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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 14 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    There’s no reality, because this is Nothing and no seconds are ticking because time doesn’t exist. Nothing is really happening. There are no events, because events imply time and succession. Lol! It’s beyond crazy and beyond nonsense

    Yes I mean I call reality that which "Is".

    You can't deny this Nothing is ISing, right?

    God/Reality IS. This is undeniable.

  2. 2 hours ago, WHO IS said:

    And yet again dear Friends, these revelations change nothing. We still here, projecting a an existence in which we exist as fragile and weak animal species. 

    What do we have to look forward? Getting older, more ill and senile? 

    So the question then is, why da heck are we projecting this?

    For example Jesus said that if one has a miniscule of faith, one can do things greater then what Jesus did. 

    But do we do? Nah, we still are in the form of vurnurble animal species. 

    But if We are projecting reality, then we should be able to project whatever da heck we want 

    It's already happening, you are projecting a separate self that thinks "why the hell I can't project a hot witch gf and a Lamborghini?".

    What you want is already the case Lol

  3. 38 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @Mert If you get the bottom-most layer of reality you will realize that there is only you, imagining everything and everyone else.

    So "objective reality" or "consensus reality" is just a very deep layer of your own hallucination. You need to imagine this layer in order to construct "reality" and trick yourself into thinking there is a world and other people.

    In other words, this is how God creates "reality": by hallucinating others and imagining that those others have perceptions and that they can agree or disagree with yours.

    It's ALL a fucking illusion. "Objective" here simply means that you hallucinate others who agree with you.

    You say you want the Truth, but you can't handle the Truth. You want other to be real.

    At this point is obvious there is an infinite number of Gods, imagining each of one them a reality. Why you guys don't talk about this? Is undeniable

    If not, the truth would be that that I am writing on a keyboard right now but talking with nobody. The screen itself is being imagined an someone named LeoGura being imagined as an user forum.

    This phone is not reaching out to Leo in USA between an internet server, no, that's just a backstory . I'm just imagining that so I can construct a story of other.

    No, no fucking way 

  4. 22 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

    @Someone here I actually hallucinated and experiencing of my chakras aligning. I sat on the floor whilst on a psychedelic lotus position and felt each chakra align from my tail bone to top of my head. I then imagined a burst of energy moving from my Root chakra to my crown chakra, and I recorded it all on my phone. Reviewing the footage I realise I was just extending my spine and believing some energy was travelling through me. So it’s actually good to be skeptical. 

    You are missing that you are watching that video in a lower stage of consciousness.

    The same would happen if someone sober would watch you tripping. He will think you are just doing bullshit. But clarily if you are in higher state of consciousness your reality will be much different than to the one which is in a lower stage.

  5. Since God is infinite it can´t do any other thing that explore itself (because at the same time it is exploring itself it is being itself by doing that!).

    In other words: You are "born" (imagined by God) as an infinite possibility because is absolutely neccesary since God is infinite! 

    In other words: You were "crucial" for God´s agenda. (I hope this doesn´t sound egoic). 

    I had this insight because I was feeling as a failure looking at some stuff at my past today and then I stopped, took a step back and I actually saw that it my life has been actually ALL beatiful LOL. Each moment it´s been unique, it´s just been God exploring infinity.

  6. What exactly is your understanding of "self-actualization"?

    A crisis can be "great" for self-actualization. 

    For example if one would "escape" using several distractions to numb oneself from distress/confusion, maybe a step of self-actualization can be not doing those distractions for a day, and see how you feel (how "more bad" you feel).

    But anyways don´t feel guilty for dropping everything for a while if you have to grieve and allow yourself.

  7. Just some weeks ago I decided I was going to stop taking caffeine as an habit and just reserve it for "special occasions". 

    I have gone from 3 cups to 2 cups in the last 2 weeks and this week I'm doing only 1 cup until I can be able to go some days without caffeine.

    I was able to quit it totally for over 3 weeks a year ago and IT WAS CRAZY I didn't had normal levels of energy until the 3-4th week!!


  8. 6 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

    It's a 10/10 trick. It's my fault no one's else. But on other hand you have no clue at all. 

    Great escape=chimp creation. Development of selfish mind and as such forsaking yourself into survival. How deeply selfish you are larger Self denial. 

    Hehe ... Nailed it ???


    43 minutes ago, assx95 said:

    Is there any other perspective, but " real life" ? 


    In a sense you are right, but when you say Real life you are meaning your understanding of life, which as probably you already suspect, maybe not be 100% what it really is. 

    So in a sense, there is no other perspective, because real, actual life is not a perspective. But right now you are seeing from a perspective (beliefs)

  9. You are missing something crucial. And that is that your idea of persistance is grounded in 'Real life'. See? You already think you are in 'Reality'. That´s why it doesn´t make sense when comparing it with dreams.

    Notice that you have only one Perspective to compare everything: 'Real life'. Again, since you´re already sure you are in 'Real life', so any comparison is going to fall into the trap you´re falling now.

  10. You should take it seriously in the way of not falling into self-deception and ignorance.

    The only thing you have to be "concerned" about really is ignorance and delusion. That´s how an ego is built and alive, see afterwards the disaster it can cause.

    From taht point life is meaningless and you are not alive. You step back and let the present moment / God be. Enjoying the view from the backside. (There´s no front side anyways so...better be honest about yourself ;) )

  11. I live a in flat that has a LOT of luminosity if you pull up the blinds of the windows. 

    My roommate loves to have the blinds up because he loves so much light in the home, but I actually find it stressing . Particularly in the mornings and until 19:00-20:00PM, I like to be at home with blinds down, and low brightness. I feel that when there's so much brightness coming from outside it stresses my limbic system and doesn't let me relax and disconnect of the outside world. Idk, it feels the body truly needs a time when it can disconnect of the outside world, and in my opinion that is when you are at home.

    At night I don't mind to have the windows open btw, since there's no brightness at that time also lol

    I wanted to ask this to see if this is a real thing or it is just an OCD I have about lightness (or it's just my retina is very sensitive to light)

  12. @Nahm Here's a piece of infinite humour;

    The true origin of this post is because I went out walking a couple of hours ago, I was just sipping water from my bottle when suddenly 2 girls riding a bicycle on my right appeared. In a matter of milliseconds my sight went STRAIGHT to his boobs. Head went along with the sight, too. 

    They were so authentic too they laughed instantly.

    Some minutes later I wrote this post. And then some minutes later more I realized maybe "I" am not in this body because that's has also been a thought.

    I'm ready to start laughing, too.