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Everything posted by Rigel

  1. I love getting triggered by you guys. Makes it easier to drop my ideas of what anything is & who’s right about anything on the floor and let them bleed to death.
  2. I have read all of that and I still don’t understand what enlightenment is
  3. I am going through it right now it’s pretty entertaining. He is a genius with words but of course none of that comes even close to being in the thick of a deep psychedelic trip.
  4. When I was young I always had one nostril clogged. The doctors said it was allergies which it wasn’t(what a shock) cause it all went away when I started valuing my health and eating actual food. I wanted to sing so I had to learn how to breathe and open up my nasal cavities to do that. I am glad I did. It was very much and still is a conscious effort. People have their lots of methods, tips, tricks, guidelines, practices and stuff which I have read a few bits here and there(including James Nestor’s). But I like just focusing on it and asking myself:”ok how do I breathe? no bullshit. What the f is breathing and what is the optimal way to breathe?”. By trying every possible way to breathe and noticing which one does what, one increases awareness and mindfulness of the breath which is really the thing that transforms it. Like 1 through 30sec inhales and exhales or 10sec inhale 15sec exhale and every combination and permutation of depth, ratio and length coupled with acute attention to what it all does to the body-mind. General relative truths about breathing include: -Slow is calming to the mind and body -Slow is sustainable and desired for long periods of time/most of the time. -Slow decreases heart rate. -Fast is electrifying. If you need to run away from a bear you’ll breathe fast. -Fast is anxiety inducing & damaging in the long run. -Fast increases heart rate. -Deep & Relatively fast is what can make you have insane psychedelic like experiences and energetic overloads or releases. -Shallow breathing is a problem at any rate or speed. It’ll cause tiredness and fatigue among other things. -Breathing through the nose is crucial but even more so on inhalation. -Breathing technic & physiology is important but so is air quality. There’s no technic to make you breathe well in a dust and smog cloud.
  5. I mean play drums. It’s gonna cure your fidgeting. If you want. Create a regular pulse at the center of your chest and relate your fidgeting to that pulse. I think dancing could put your rhythm into coherence as well. Fidgeting and shaking is untamed rhythm.
  6. Even if that was true(which is debatable) you wouldn't know what your specific genetic potential is without doing the hard work. Everyone can improve their confidence & self-acceptance if they want to & if they are willing to do some emotional labour.
  7. Mmmmh I like a good tragedy sometimes!?
  8. Create a pulse at the centre of your chest and make the shakings have a soul & purpose.
  9. You don't need to think about the damage that not caring about your health will do in 10years. Notice how unhealthy behaviours make you feel right as you do them & right after. Notice how disgusting & unhealthy it feels to have dirty teeth. You don't need to fear loosing them in the future to appreciate clean teeth. As you pointed out, I think being clear about your values is crucial. If you are 100% clear that you value your health, brushing your teeth & eating real food is a no-brainer. There's no debate or hesitation to be had. Like do you value your health or not? Decisiveness is the key. Like do you value your health or not!?
  10. That war is inside your head. You can sign a treaty any time but you don't want to. You love to hate war.
  11. Can you live with family or friends for a few months to reduce costs & pay your debt? I see from your profile that you live in Canada. I am also in Canada & I worked 6 weeks in a factory this summer to invest in my life purpose & I made 4600$ net. If you can find a way to be rent free or reduce the rent to a minimum for just a few months(even if your living conditions wouldn't be ideal) you could pay your entire debt & then start investing in what you want. I don't know the extent of your student debt but you spoke of 8k for being scammed. That could be paid in 3-4 months if you grind 40hrs a week & even do over time in a factory. It's not fun but it could get you out of there within a year or two(depending on the extent of your student debt). Be grateful you live in Canada & not some toxic place. Even wage slaves have it pretty good here compared to other countries. Leo's recent blog posts about Mumbai & Bangladesh has put things in perspective for me.
  12. I love that explanation. It helps me re-contextualize stage fright. If there’s no negative thoughts co-opting the adrenaline rush when you are up there it’s now possible to actually use that energy to refine and improve performance.
  13. Her POV of life must be wild. Imagine looking at the world through her eyes ?
  14. Does the damage to your body have to do with a specific substance or to the sheer amount of what would generally be considered safe substances?
  15. How do you not cum in your sleep when you haven’t cum for a few days?
  16. Smell it. Does it smell like you wanna drink it? Of course you should investigate more than this but it’s an easy way to tell if it’s really bad. It shouldn’t smell like a pool but there’s more to it that you can’t know by smell.
  17. Oil is cool I use it at low doses as a nootropic. It also doesn’t rekt my voice which is ?
  18. Start by trying once. You are putting the cart before the horse. You act like it’s a trivial thing. It’s not. Leo has balls of steel to do it as much as he does. If you are the average joe you will not be able to do that and not because you are too busy.
  19. Once a week is hardcore af for the average joe
  20. It's up there for sure. I am not done with the new mastery book by Ralston but I think it's on par with that.
  21. Alcohol? Oh you mean The Elixir Of Simple Mindedness? Don't say that in a bar they'll look at you sideways. Just don't say that.
  22. Well they are full of shit. It's all in the dose.
  23. Lol you definitely haven't done mushrooms.