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Everything posted by Sockrattes

  1. I don't think we are speaking about two different things here. To check this I would like to ask the following question: Last night I was on the verge of getting reincarnated! Do you think this statement is or could be true or am i just making that up?
  2. According to the Buddha this "oneness" Leo spoke about in this thread, is called Samsara and it is literally endless suffering (dukkha). And Nirvana is breaking out of this cycle.
  3. Ah no, Leo has a point. I actually get what he's talking about. I've seen it too. There is just one life which is wandering through all stories to put it simply. But my guess is his interpretation of what he has seen is wrong. For me it sounds like he thinks there is just that and nothing else. But that's not my experience. That's why i'm asking.
  4. So would you say Buddhas teachings about Nirvana and Jesus teaching about the kingdom of God are wrong?
  5. Have you ever had a lucid dream? It's extremely fun and awesome.^^
  6. Awakening, moksha, liberation, enlightenment, kaivalya... and so on are all terms and concepts which were established with a very specific worldview in mind: Samsara! The cycle of birth and rebirth. Never ending suffering. If you don't see that problem, if this is just a belief for you, then there is no point in doing spiritual practice in a committed way. But most humans and that's why you think about this topic too are somewhat attracted to spirituality because the notion of ending suffering forever is inviting. Most monks aren't enlightened. That's right. But they are trying to become enlightened.
  7. As Swami Sarvaprijananda puts it very beautifully: "You think you are a human being having a spiritual experience. But in fact you are a spiritual being having a human experience." I think the whole purpose of spiritual practice (at least those practices i make across) is to make that paradigm shift. Spirituality is not a tool to make your life as a human being better. It can. Yes. But that's not the main reason. Monks don't go to monasteries to become better with picking up girls or something. They are going there and live in celibacy to let go of being human. That's liberation.
  8. WHY??? And HOW??? If she has really so much power over you, then she will leave you for the guy she's having sex with right now, anyway. ^^ Never forget: Sexual partners are bonus and not essentiell. If you want to keep her (god knows why) stop pleasing her.
  9. Personal development is the process of improving who you are right now. And spiritual development is finding out what you really are. There is interconnectedness and cross-reference between those two. Yes. But both are fundamentally different because the goal is different. Personal development might peak in spirituality but that's not custom.
  10. This women is Katie Hopkins. That's the British female version of Ben Shapiro: Having strong opinions on things they don't know anything about. And doubling down on their opinions, when it is attacked. It is nothing actually..... it's just a business model.
  11. Yes, that is what i was trying to say. When i read the terms subconcious or dreams i always got the impression, that this person sees dreams as a second level reality, which is more unreal than the waking state or something. But the opposite is the case. Dreams are pointers to the fact that there are no boundaries in reality and that every reality is inhabited by living beings. It's the least I can hope for. The best of all three states (waking, dreaming and deep sleep) combined into a single state. Best of waking: Ultragigamega HD Resolution. Best of dreaming: Everything can be dreamed. Possibilities and fun are endless. Best of deep sleep: infinite Bliss
  12. I have these dreams too. They are so extremely vivid and lucid. Those beings in those dreams are sentient. They are real and not just made up by my subconscious. If they were then every person i know in my waking state would be just my subconscious too.
  13. He will develop interest in it, when he is ready. Until beginning of 2017 i wasn't interested in spirituality at all. It was just fantasy or sci-fi for me. That changed in a single day. In retrospect i'm sure that no one and nothing could have convinced me before that day. I think it is a natural maybe even a predetermined process to establish interest in spirituality. So you should stop trying to convince him. It probably won't lead you anywhere.
  14. (if no agreement invent stories and facts to support statements)
  15. Thank you. If someone else is interested:
  16. The lack of the possibility to delete one's own content and profile can even lead to a ban in the EU.
  17. To go beyond thoughts and explore my true nature i first have to believe that it is worth exploring. So i have to believe you blindly initially. How can i be sure this is no trap?
  18. Please don't feel offended but I wonder why I should just believe you. In the end if you are wrong about what you are saying i'm the one who's going to suffer, right?! So the question is: What exactly is this truth?! Do I even want to know? Or don't I know anymore because I didn't want to know?
  19. Are you enlightened?
  20. How can i end suffering then?
  21. I'm pretty sure, death doesn't exist. As far as i can tell you're consciousness is transitioned to a different version of yourself whenever something happens which is "too much" for you. This is an ongoing process until "they" can be sure you really exist and until you can be sure you got what is going on here. That's how they make us and raise us to be independent.
  22. I don't know if this question was asked already, but: What is the twist you are making? Do you feel bliss all the time? What are your dreams like, if you have any? What happens when you "sleep"? Do you experience dead people? Are you immortal now? What is the real deal? Moksha, Nirvana, Kaivalya? And the most important question: What is true liberation?