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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 13 hours ago, Ramu said:

    You must have a profound awakening to understand the whole solipsism thing.  Intellectually trying to break it down via some materialistic method is a fruitless endeavor. 

    @Ramu @Leo Gura Isnt understanding intelectual by itself? 

    IMO is more of an experience or not. Either you are now experiencing solipsism/oneness or dont. If you dont you are in duality. If you are you are Awake.

  2. 12 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:


    That's true, so for a whale, which is a peaceful being and of enormous beauty lives, has to kill several million small crustaceans per minute. It's how life is organized in this reality, then what is the solution, if it is one, to be fair? Every micro movement of your body takes the energy of other beings, if they are plants to produce them you have to destroy forests with millions of animals. This reality is like this, I don't see any possibility of being let's say peaceful, it's hypocrisy. Even the most peaceful kills millions. I used to try to fish, and I didn't like at all, I feel shit killing fishes that lives free in the ocean, then what? Being more or less vegetarian, try the most fair possibility, but being realistic we are destroying the planet, etc.....

    I guess is in doing it in the most conscious way possible.

    But regarding the externality thing, I personally have no interest at all in what society has sold me. I would love to have courage in go live in the mountains and drip in the bliss and perfect oneness and loneliness, is not because technically I can´t. I can, I have a free house, remote job, and tools to achieve that and make it stronger and stronger in intensity the more I focused I do it.

    But the focus is not there because the collective virus of externality has been programmed in the mind.

    So I say no to that and keep running the wheel, and for this I will pay a price I know, it will take me x20 more time to get to the same place im going, just because I keep taking detours because of society and collective virus of trying to achieve completeness from external outcomes, because everybody within feels weak, the being within feels like is never enough so you have to go extract value and love from the outside.

    And so the wheel keeps going. 

  3. 12 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I don't know, I can open myself for a while and then everything is closed again. It's a slow process that needs imo favourable external conditions. If tomorrow I go to the Ukrainian war, all that about opening will be forgotten. 

    Yeap thats why i was saying, ukranian war is the storm that makes the previous Sunny day be complete forgotten

    But is true that ukranian war probably happens because of the colletive contraction and closure. 

    When success or feeling enough means i have to be above other being, we end Up with this issues. That with our mental intelligence get much worse in proportion, compared to 2 tigers which the worst thing Will be slashing each other throats, but not wars in the proportions of humans.


    @Breakingthewall Thats why I see the issue in accepting not being able to feel completely satisfied within without any external influence, that means you are going to have to get that satisfaction in the outside, and that means getting that job while the other Guy doesn't. And to get that women to the bed the other 20 have to stay at their home jerking off to porn. Thats where i see the issue with the perspective of external. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    You can't scape of being human while you are, then you have to try to balance your experience and be as open as you can. There are necessary things like eating, having a house, not being a slave, being able to communicate with people, that you cannot ignore. It is also a fun game, a challenge, why not accept it?

    Another part is to balance your inner movement to be able to open your mind completely, this is the end of suffering, and requires being insightful. Where are the blocks, the evasive attitudes? How to make the subconscious conscious, like on a mushroom trip but all the time? Why do you hide things? break fear, open your being. So everything is there, you don't have an inner limit.

    Yeah one can survive without the need of the unnecesary barriers.

    I Talk about stopping the wheel but that do not come from evasion but from mastery of Life mechanics.

    Once the wheel is stopped doesn't Matter if one is in the world or not, any way one is beyond it. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    What other option could be?

    The end of the game.

    But for that you have to stop seeing value in the game at all. 

    Personally I don´t think this is worth anything. I don´t think this Is worth anything but because certain maturity is not there in the intelligence, this keeps going. The wheel keeps rolling. 

    I mean the day the sun shines you think the game is wonderful, but the next day the storm comes and takes away everything and you realize, what is the point of this endless ups and downs.

  6. 53 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    I don't see it nonsensical, the will to live creates life. The impulse should not be towards surrender but towards openness. Surrender is fatalistic, weak and negative, depressed and crying. the opening is strong, alive, expansive and brave. 

    We could say that life is bad because there is suffering, and lock ourselves at home crying, trying to stop the wheel of reincarnations, or we could stand up and enjoy the game. The game is going to continue there, so denying it and saying that nothing exists is like a child who covers his eyes so as not to see the danger.

    Not really surrender to life but surrender the animalistic forces.

    Nobody wants to accept though that the evolutionary force is guaranteed suffering. To win and raise you have to walk on others that lose. Some day you win, but next year you'll lose, because the other also want to win. In even if you win always you are crushing someone else life for you to raise


    and saying that nothing exists is like a child who covers his eyes so as not to see the danger.

    yeah I agree in that It definetely exists, because we are maintaining this circus.

    Consciousness has the possibility but we have chose to fall into the compulsive evolutionary forces.

    The price to pay is never experience a moment of absolute ease within. So called millionaires hustlers and super confident people get dopamine kicks only by crushing others and making themselves more rich. 

    They can not experience complete within just being. They have to become 'big', 'confident', 'important'. Of course at the expense of comparison, for you to be big the other must be small. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, gettoefl said:

    which is some people's consciousness as we can see all around us


    Is so deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness to both sides, some days ago some beautiful intelligent women confessed to me that she has fantasies of being raped or forced.

    Not that is nothing new for women´s fantasies, but it just confirms the consciousness structure of the dream, not good still. 

