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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 35 minutes ago, WHO IS said:


    The reason you still doing the mundane-repetitive survival things is that you ARE afraid of ceasing to exist, and there is still somewhere someone inside that knows it exists (because is evident) and doesn't want to die. 



    52 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

    Meta-Man, please put your attention to the fact that it still takes someone for there to be killed by truth, therefore as we can see there is still someone. 

    No, it's not evident. The body is programmed to survive, and the mind collaborates with this.

    But the sensation that you are the one who is in charge of the mind and body and is collaborating along with this two to survive, THAT is a fiction you have a created for yourself to create yourself an individual entity.

    The mind fuck is, (supposedly, I haven't verified this yet) that you are actually God but since you wanted to experience duality  (there's nothing else to do) you became this fictional entity , and now you are fucked Lol. 

    Enlightenment is supposed to "unfuck" yourself from this confusion that you got yourself into. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:


    That's the whole point of society!

    Survival is much more challenging than you realize. Society has made survival easy for you. Without it you'd probably be dead.

    When you isolate yourself, your life will become 95% about basic survival. You will be working all day long just to feed and shelter yourself.

    There is no escaping survival as long as you care to stay alive.

    Pretty much. There's a show about people living in Alaska and all they do is being concerned with the next shitty thing they have to do to get food, improve shelter, fix stuff...etc. Most people would idealize it as a holidays, but it's far from reality.

    That's why people that say I'm going to live in cave until I get enlightened it's an utopia unless they have someone which brings them food every few days and basically care for them while you are meditating.

    If not it's impossible to get enlightened if you are thinking on survival most of the time LOL!!

  3. 31 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

    @Leo Gura


    Counterintuitive though, because in the same process of awakenings I felt deep deep gratitude for Leos Teachings, but also a deep understanding that I created Leo to wake myself up. (not being attached to any belief here) And I am in the process of rapidly becoming a sovereign being and fountain of love!  

    Omg ººº...that gave me chills. I hope soon I can discover wtf you guys are really talking about.


  4. 4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


    It will still sting and be gross, dripping all down your nose and throat. Which is why plugging is better. But you can certainly breakthrough with snorting. It's a bit more intense than plugging.

    That's what I was doubting, if both would be equally intense. Yeah I never have snort it anything with liquid it seems gross. I will go with plug it then. Hope it works for me. Thanks for the info!!

  5. 1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

    Freebase will sting more when snorted. You ca  reduce the sting by mixing it with a few drops of vinegar and light coconut milk.

    Cool, that "recipe" also is the same for plugging, right?

  6. I imagine this has already been asked, but couldn't find it... What is the batch that is best for snorting? I have freebase and I read is the best for smoking it but I'm not looking forward to smoke it as a my first time. 

  7. I have tapped into some states of true joy, yes. But they have been like 0.000001% compare with the rest of time I have been living on this earth (excluding the years of childhood. Although I don't remember that much from childhood)

    I would compare true joy with the joy that a child feels just looking or doing something extremely simple. Because of course deep down they feel how magical and a miracle reality is. If you get in this state of realization you will have true joy. But of course it's will be rare since your monkey mind will be very concerned with survival problems. 

    If you want true joy you will have to take survival less seriously.

    Ask yourself, if I didn't care about survival and I knew I was infinite, that I am going to be here for eternity, wouldn't I be just amazed by each second of reality? I imagine this is why high conscious beings walk around always with a smile on his face, for example Sadghuru.

  8. 8 hours ago, Florian said:

    @SoonHei why the fuck the ninja?

    @Member I didnt't see anything at all just felt. But I have severe sleep problems at the moment, like I always wake up in the middle of the night after 2-4hours of sleep only and cant fall asleep again at all. 

    @Javfly33 whats a hypnogogic state?

    Hallucinations that can occur in the consciousness state between waking and sleeping.

