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Everything posted by metwinn

  1. @Anna1 Thank you for putting that so well, I think its important to remind ourselves of this and to stay vigilant I cant see how it can hinder our enlightenment. @Joseph Maynor
  2. @kieranperez How did you become conscious of this?
  3. Very true but I think one can have a really deep understanding of it and can become conciouss of it in day to day life. I think a good understanding of it only comes when you think determenistically and I don't think it can be realised if you believe you are making decisions
  4. @Faceless If you take a deterministic approach to looking at things the same as I, what do you think about non duality?
  5. @Faceless it sounds a lot like we were arguing ? Thanks for clearing that up anyway.
  6. @Faceless I couldn't agree more with you ? I don't know why we are arguing I'm pretty sure we are on the same page
  7. That point is irrelevant because what we think and the way we direct our will is also predetermined not just he stream of thought
  8. @Faceless yes I got confused when you said the self I didn't know what self you were referring to but if you are calling it ego I understand. Where are you going with this?
  9. @Faceless yeah thought is response of knowledge experience and memory
  10. Knowledge and memory forms are all ego related yes
  11. @Faceless correct but what is your point?
  12. @Faceless you are making the mistake of believing that you are whare you perceive
  13. @Faceless no, but that does not mean that I am not
  14. @Faceless @metwinnit depends how you define the self.
  15. @Faceless Not sure I can fully wrap my head around your monstrous post, can you simplify what your trying to say here so my tiny brain can understand as I think we have finally reached some sort of middle ground
  16. @pluto but who is actually making the decisions? You are merely watching the "decisions" made from my point of view. Even if you were the "person" making the decisions that decision still has a cause behind it.
  17. Thank you. I don't understand how it can be possible that it's not determined and when you understand this you feel incredibly free.
  18. @Faceless ah, but you can know it to be absolutely true, I can't imagine believing otherwise. Also there is no you to be bound by it