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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Yes, of course.

    It's 100% convincing because everything is your imagination and you are the sole authority.

    You ARE the universe, so the cogs not only align they become identical while you are awake.

    Lol what? But how then one can diferenciate between delusion (looking for sincronicities in everything) and true "communication" between you and God?

    I'll give an example, last month I've been doing yoga intensely and hitting some interesting high consciousness levels. Last time I had an Awakening of non-dual awareness for few days I turn on the TV and a song popped up, it felt like it was God communicating with me (because the lyrics meant a lot) I sat there crying like been hugged by God.

    4 weeks next I finish a yoga session which was quite impressive, got me almost crying in awe about reality. Then I turn on TV and the SAME song pops up, again with the same message ("don't give up" of Sia) while I sat there again crying in awe.

    But I atributte it this still 50% delusions of the mind 50% true sincronicity. How can you know which is?

  2. 5 minutes ago, traveler said:

    @Javfly33 To really seal in the flavor of no time, try and look at a clock. The clock hands move/the numbers on an digital clock changes, but there is no such thing as time attached to that happening.  

    I had this crystal clear realization at work, I was on lunch break sipping a cup of coffee looking at the clock and I just realized how thin the concept of time was. There was no such thing as time moving the hands on the clock, it was just a concept put on top of the apparent movement of the clock hands. I found this so funny. The truth is right in front of us, always.

    That's a very good observation. I'll contemplate more on it until it hits me again clearly.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

    @Javfly33 their experiences exist only in your imagination.  All that exists is this present moment.  Direct experience. Or pure experience as @Nahm stated.   That is what a dream is.  Everything is you.  You are not an ego or a human - your are Infinite Mind imagining you are @Javfly33. . The perspective of @Javfly33 is God making a shift in coonsciousness.  God can also shift back to the Godhead in which all perspectives exist in the mind of God which is you.  But this requires enlightenment or the realization of Oneness.


    Thank youuu, at least that gives me a clearer map. Ok, so this is a particular projection of God's mind, that makes sense. Idk why people would just look other way when I asked this .

    4 minutes ago, Nahm said:




    7 minutes ago, Osaid said:

    @Javfly33 You've become too skeptic. Other people still supposedly have brains in their head, so what prevents them from being conscious beings like you? It's not like the laws of reality stop working now that you have realized everything is within awareness. There's an answer other than solipsism.

    Because Reality seems exactly like a dream.

    In a dream there can be dreams but the other is just being dreamed 

  4. I start talking to people and feel like since I haven't ever experienced and verified that they are real, I feel very far away of empathizing.

    If my self, which is the most evident thing, maybe is not even real, I almost laugh at the thought of giving faith that other people are having their own experiences. 

     Spirituality is supposed to be true skepticism. So Unless an Awakening let's me see through other people's eyes, Unless it lets me, directly verify, * that I am or had experienced other lives, then I am afraid I'll never be able to truly *buy the guess that other people actually exist.

    I hope this really gets better.

    Edit: Ok I think I feel better now @Inliytened1 explained it to me pretty well I think it does make sense the possibility. I'll keep going in the path having an openmind but withouth jumping into conclusions.

  5. 4 minutes ago, VeganAwake said:

    There may be a feeling or a thought there of a separate individual that can go deeper.... that can know!!

    But there's nothing to be known and no individual to know it...

    Everything is already whole complete and perfect, but for No One.

    Who is the one that knows?

    What does this knowing construct consist of?

    Mind is not needed for this!!

    Look for yourself... who and what is the knower?




    An individual can't grasp it.

    Only reality itself could ever know...right?

    What if you are reality actually?

    If that would be true, there would be actually a possibility of knowing...

  6. I reduced first to only smoking at nights.

    That way you can stop smoking during the day and not feel so much anxiety you just know you will smoke at nights.

    Do this for a couple of weeks and you will no longer miss smoking during mornings and afternoons.

    Then it comes the most difficult part. Actually substituting that smoke of the night for other thing.


  7. On 23/5/2020 at 2:46 PM, The Monk said:

    @Nahm I can tell if a thought about myself is true, if reality illustrates to me that I am what I think I am. 

    It's the opposite. And you are doing it right now with this.

    Something happens in reality, which has no meaning whatsoever.

    Until you give it meaning.

    And you give it a particular meaning, trying to "accuse" reality (projecting) as the "demonstration" of who you are. It's actually the opposite! 

    Try this.

    Next time when thoughts arise with the purpose of maintaining the identity of Who you believe yourself to be (aka, the situation "demonstrates" that I am like "this" happen again) maybe try to not instantly believe them. Maybe try letting them go a little bit and wait to other thoughts about that situation that do feel good. 

    In doing that, you might discover that maybe you are greater than a fixed assumption you believed yourself to be. It's a matter of not jumping into conclusions.


  8. 7 minutes ago, traveler said:

    Enlightenment is not a state.

    Falling asleep to the dream has no significance to our being, but it has significance to the illusory person. It goes through a lot of hustle to find being, then a spontaneous letting go of the person can happen, and the dream is revealed to be not real. It's just energy appearing in these forms. You are always love, you are always whole. 

    You are making a duality there which is not real.

    Since you are only God, it's possible to be deluded into imagining that you are a human.

    If not, if there was really something like the ego, then of course we could always say "You are always untouchable awareness" because we could separate between the ego and awareness/conscioussness.

    But that is not the case. Therefore it depends on how awake you are 

  9. 30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    I expect that one day science WILL be able to build something close to that.

    But this will be a very different science than the materialist science of today.

    There is nothing in nonduality/spirituality which says that you cannot build a conscious robot. It should be possible, since "nature" builds conscious robots -- i.e., humans -- every day. But we are VERY far away from that.

    Also keep in mind that there is a big difference between building a thing and understanding how it works. Today, humans are building complex AIs which are able to do amazing things like play chess or Go or driving a car. But humans have no idea how these AI actually perform their amazing feats. The neural network is so vastly complex that no human mind could ever untangle it. But we can build it.

    A human mind is never going to be able to logically untangle something as complex as a human brain/mind. But I think it should be possible to build artificial minds. But probably not within the materialist paradigm.

    Why do you emphasize that not within the materialistic paradigm? Wouldn't they just be robots? Because it's not like consciousness is in the brain so we could just literally make one for robots and put it in there.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Nahm said:


    And there’s no way to stop it?

    Well, seems like it. If I keep being "honest", there´s no other destination that go towards Truth.

    I could always go back to delusion, but I never had truly liked the life that delusion gives. So it seems I´m not looking to stop it. It just seems kind of scary at first. You know, that this spirituality thingy is actually real and all of that.