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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 24 minutes ago, Aaron p said:


    I heard a quote one time; "The waters that the psychotic drown in, are the same water that the mystic swims in." 


    I almost sure that phrase is more related to Spiritual Experiences. 

    Meaning, what what crazyness the mystic might experience he is able to let go of try to contextualize in his mind and surrender/flow with the new perspective, meanwhile the psychotic can´t handle the minduck, rejects it and it ends up going crazy because of it.

    But I might be wrong and it could be actually more related to what you say :|


  2. 39 minutes ago, Peo said:

    I don't know about 5 Meo dmt, but my brother has become addicted to MDMA even tho sience says they have no evidence saying that MDMA is addicticve.

    Yeap MDMA can definetely be addictive. Probably not scientific, but there is plenty of anecdotical evidence in the internet of MDMA having the possibility of being addictive.

    5-MeO i doubt anyone has become addicted to it.

  3. 25 minutes ago, HolyAndPromiscuous said:

    It really does seem that way, I've been honestly low key depressed and shocked since I saw Leo's last video. It certainly is not an easy pill to swallow <3

    The thing that gives me hope is the fact that depending on what stage you are in you will understand and contextualize in a way or other. For example now it really seems but is depressing but maybe it´s just my proyection. I just found his recent messages kind of "dooming", but I´m sure part of that perception is that I am projecting my kind of "doom" on to his teaching that I have lately about spirituality and truth.

    However I won´t argue that the difference from when I first learn about enlightment, to know, things have gotten bitter. I guess I lack a real awakening. But I am already scared where this is headed. I am already accepted the lose of physical ground, a self...etc what else will I have to surrender?

    5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's Love guys. What are you depressed about?

    Hehe...yeah but that Love you talk about is not the love this devil wants. 

  4. On 21/4/2020 at 10:09 PM, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

    @Leo Gura thank you. Concentration will be new staple of practice. 

    Are you at the LSD levels sober? Or to a level that is very satisfactory? 

    I want some motivation that all the work won’t be for nothing, considering you’ve put in 1000s of hours of psychedelics and work. 

    With sober practices you are not going to live in non-dual  you'll have glimpses. 

    I say this because, there's more benefits to conscioussnes practices than just non-dual states. For example if you do Yoga rigorously for enough time, even if it doesn't even get you to LSD conscioussnes levels, even if it gets you on a 1/20 level of conscioussnes, your life will be dramatically transformed, because you will live in a state more consciouss of yourself , your habits, your conditionings, and therefore be able to trascend them. I have been doing Kundalini Yoga for almost 3 hours a day these last week and I am sure to say the overall awareness that provides it's far superior to people doing microdoses of LSD. And there is people who use LSD microdosing to reduce their depression and anxiety. Let me tell you Pranayama rigourously with some Yoga will get you further. And it's free! But of course 3 hours are not easy joke. You have to be really serious. Also you have to be very disciplined to maintain this. Let's not even talk how well-balanced your life must be to be able to do 3 hours of intense Kundalini daily. I am being able to do it because I am staying at home since the virus. 

    This change in lifestyle will be align you more to be able to your "avatar" will be more aligned with Truth.

    I think this is clearly the benefits of the classical practices as meditation or yoga, you can have an Awakening doing those but most of the people will need chemical substances to reach there. However the classical practices provides an excellent ground. In fact it wouldn't make much sense if yoga or meditation would put your in conscioussness levels of those of psychedelics. We basically would stop almost surviving!

  5. 15 minutes ago, modmyth said:

    What does your heart/ gut say, if you're still for a moment? If anything?

    That obviously I need to heal, but it seems it's never ending. 

    When I enter high states of awareness it seems all of this problems are just thoughts, so when "emotional releases" like this happens even though they feel it should happen, other part of me is saying, maybe this is just more BS

  6. Why it is that sometimes that when I start doing serious spiritual work it feels that I am slowly trascending the bullshit of my identity, becoming super conscious detaching from my thoughts and realizing I AM NOT my identity and I can be anything, but other times actually I am getting towards the healing and facing all of the wounds of my personhood? 

