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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. On 17/5/2020 at 9:48 AM, outlandish said:


    I've posted so many links to studies and resources around caffeine in this forum, so I'm a bit little tired of the routine. Honestly, just look on Dr. Greger's site nutritionfacts.org and search for caffeine, coffee or tea. He has a great high level analysis of the research that's out there. It's very clear and honest, for anyone that doesn't feel the need to get into the nitty-gritty. He's constantly consuming, digesting, and presenting a layman's summary of the literature for us.

    But if you really want to dig into some papers:

    • General: From a 2015 meta-study in pubmed: "..the vast majority of contemporary sources not only emphasize a lack of detrimental effect, but also suggest a beneficial effect of coffee intake" Abstract is here, full text here.
    • Longevity: "Coffee drinking was inversely associated with mortality, including among those drinking 8 or more cups per day and those with genetic polymorphisms indicating slower or faster caffeine metabolism." abstract
    • Mental health: "Moderate caffeine intake (< 6 cups/day) has been associated with less depressive symptoms, fewer cognitive failures, and lower risk of suicide" Abstract 
    • Cardiovascular Disease: "Moderate coffee consumption (3–5 cups per day) was associated with lower CVD risk, and heavy coffee consumption (≥6 cups per day) was neither associated with a higher nor a lower risk of CVD." paper

    I'm not trying to convince any one person that they should consume caffeine. Health and diet are super complicated. You can't be prescriptive towards any one individual about something like this. Actually, some people are being really prescriptive on this forum about not drinking caffeine, which is why I keep jumping in on this.

    When you look at the population scale, consumption of coffee and tea boosts longevity, decreases cardiovascular disease, reduces rates of many cancers, and even reduces rates of suicide. It's pretty hard to argue against that.

    So while it may not be a good fit for you, on average, for most people it turns out to be a healthful habit. So suit yourself, but there's no good health reason to tell others not to drink it.

    tldr; If you like drinking coffee/tea and you're not going overboard (less than 5 cups a day say), it's not bad for you; it's probably good for you. 

    Keyword: Hormesis.



    It's very different doing studies analyzing the benefits of a plant, and another thing is to do a real analyzing of the whole spectrum. Kratom is also a perfect example of this. Kratom has been showed to help in depression, anxiety, mood boost, skyrocket immunity in the body...etc yet I would find it very naive to use those benefits as an argument for Kratom being healthy. Those studies doesn't show how the negatives, which can be sneaky to discover especially in much of today's society which is highly ignorant of the potencial of their bodies.

    The main issue here is the current society is such at a low level of connection and understanding to the body that even some addictions are considered good. Ime, the word "healthy" along with "dependence" doesn't make sense. Yet this is literally what it is being encouraged when studies try to say that it can be beneficial to have consume an addictive substance on a daily manner.


  2. 40 minutes ago, Roy said:

    @Javfly33 Quitting cold turkey will cause a lot of mental and physical discomfort. Also ego backlash, which will discourage you from trying to change the habit again when you fail to quit the first few times.

    Think about it, it's just coffee anyways, it's not like it's heroine or something where you should quit immediately. Just come up with a solid plan, because most people including probably you and definitely me just don't have the willpower to quit cold.

    Consider trying a strict regiment like this over the course of weeks so your body can adjust (customize depending on your addiction level);

    Week 1 - One coffee per day

    Week 2 - One coffee every OTHER day

    Week 3 - One coffee every 3 days

    Week 4 - One coffee every 4 days

    And so on until you feel you don't need it anymore. It's important NOT to replace it with other things like tea or pop. Simply drink water in it's place and pretend it's the coffee you usually drink. It's hydrating and great for you!

    I know, but I am already 5 days in so I think I'm going to quit it already. Before I reduced to 1 coffee a day, I tried to do one each x days but I would be craving it the rest of the days so I would go back to drink it daily.

    1 hour ago, Scholar said:

    Take Brahmi it will help milden the symptoms. I drank one cup of coffee a day and it took 3 weeks to recover more or less. There are reports of people struggling for months with withdrawal.

    God damn motherfuc***. 3 moths? I hope mine won't be that bad I was just doing 1-2 a day I expect my wd will last as yours.

