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Everything posted by kingroboto

  1. Wow!!! Not just one, but multiple? You should consider yourself a very lucky man indeed. I'm happy for you. Sadly I haven't been privileged to meet these loving kind and beautiful girls, I'm mostly surrounded by landwhales in yoga tights. Should I move? Where do you live? So what happened with you and these lovely ladies, did you pursue relationship with them? How did you come to find out their loving and kind nature? Please update us And my heart is warmed that there are indeed women like these out there. MGTOW is not the same as incels. I am more than open to be in a relationship with a beautiful, smart, kind, loving girl who is not emotionally damaged, entitled, or manipulative. If life presents me such person I will present the best version of myself and do my level best to make her happy. It's just that legal marriage contract is out of the picture. Nor is she going to move into my place, or have access to my bank account. I'm just happy pursuing my creative projects and building up my financial resources right now. Maybe all this is some elaborate plan to get the attention of women? Maybe so but even then marriage just seems like a stupid gamble for men in today's world doesn't it?
  2. Few days ago I watched Leo's video about consciousness which resonated with me. I was sitting and contemplating what I learned and began to repeat to myself that everything is consciousness, the room I'm in, the city I live in, the universe I'm in, the cells that make up who I am, the thoughts that enter my head, etc. Suddenly I was no longer myself, the me I identified as was just a sack full of meat and blood, and i felt lighter, like all my problems in life just washed away for brief few seconds. As I kept repeating in my head that everything is consciousness, my eyes began to well up, then i started to sob uncontrollably. I didn't really understand what was happening but it was a nice feeling. For that brief moment I was totally content. I didnt need anything more. Eventually the tears stopped and I tried to find that feeling again but it was gone. So what the heck happened there?
  3. Here's the way i see it Sexual energy is a myth. It doesn't exist There is energy. If you channel it towards sex then it obviously becomes sexual energy. The tricky thing is that the mind converts it into sexual energy so fast that you do not catch it and just assume that it was sexual energy from the start. The mistake you made is 2 folds: First you allowed the mind to convert your energy into sexual nature Then you are trying to control it or suppress it. It will never work or it will eventually backfire on you. So what to do...i guess have something to be passionate about. If you really are dedicated to a purpose then sex shouldnt even enter your mind. If it has then you've already fucked up.
  4. Well marijuana essentially triggered my spiritual journey so....?
  5. @stevegan928 lol didnt even ask for it but thanks for the breakdown.
  6. @Emerald if you want my opinion you should value your time more and not be posting essay long responses on message boards which ultimately wont change anything. You are trying to reverse the flow of a river by paddling it with your hands. I'm not going to respect the opinion of someone who doesn't value their own time. Go be a mother and a wife. I think that will have more positive effect on the world
  7. @Emerald umm? No, not by a long shot. I never stated otherwise. I'm working to better myself though. Do you think you are well adjusted?
  8. I feel this idea of a "healthy" and well adjusted men or women is increasingly like chasing a unicorn. Generations of weak parenting compounded by internet and social media has pretty much made sure of that. At some point you have to realize that Santa Claus doesn't exist and stop playing a rigged game. I think people like Jordan Peterson and Leo are starting to undo the damage but im in no delusion that it's going to fix anything overnight, if ever. (It took me 4 yrs to discover Leo's channel, for example) So all that is left to do is to just focus on myself and be the best person that I can be. That's what I got out of the MGTOW philosophy. There will always be the low conscious people that use such ideology as crutch but it's not the case for myself
  9. @Emerald lol okay lady. How much time do you spend here?
  10. @Emerald you seem to enjoy constructing fiction in your head about other people's lives. Is that a feminine quality as well? If so Im rather turned off by it
  11. There is really no hate, at least on my part. I am fortunate enough to not get suckered into a marriage contract. I think that women are victims of this societal shift as well, as reflected by the increasing number of single 30+ ladies living with cats for companionship. Some folks here seems awfully defensive about the subject for some reason though? For the record I dont really want to identify myself with a label, I was merely observing the similarities between the philosophies. What's funny to me is that folks like @Emerald think its such a strain on our psyche to resist the temptation of females, when really it just happened naturally as I began to unplug myself from the social programming. I do appreciate the feminine quality, that is when I can still find it amongst all the landwhales exercising their empowerment as they waddle down the streets with frappy drinks clutched in their fat fingers. I dont want to promote hate towards women at all, I just want men to consider an alternate path that is more enriched and fulfilling than chasing after approval of others
  12. Watched the new video about the maze and it got me thinking, I want to be at peace with myself, but how can I do that when my mind is the very thing that is constructing this maze? Constantly trying to distract and torment me. If the mind is part of the maze then it's not of my own, if I remove it then what is left that is me? ?