    Of course you interpret the meaning "hallucination" as you want. Some people will call it Kundalini Awakening. Others energy raising. Others just that the body needs the rest. 

    I don't know about you, but I would say it wasn't an hallucination, I recall that the leg did tremble intensely. But it doesn't matter much if it was 'real' or not because as Leo says, everything is an hallucination. 


  9. 7 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

    Perhaps society conditions us to believe that sadness means something is wrong. Sometimes when a sad feeling arises, the mind makes up a story about wrongness. . . Last night I was was walking in a rainy forest. A feeling of sadness arose. Rather than making up a thought story about what’s wrong, I just sat with the sadness. I observed and experienced sadness. It was so pure and beautiful. . . . Later I told a friend about the sadness and she reacted “Oh no! That’s too bad. What’s wrong? Let’s make it better”. . . Yet there was nothing “wrong” with the sadness and it wasn’t something that I wanted to change. 

    That's a very interesting story.

    The funny thing is, the word sad itself has negative connotations.

    I wonder if after you did that (you accepted and sat with the sadness) it was still sadness. Or did it convert into something else?

    I can't imagine how a "negative* emotion can still be itself, after you totally accept it and sit with it, like one would do with joy or excitement. So simple, yet almost everybody tries to deny certain emotions. It doesn't feel good to surrender to them. How do you do it?

  10. 8 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    No it's not.  The key is understanding can a thing exist outside of Consciousness.  Its not about a sound.  We can also ask - does a tree fall with no one around?

    Are you saying to yourself - oh it just happens and it's beyond our understanding?  Well that's just a concept.   Really think about what something would be without anyone conscious of it.   Would it be conscious of itself in order for it to be?

    But to your earlier statement your right.  You are literally imagining the tree and that it can fall without you.  

    Materialism debunked!!

    I used to ask myself a similar question like that some time ago. The question would arise after or during going for a run out in nature, where there are many rocks around. I would be like "how is it possible that this rocks are still there, being themselves, existing, even when I am not around?"

    I don´t know why but I would find really really weird that those rocks would be there, being "maintained" by this "universe" while I was in the city, having a shower, or even me in another country. LOL. Idk but I made an intimate connection with this rocks and I couldn´t sort out why it felt so weird that they could exist withouth me there.

    Now I know I was into something B|. But unfortunately nothing has happened :( Even though I know I am using the materialist paradigm to explain why this rocks can exist withouth me being there, well, I can´t see why not. Damn I´m trapped :( I have been brainwashed. I want my enlightment!!!!

  11. On 7/5/2020 at 9:11 PM, Meta-Man said:


    So it’s like Instagram and FB, except there are only videos? How is it more toxic than other outlets?

    The content.

    Instagram can be quite customized for your tastes, there are channels like NationalGeo, artists...etc.

    Facebook I like it way less but it has some functionality with groups.

    But TikTok is nonstop teens twerking, silly jokes, people smashing cakes into their faces...etc That kind of humour. 

  12. 1 hour ago, WHO IS said:

    You guys are missing the point, people say we have freedom of choice, but we don't actually have freedom of choice in things that are important. 

    We are basically like prisoners of whatever reality God is imganeing. Why? Because we cannot not to part of reality, I cannot say "I M tried of this human life, my back pain etc, I want something else", will You think it reality will transfer to another reality? Nope, because we aren't in control. 

    We are on a Rollercoaster and we do t choose the theme park and nobody is asking us for our opinion, when it is us who ride it. 

    That´s the whole point of enlightment I think.

    Annihilating your fictional identity so that only God, alone, remains.

    In that sense yeah, it´s kind of pretty fucked up. You get born by god and then you have to "let go of yourself" because being an individual entity turns out it sucks.

    The thing is, is not God´s fault. God can only BE. Your life is/was inevitable. Your choice is that can choose between keep living a fiction, or remaining in Truth just resting in asbolute awareness. But even that is not your choice. It´s God´s. xD