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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. @Leo Gura in fact i would say nazis can Only exist because God is unawake.

    If you Awake how can you exterminate or abuse Yourself (Nazi VS Jew).

    So all duality comes from unawareness of course. You say God DOES NOT CARE but is not that does not care IS that God is not Awake so It goes beat and abuse people that thinks is not them. 

    You can Only beat and abuse that thing that you think is not you. Thats why no one punches its own hand. If you experience other people as intimate as your own dick, Will you go kill that people? No, unless you are insane. So thats tells you It happens because God is unaware. Not because It does not care. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You guys should distinguish between existential truths vs human survival.

    What is useful for human survival has nothing to do with what is existentially true. If you want to understand God you will have to surrender all your human survival demands.

    Abuse is def not good for human survival, but that is irrelevant from God's POV. Humans behave in all sorts of nasty ways, makes zero difference to God.


    @Leo Gura But you have to Accept that doing abuse is because of Being disconnected from God.

    For example, if you go out to approach women and you feeling anxious and weak within Yourself youll have much less success that if within your feeling complete and confident within you. 

    There are sometimes where survival or "well being" is aligned with Gods ultimate nature. In fact a lot of times.

    Which tells you Gods ultimate nature is Love, Bliss, alignment, etc.  

    You could Say abuse happens because God is so Infinite that even It permits to itself to be twisted and disconnected from itself. But if you look, abuse or violence is asymetrically connected to God. You can not Awaken beating people and being a nazi, you can Only Awaken if i a certain equanimity and sensibility has happened within. Which is necesary in order to sit to meditate or take a psychedelic...etc

    3 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

    Jagadish Vasudev not enlightened.

    3 hours ago, UnbornTao said:



    Sorry cant unquote from phone

  3. 7 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    It seems its like a default feature of conciousness ,but it comes and goes as it pleases its not constant so i dont know...peace and silence is constant...

    Is a default feature I think It comes and goes because the identification Still has not completely been seen through.

    Clear Realization of "I am not this flesh" has not come yet.


    Anyways, by how you talk It sounds a profound dimension of consciousness has opened Up in you... It can Only get more interesting from now on.


    25 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:



  4. 13 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:


     the breaking of the barrier between inside and outside then bliss 


    Yeah, if one stops identifying with the body, then one does not know suddenly where one exists. Since barriers and borders where anchored in the body.

    And of course Bliss is natural when one is not constructed by the boundaries of the attachment of the body.


    Thats why i have said so much times in this forum Bliss is a natural quality of Reality, is Only because of attachments identifications that this Bliss stops being itself, and becomes the object of limitation it has proyected itself towards.

  5. According to the following "info" Enlightment seems to be Bigger than just an experience or realization, but rather an "attainment" in Reality.

    There seems to be a conflict between

    A) Those Who thinks God imagination can not be controlled and the dream is the same for All

    B) Those that say Even if is an "imagination" It has certain rules or certain steps where one can "evolve" as a process of Existing in a certain way.


    Definition of JeevanMukti in wikipedia says:


    A jīvanmukta, literally meaning 'liberated while living',[1] is a person who has gained complete self-knowledge and self-realisation and attained kaivalya or moksha (liberation), thus is liberated while living and not yet dead



    They are believed to have realized the Self (atman) within their lifetime. After achieving enlightenment and the state of jivanmukti, they are regarded to have negated their karma. They are said to have retained their bodies to disseminate their wisdom to the masses. After their death, they are believed to have attained paramukti.


    Paramukti according to Yogananda:


    In the next higher stage, one is called a paramukta or siddha—a soul who has freed himself completely from physical, astral, and causal karma. […] If a paramukta returns to a physical body, he is an avatara or avatar.


    Sounds like science fiction or possible? 

    Are there some absolute Rules in existence where one can attain a state of Liberation from physical nature while other encarnated forms of God are Still flipping burgers at McDonald's? 

  6. @Someone herethink It like this:

    For you to exist, other people MUST NECCESARILY exist.

    Why? Because you are experiencing a precise moment or part of Reality, the Only way that could happen is Only because there are others part of reality existing.

    If your limited part of reality ONLY exist, that would mean Reality is limited.


    Since Reality is Unlimited, (in fact what you suffer is your current self imposed limitation, thats why the constant seeking of Love, expansive experiences, etc), then the Only way Reality can be experiencing something limited is only if Unlimited Reality actually exists.


