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About LukeUid

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  1. Hi Everyone! Was just wondering how you approach reading books. I know this topic is based on personal preference but maybe there are some interesting approaches to reading books and taking as much from them as you can. I've tried different methods. Sometimes I read multiple books; a bit of one in the morning and the same in the evening. I also take notes and take my time with applying what I learn if its a more practical book. I sometimes have trouble though with focusing so I have to retrace my steps and see if I'm understanding it right. Would love to hear your thoughts! - Luke
  2. YES! One of the reasons I got into self actualization was because of this show. I still put on an episode once in a while and I am not lying when I say the chances of me tearing up or getting a sudden AHA! moment are very high! Definitely recommend this series as both a fun and insightful experience The Legend of Korra (the companion series) is okay. In my opinion it doesn't hold up to the The Legend of Aang but that is considering how much trouble the producers had with getting it to air properly. A couple of insightful moments in Korra as well. Super happy someone on this forum mentioned this series!