    They seems opposites. 

    It just happened today. I broke in tears today after a couple of weeks of feeling like I was "untouchable", I was doing kundalini yoga 3 hours a day last week, very intense breathing exercises that I thought I have found gold and going to become free of my identity, but today actually it went 180º and I had an intense realization of an emotional wound I havent´healed. I started crying and accepting myself and this happened I think because the ego wasn´t present so emotional release was allowed. But still I have to accept like 98% of my demons.


    Do I basically have to stop behaving as ego (judging myself), and start being more God (loving myself) to heal completely?

  7. 33 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    Why do you act different to me if our egos are the same - ego being delusion/made up stories.

    I think it´s important to diferenciate between ego, and personality. You are referring to personality, but to who this personality occurs? To the one who thinks is a separate, different, unique self, to the "ego".

    A "mind" can act different.

    A "body" can move different.

    But an ego? 

    Ego is the "lie" itself. Ego is the misperception itself.  

    The misperception is the same in all beings!

    For example, imagine that this being started confusing the red with the green colour.

    Whether you are black or white, you live in a america or australia, or you are a men or a woman, the "confusion" between red and green colour is literally the same.

    I am saying the confusion, the miscerpetion that we call "ego", is the same. Is not personal, how can a mere confusion could be personal?

  8. 2 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

    But you are ending the partiality, which is death for all those partials.

    If you/I did mahasamadhi, I would be ending your life as Leo, and you would be ending my life as electroBeam.

    What I'm saying is, you're not just ending your life as Leo only, you're ending electroBeam's life and all other 7 billion people's life and all entities. Thats a fucken big step, from ego death to all egos in the universe death.

    There is just one "ego", really :D

    The lower self "you" is nothing more than the ego.

    For example, what is difference between my body and your body? The idea that you consider my body is a kind of part of "me", and your body is a kind of "you".

    But this is absolutely not true! The ego is not in the body!

    In the same sense, does a rock in Australia have a different "soul" than a rock in California?

    Why do you assume some any different to human bodies then?

  9. In Yoga a lot of Kriyas and Pranayamas have the mere single goal of traning your concentration . The why is your hability to raise your state of consciousness depends much on your concentration. If the mind is not concentrated, then consciousness can´t neither be "concentrated" (you get me?) Another term for concentration is "mind focused on only thing". That´s why many spiritual practices also they are simply just "focus on this single point for the most amount time of stuff". The mind slow downs, internal dialogue slows down, so energy instead of being diverted in 1000 things, it start to get focused on One thing...so an opportunity is created for "things to happen".

  10. 10 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Then I got into long distance running and entered a new spiritual realm of discovery. My passion was lit up. I could barely sit for 10 minutes, yet I could run through nature “in the zone” for two hours straight. My deepest realizations during the era of my life appeared during those solo runs in the woods (not during meditation). 

    Oh man I had some really special moments while running through nature too, I thought I was the only one haha. I gotta go back to doing it 9_9

  11. 10 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    @effy01  The path to awakening is good. You will feel better, and you will improve your life.

    It's like saying, I don't want heaven. I mean sure if you don't want it then no one can force it on you. But heaven's awesome, why not experience it?

    Depending on his development (and age) Some people probably will be better off living life than pursuing awakening tbh.


  12. 5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


    There is an old Zen story about how an eager young monk renounced material life and spent years trying to get enlightened. But it just didn't happen for him. Finally he quit in frustration and decided to go immediately to a whorehouse and get laid. As soon as he stuck his dick in, enlightenment happened.

    LOL I can see myself going down the same path. Funny story for sure. I´m going to save that one for the future.

  13. I can tell you my own personal anecdotical evidence, one friend of my father did stop using methadone (which is even nastier to quit than heroin) after just 1 session of Bufo alvarius, so I´m pretty sure Leo´s story is legit, other story is how my father´s friend is now... usually people need to start transforming their lives after such experiences, is not just take a pill and you are done. But the mere fact it gives you that opporutinty is already gold ill give you that.