from chaos into self

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Everything posted by from chaos into self

  1. Or rather, you are as conscious as a rock, perhaps.
  2. I think I remember Leo saying everything is mind. I find dreamless sleep to simply be a break in consciousness. Conscious of nothing. Not at all the same as ego death, when you remain conscious of what was your ego but are unattached from it and in god consciousness. You realize that all is one. you forget all your dreams at night so you forget if you’re conscious of nothing. People seek enlightenment because they want to be free of suffering. In sleep we do not suffer. In ego death we do not suffer. But they are not the same thing. (Maybe there is no two but seeking that is different from being asleep, it is to awaken.)
  3. No, that choice is deterministic. You’re confusing choices with free will. Choices are predetermined. You will either do as he says out of curiosity, or disobey out of disbelief. And really, you are responding to his comment, replying to it. Very predictable. Of course you would say what you have said.
  4. You can tell a computer to wake up. It’ll do so. Yet you won’t claim a computer has free will a human is basically a complex biological computer
  5. Sometimes things don’t work as well as they should. Try something different to shake things up.
  6. Isn’t saying my hand is a hand a name, not a belief?
  7. It’s all belief. Reality is happening right now, that’s what awareness is. That’s real. But making some statements about it is belief. Applying some story to it is belief. Maybe it’s true but it’s not what’s True. Maybe the brain exists but we are never directly conscious of it so it’s never True.
  8. Well You’ll find out when you get there won’t you? Become president, perhaps. Wouldn’t that be something!
  9. I found my answer, from your video about actuality. Why me? This experience that confound me? That is god. What is actual is god. I have it because it’s actuality. This is what actuality feels like. And actuality without concept is god. thank you Leo
  10. Why? Why me? Why do I exist? No one else is like this. There should be no this. No me. But I’m here. I’m not Leo or god or nothingness. I’m real. I am. I don’t need to think to know I am. I just am. I’m not anyone else, I’m me, in this era, not a previous era, here now. Today. This perspective. This human. Why? Why does it have to be me? Why does this exist? Everyone exists just fine without this. They don’t have this perspective and don’t need it to be conscious. But I’m here with this awareness and I want to know why. Why me????? I don’t think I’ll get the answer I’m looking for. But I have to ask.
  11. What is actually there is reality. Thinking is not reality. Direct experience is reality. Context is not reality, the connect is imagination, belief. It’s foolish to believe the outside world is real. But it’s wise to see it for itself. The ground is hard. Thinking that is belief. Experiencing it is actuality. If you want reality, experience it for yourself. It’s foolish to think. But it’s wise to experience. Experience reality, don't contextualIze it. Enlightenment isn’t thinking the outside world doesn’t exist. Enlightenment is experiencing the world without conceptualizing it.
  12. I want to meditate. I have lots of free time. Normally I do mantra meditation. What should I do to experience awakening????
  13. There appears to be outside stuff. Cars that go vroom and people that chatter. Maybe I can’t prove it but my senses support the assumption as consistent.
  14. Emotional mastery is overrated. Master your actions, let emotions run free.
  15. Life makes no sense. Lol no sense comes of our beliefs. Only madness. You believe you are god? Ha! If only! You believe that everything is a figment of your imagination? Wow. What A belief!
  16. My self awareness is why I am sure I exist. But what is that existence I cannot know. Maybe I am just a Dream and don’t really exist after all! I guess I don’t know I exist, but my awareness gives me meaning. I have that much.
  17. @blandana you have to trust. Trust is all you have to know others exist. Where I am right now, I live next to a busy road. All day long is the sound of traffic. I’m listening to it now. Beautiful if you really think about it. Constant reminder that others exist. Hundreds of cars a day go by, maybe even a thousand! That’s a lot of busy people out there. I don’t know what they’re up to but they’re in a hurry!
  18. You’re just a figment of your imagination, crazy! I’m as real as you are. Tell me, why? I want to know why I exist. Do you know? You seem to want to know if you’re alone. If you can trust me, you are not alone. I am here. I want to know why. Why are we conscious? We are both lost in this way. Howdy, nice to know you!
  19. Why not?
  20. The truth is that there is no truth. There is only appearance. There is only perception. And that is only illusion.
  21. Jed is right that a teacher is just a log. But when we need to stay afloat, we need that log. We would drown without it. But we can learn to swim. And once we swim we realize we had the strength all along. What gives us the most answers is doing the work ourselves. but learning from others’ words is possible and gives us some help along the way.
  22. No one knows the world without observation. In knowing the world there is only illusion. We only “know” as far as what we perceive. Is that even knowing? It is appearance alone. Is the world real? I cannot know.
  23. @Raven1998 without perception we have no knowledge of the world. With perception the world appears to us. If world exists without perception, we do not know. I personally assume there is world out there. But I know that I cannot know. I can only play along with appearance. Belief in the Now.
  24. Without an observer, there is nothing that proves existence. Without observation, existence is not there. Existence is the same as appearance. The outside world appears to be there. We perceive it. But if we did not perceive it, we would not experience existence. Perceiving is everything. The object may or may not exist without perception, but we can only know perception.