  13. When you are trying to decide if you should move to another city or country, what factor should be focused on the most? The city I'm living in doesn't inspire me, has a lot of negative memories attached to it, but would things be any different in any other place? Based on my life experience no. Maybe I'm thinking about moving just to put off doing certain things I need to do? but maybe it's better to do that thing after I start fresh in a new location? if I stay I could be running away from making a change that could have positive effect on my life. If I move I could be running away from dealing with my inner issue by creating a lot of chaos and distraction through moving the only logical answer I can think of is surrender to life and let myself go wherever it takes me
  14. you're not understanding something fundementally corruption is inside every person. you didn't know that person very intimately afterall
  15. a floating cloud could have negative effect on you if you choose to believe that a blade of grass could have caused a chain reaction that gave you cancer if you looked far enough corruption is inside every human being
  16. Hey this came true for me, thanks man! experienced a hard reset recently. Triggered by a girl who showed me interest only to act cold on me later. I think I don't like how pussy crazy I get towards the 2-3 week mark I can't trust myself to make sound decisions especially around women.
  17. Wow what an original thought. 10/10. You are being ideological. Check yourself.
  18. It's amusing to observe my subconscious ego trying so hard to get me laid just so it can have some sexual release. I act like such a different person when around people now that it is startling sometimes. Conversations flow much more naturally and particularly when I'm around women my senses and reaction time feels razor sharp. For the time being I enjoy feeling like this new self that I dont want to trade it in for a brief flash of pleasure followed by weeks of building the momentum back.
  19. does anyone else have this? I've had it from my earliest memories along with my general fear towards people by default. When I look at people I get lost and paralyzed and basically cannot think or function as a rational human being. It's like they can see all of my flaws, all of my secrets, my darkest thoughts and desires. The prettier the girl or the more important the person the worse the effect gets. This little thing has crippled my life for too long. I want to conquer it but I don't know how to go about it in a sustainable way that would not creep people out or get me arrested. Any tips or suggestions? What sort of class I can sign up would be optimal for this kind of issue?
  20. I seem to hit a wall at around 14th day then after that my mind starts to go into desperation mode
  21. when I do work I have this need to constantly have something playing in the background as white noise. It comes from this need to get the most out of every minute of the day and in my head just sitting there doing work is considered wasting of time when I could be playing a youtube video to learn about various 'things' that don't really matter to my life or just simply to be entertained to make the time working more 'fun'. Since I started my mindfulness work I've recognized that all of this distraction is put there because I want to drown out my own thoughts which are at their most critical when I'm doing my work and running into challenges. I recognized that by distracting myself I'm merely putting 50% of effort into what I'm doing and receiving only 50% of what's playing in the background. It doesn't add more to my day's experience by doing more multitasking. Yet despite all the logical reasons why I should stop distracting myself I still do this dance every day of searching for things to watch or things to distract myself with and spend probably hours accumulated each day just sitting there cycling through the same youtube and netflix videos, the same radio and podcast channels, the same music, looking for stimulation to make my sitting down to work time 'worthwhile' like a drug addicted monkey . I have had periods when I shut off all distractions and be 100% concentrated on what I'm doing but then the thoughts and the anxiety creeps in and I have to break from the state. I've been pretty successful at quitting many unhealthy habits in my life but this one is more difficult for me that quitting pornography. Any advice would be appreciated
  22. how should I solve this? I thought I made a lot of progress in my inner game but when I was around my friends I saw myself falling back to the same insecurities and the same tendencies I used to have when around other people. I did make myself more engaged in conversations that I'm in and for short bursts of time managed to be detached and be present in the moment. Should I just take pleasure in small progresses and keep grinding away?