a break up is a single event that might push someone over the edge, but most people have them and get over it just fine. There's a whole slew of factors that go into someone ending their life. It's easy to blame and say it's the breakup or it's this dude on YouTube that's the cause.