  8. 1 hour ago, MarioGabrielJ said:

    Your assertion that acts such as rape occur due to a lack of consciousness and alignment is indeed a profound observation. However, attributing such acts solely to unconsciousness might oversimplify the complex interplay of psychological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to such behavior. While a higher state of consciousness might reduce the likelihood of committing harmful acts, it does not fully account for the myriad influences that can drive someone to commit such atrocities.

    Moreover, suggesting that higher consciousness is the sole remedy for preventing such acts could inadvertently imply that victims or society at large are responsible for not elevating the perpetrator's consciousness. This can be a problematic stance, as it overlooks the need for systemic changes, mental health interventions, and social justice measures to address and prevent such acts.

    If heightened consciousness and alignment can prevent such harmful acts, what practical steps can we take as individuals and as a society to cultivate this higher state of consciousness? How do we address the underlying psychological, social, and environmental factors that contribute to such behavior?

    Thank you CHATGPT

  9. 1 hour ago, Schizophonia said:


    @Schizophonia I see your bet and raise it



    2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    God has no plan, he is a wild ai that optimizes the infinite flow in a perfect way seeking to extract the greatest vital flow, the greatest glory, since he rejoices in itself, and if for that you have to suffer, you will suffer, because there is a yin and a yang, and infinity must be balanced 

    tough but true

  10. 1 minute ago, Ramu said:

    It's about taking responsibility for being the Creator.  Everything Created he is responsible for Creating.   Yes YOU.

    Exactly. By saying "nah God creates rape, is just Gods will" is using It as a religious figure. This is not what Spirituality is about.

    Is about realising you are literally in the drivers wheel. There is not a FUCKING GOD OUT THERE doing anything to you, is fucking YOU CREATING EVERYTHING 

  11. 18 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

    All of this is Love. Humans create a bias of what is Love. I don’t. ;)

    Cool. Lets keep creating unconsciousness. And so like this world Keeps being shit.

    The first thing if you want to call Yourself God and Live by that name is taking responsability by what you are doing.


    Dont leave It to Gods will or Gods Love. Because you are literally God. 

    What you dont get is that by using God as an external figure that controls things, you create ego, ironically. 

  12. 5 hours ago, MarioGabrielJ said:

    You can’t go from formless state to a limited form state without creating it, everything happens for a reason, it is not random.

    20 hours ago, MarioGabrielJ said:

    You’re right 

    @MarioGabrielJ im not saying is random, but im saying rape does not happen because God consciously creates It.

    If you were deeply conscious would you rape?

    You can Only rape if you are at a certain intense level of unconsciousness.

    At a certain level of un-alignment.


  13. 9 minutes ago, MarioGabrielJ said:

    It is more likely that existence (GOD) is neutral but God obviously has some will because the ego exists unfortunately. You can’t go from a state to another without a mind, without a will.

    If you have photographs or audio recordings of God of one day planning in his bedroom to create the ego let me know. 

  14. 13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    It could not be more simple:

    If it exists, God created it.

    Now you wanna claim God is not a creator because it no longer suits your silly morals. See what games you play? I cornered you into denying that God is Creator.

    God does not create anything because God as you describe do not exist.

    We can call God as the source of existence, as Everything that Exists, Ok. 

    But God as a will does not exist. 

    God is not a human or even a Mind.

    I suspect You think God is a mind (so you attribute it "will") because you haven´t broken through properly into the empty abyss where nothing exists. 


    Please tell me, do you have evidence or photographs of God in his bedroom planning to create Rape? You are completely nonsensical man, you have to grow from this teachings. And have an actual awakening beyond mind hallucinations of a God having a will. This is religious catholic belief like, is surprising you don´t see it. 

  15. 54 minutes ago, MarioGabrielJ said:


    For Chris sake, this is just like religious fanatic thinking. What does this have to do with Spirituality? This is all junk 

  16. 2 hours ago, Someone here said:


    Now if things existed..if there was such a thing as  karma to get rid of..then you’d have a job on your hands. You’d have to do all sorts of things to get rid of your karma..your past sins. You’d be working continuously..practising all kinds of japa.. mantras..everything.. to remove all of these thoughts of the past. But I say to you since these things never existed to begin with..why do any work at all?

    Oh..it’s okay.if you like to work. but I’m very lazy myself.. and the less work I have to do..the better.:D


    You cant escape the mechanics of Life.

    Dont see Karma as a sin, Karma is just the trait, the "odor" you have picked up.

    What makes you as a human being, your fathers, your family, your way of emoting, of thinking, of reacting, this is all karma.

    Until you dont happen to pick the odor of having a father that takes a knife to his throat in front of a family lunch, or smokes some good afghan dope in front of you, or even makes you drive him in your moms car to the drug dealer itself to go score that day you dont learn to appreciate the seriousness of Karma 😉



  17. 9 minutes ago, yetineti said:

    @Javfly33 So if God doesn’t decide everything in your view, what does?

    Conventionally, God controls everything.

    By definition, typically, as well.

    Look man, im not a guru, but is obvious God does not think today im going to be unaware and have a shitty day at job.

    Simply Reality/God is going through a process of awakening. 

    This kind of questions are very difficult to respond because is necesary to understand the "dream" at an incredible profound level.


    You basically are asking how duality started. Because thats what unawareness is.

    So basically how Creation as duality happened. How from nothing or the pure emptiness the dream as physical imagination started.

    By what mechanism of unawareness of God that happened.


    But what i know for sure IS that Duality did not happened because a Thought or decisión, is more profound and complex than that. But at the Same time i have intuition is possible to Directly grasp it.