    And I am part of that Unlimited Reality of course. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

     But I can't get around the fact that the world disappears when I go to sleep or when I close my eyes .

    The question might  be :

    is there any evidence that other concious entities that have existed in the eternity  of existence other than me? Do you  even have justified evidence to back it up ?

    if not..then why can't i Iook through Breakingthewall eyes right now ? Why I'm trapped in Somemo here's pov?

    @OBEler enjoy it while it lasts :D.



    Because someones here POV is Reality minus everything that is not someones here POV.

    For Reality to be in a certain way It must Reality - that which is the contrary of what reality is being.

    If reality would not be in duality or limited, you wouldnt be experiencing anything limited.

  8. 4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Leo would say that there is no problem with that since you are imagining the memory in real time, there is no memory, it's just a trick to deceive you and create a credible experience to deceive you and make you believe that you are a human. As god is infinite, it can create any memories right now, since never anything happened. Only what appears now exist, but of course you are not aware of this creation process, since there is not a process, is direct since god is omnipotent . But of course you are not aware of your own will to do this, except if you take 5 meo, then you enter in god mode and you are aware of how you are creating this experience, but you can't change anything because when you are in god mode you are so selfless that you don't want to change anything, but you are selfish enough to want to create this experience to deceive yourself and make you believe that you are a human, just to play. 😅

    🤣🤣🤣🤣 Im dying 🤣 Seems like a movie plot of a schizophrenic that didnt slept for 5 days. 

  9. 58 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

    No, but for some reasons i've heard this name in a dream lol (or rather 3-meo-pce, from what i remember).



    Oh yes, now i remember that you said It appeared in your dream lmao weirdest shit i ever Heard

    3 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:



  10. 54 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    Karmic structure? With dissos, it seems like a straight forward direction of dissolution.

    With psychs on the other hand, it's far more meta and vast, deserves a whole discussion.

    Yes It was with psychs, was about 15ug lsd 

  11. 1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    Do you mean incoherence in forming language or realizing the vanity when all becomes telepathy?

    Psychs = Big Emotions

    Yes, also by being a low dose It just increased emotions but did not desactivate the karmic structure

  12. 9 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:

    I get a lot of bliss . 

    Because i was getting a lot of bliss, I start to forget my problems and survival 


    By bliss  I mean deep intense emotional joy

    Oh I understand you.

    But I mean there are states of being where you can feel very good within and still focus on achieving material stuff. 

    again, Spiritual techniques should enhance you, not impair you. 

    Unless you are doing them for absolute dissolution/trascendence of course. 

    I must say ive heard Yoga Kriya is very complex, it takes a lot of time and wisdom for the techniques to reveal their full power while not impairing you. 

  13. 27 minutes ago, Ramanujan said:


    Kriya was eating away my drive and ambition . which is problamatic becoz i need a lot of drive and ambition to survive here in India

    @Ramanujan Right. So it wasn´t really Bliss.

    If you are really Blissful in a good way you don´t get impaired, you get enhanced.

    When I was doing oxys for over a year I would get even more motivated to work and do normal-human stuff, not less.

    You're probably calling Bliss to just pseudo peacefulness and calmness. Which is not. 

  14. 26 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    It's dissolving your karmic structures, a little and you're open, a little more and you're empty



    Yes is slippery as the sanity line LOL.

    But i havent felt more God-like social as when i did 3-meo-pcp and phenibut together.

    Insane manic levels of confidence 😂😂😂 i could probably approach in pijamas Brad Pitt's wife and try to seduce her in front of him and Still feel completely entitled to do do It 🤣🤣🤣

    21 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    just 3-me. It's a very slippery vibe

  15. 8 hours ago, Davino said:

    Oh, I experience other effects with K

    I don't feel like socializing with it, at all

    if you a little bump doesn´t give you some kind of mental/chattery boost?

    Ofc people going out are not taking psychedelic doses. 

    But you are right that I honestly dont see it as a the best drug for that purpose

  16. 6 hours ago, Davino said:


    Is it a joke?

    It has become very common in Europe to use Ketamine as a social enhancer/'party' drug.

    Statistics show It is becoming the 'new cocaine' in some areas. Since lots of people that use psychedelics/mdma has some kind of prejudice to cocaine but will gladly accept Ketamine as it has the cultural value of being less 'hard drug' than cocaine (although is not, particularly with prolonged use)

    @Schizophonia Maybe I already asked you this in the past, but have you tried 3-meo-pcp?