  3. 23 minutes ago, EnlightenmentBlog said:

    That basic survival function is YOU. 

    @Meta-Man @Javfly33 What are your fears?

    I understand what you're saying and I've tried it. But then survival kicks in all this enlightenment theory flies out of the window for me.

    No matter how much you meditate or take psychedelics or journal there will come a situation in your life when fear will arise and

    logic and theory won't be able to help. That's life.

    No, the survival function is just a mechanism, is not your identity.

    The problem is identifying with the body and thoughts. If you identify obviously you will fall "victim" of the fear when the body and mind wants to avoid something to stay in homeostasis/safety.

    Being consciouss is not a theory, is a state.

    If I've been able to be more happy and relaxed this last months, is because I raised my state. So when thoughts of fear and or anxiety and sensations in the body arised, instead of going along with them, I have been able to surrender to them a little bit more because deep down I wasn't that sure anymore I was this body anymore. This won't work if it's a belief or a theory, you must be conscious in that moment that you are NOT any object! 

    Basically it's as "simple" as raising your state high enough you know you are not your sensations or thoughts. Of course I can't guarantee you if that in a precise moment of your life when fear arises you will be conscious enough or you will be lost in identity. I guess enlightenment is about that. Stabilizing that conscioussness so you don't forget who you are.

  4. Surrender to what the thought about that fear tells you.

    If the thought "sells you" the story that that thing you are going to do means death (I agree 100% with @Meta-Man here, if you are consciouss enough when you are feeling fear or anxiety you WILL realize that the thought is literally threatening you with DEATH).

    Basically surrender and be Ok with you dying, then the thought won´t be able to prevent you of doing whatever you want to want to do, because you already have accepted the worst scenario possible.

    And yes, psychedelics can help a lot with this. But of course it will be as hard as doing it in normal life, the difference is in a psychedelic you won´t be able to avoid it. That´s why it´s they are so effective.


  5. On 26/5/2020 at 1:46 PM, StarStruck said:

    Isn't doing self help implying that you are not good enough as you are? It is something I don't get or at least: I can't explain it to myself.

    For example if you tell yourself you look good as you are and you go and do a nose job, are you really? This can be applied to self help too. You accept yourself as you are and afterwards you are trying to change major parts of yourself.

    I noticed that my inner self is resisting to the idea of changing and self improving because of this inconsistency. I feel self neglected, being lied to and thus I lose my drive. Self sabotage is also a thing that happens.

    What I'm really asking, I think, is how to accept yourself, not neglect your inner child, and at the same time try to change him. For me personally I think this feeling of self neglect stems from my childhood.

    Self-help is actually realizing that you are good as you are. But it is very ironic, because is this that actually lets you change.

    Ironically, once you accept your "faults" they start to dissapear or trascend them. Because the rejection of them was what was making them "bad" or a problem.

    I like to see that the faults are just a message waiting to be understood and seeing.

  6. 2 hours ago, Average Investor said:

    Caffeine was giving me anxiety and I was not even aware of it for a long time. You'll be glad you quit. For me it was one of the easier things to quit, but it depends on the intake you had and for how long. Your energy will be much more sustainable once you get rid of it. If you add in better diet and exercise it will really give you a good boost in your regular energy too.

    Thanks bro that will motivate me this fatigued lethargic days for sure

  7. I'm on four day off caffeine. I'm determined to quit this habit for good.

    The thing is, it's been harder than i thought. I am so tired I can't get any work done. Not only that I have like an overall uncomfortably in all my body when I sit in the chair to get work done. Maybe this is psychological idk. 

    I need to know how much this symptoms will last because the work is piling up and I am so damn tired and unfocused .

    My reasons for quitting: I hated that I needed to have coffee in the morning or less I won't be able to do anything. I don't know what it's like to have a stable amount of energy. It has hurt so much my productivity. Because I just get 1 hour of intense stimulation where I open 20tabs and then the rest I get a crash of energy. Also when I don't drink coffee I feel so much more relaxed and no anxiety.

  8. 8 hours ago, Aaron p said:

    Is Kundalini yoga really good? What practices in particular are the most powerful?@Javfly33

    It is good. No doubt. I had reached level of consicousness for some seconds during some kriyas that I thought they were possible only on psychedelics. 

