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About enlightened_soup

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  1. @Max_V You know that it's not going to last for long, so why don't you make the most of it? Enjoy it while it's still there, because when it finally goes, you'll regret not spending more time with it. The regret of not doing something is greater than the pain of doing something.
  2. "End" does not exist. Nothing ends, but everything changes. Change is in the nature of reality and not accepting it/trying to go against reality is pointless and won't make you very fulfilled and happy with life. Change is inevitable. Either flow with it or let it flow through you.
  3. Your problem is not the absence of a girlfriend. The problem is that there is something wrong within your mind and getting a girlfriend won't fix it. That way, you will just cover up the real problem for sometime and, as Leo says, the real problem will eventually return and bite you in the ass. Problems do not exist. They are a concept your ego creates because it want's you to survive and reproduce. I recommend doing some enlightenment work. Also read "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius. "Problems" and "needs" are a reoccurring theme in this book.
  4. @Dan Arnautu You just reminded me of Leo's video on balance, where he talks about how important it is to always find balance between two contradictory things in life and never go to extremes. Forgot about that. Thank you so much! @Quanty You are right. Ancient texts contain deep wisdom and knowledge. And that's a problem for me, since i have to encumber my mind in order to interpret and understand them. I prefer being tranquil and relaxed when going to sleep. I have no problem with reading them in the morning or during the day, though. Which ones do you recommend? @nour-cha93 Eating children can also be considered fun, yo.
  5. I've cut myself from all mainstream media. No movies/tv, no video games, no social media, including youtube and excluding Leo, no junk mainstream books. I don't even have friends to chill with anymore, since my peers are mostly interested in the things listed above, leaving me the odd fellow out. Every night before going to sleep i read fiction, which is my only form of entertainment and care-free time of the waking day. My question is: Should i cut this too? Should i remove all forms of escapism from my life? What do you guys do to entertain yourselves, or are you constantly working towards your goals?