    Ime, Here are the most powerful Kriyas I´ve discovered:

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya Pituitary Gland Series.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya Foundation for Infinity.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya for Elevation.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya for flexibility and the spine fp.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya Nabhi Kriya for Prana-Apana.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya Electromagnetic Field and Heart Center fp.htm

    This last three are shorter, and I reccomend it do them as a warm up for meditation:

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya nabhi kriya english.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya for strengthening the aura.htm

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya for waking up.htm

    DO This one always after you finish meditation: 

    http://www.pinklotus.org/- KY Kriya for disease resistance and heart helper.htm


    You can explore pretty much all of Kundalini Series here: http://www.pinklotus.org/- Kundalini Yoga kriyas english.htm But those ones above ime are has proven the most effective after trying all sorts after 1 month and a half of 3 hours daily of Kundalini. It is a hell of difference when you start vs when you really master the exercises. So you might want to practice first and master some really well before incorporating them in your retreat. If not you are just going to get more tired and frustrated. Master some until you can do them effortlessly. 

  9. 11 minutes ago, James123 said:

    I believe, having a knowledge of non duality is a major advantage for you. If you need to learn anything extra just search for it and study (which is contemplating). Surrendering is associated with thoughts. You must decrease your thoughts in order to surrender. We are human and alive just because of our thoughts. Can you imagine if you forget everything now, can you still be a human? 

     Psychedelics can definitely help, however, first 1 year every day 1 hour meditation and contemplating will be major key. I don’t recommend psychedelics right away. Running before walking can paralysis your leg and you can never run again. You must be ready for psychedelics, if you are not, neither you wont be able to understand the trip and let go, and you could have major trauma and completely give up the path. 

    I Know I respect a lot the intensity of psychedelics and I don't know how my ego might be willing to surrender but I feel I am definitely reaching a ceiling with sober methods. 

    I feel the fear of insanity is the one I'm more scared .

  10. 3 minutes ago, James123 said:

    I just know that you are me, and i know you will suffer a lot when you experience so called death. I am just advising myself to not to go through from same illusion. I am not trying to convince you, just trying to help you brother. If you dont want to believe just dont. But dont forget these words because you will need it when you have experience of so called dying in order to surrender. Because, when your body dies, you will be right there but aware and you realize that your body is dead, but you are aware within ego consciousness. And you will suffer till surrender. Good luck

    I'm interested in this. I feel right now in my life I am close to have a breakthrough, probably this year, I don't know if with psychedelics or not but but I can feel it, I feel i am close to a total realization, I know it's going to happen sooner or later. What do I need to know exactly so I can surrender better?

  11. 41 minutes ago, Mystica45 said:

    @Leo Gura 

    The mind structure looks at nature and sees that it is a horror and thus creates the story of "everything being love" in order to cope with the harsh truth of it. I wanna see you look at a malnourished child in africa and tell him "it's all love". This "love" you feel is a projection of your imagination (it's very convenient how you say EVERYTHING is imagination - that way your metaphysicak stories can continue to exist)


    Of course not under the eyes of a human. Under the eyes of a human that child represents cruelty and injustice. Represents that something is "inherently" bad about the world.

    But notice that is only under the glasses of a human mind, which NEEDS to be reality a certain way.

    I haven't yet realized this love Leo talks about, but I think this what is aboit. Unconditional love is the same as total free acceptance of Oneself. 


  12. 38 minutes ago, Aaron p said:

    @Javfly33 when meditating for like 11 hours a day, do you not find that you need to do back stretches? I've found that the legs are not the main problem. My legs get painful after about an hour and a half of meditation without movement, in my regular sits I do kriya yoga (still the mind) then an extra round of Maha mudra before half an hour of self enquiry to reset the legs pain clock. 

    I'm going to get good at smoking 5meo (going to have to smoke 35-40 mg for breakthrough) and get good at meditating consistently during a retreat. 5meo is just so fucken expensive, and I can't plug it so I need to take a shitton of it to get the same results as someone who can plug. I'm gonna try to plug dpt, and gonna try to get some cheap darknet vendors from abroad. Germany and neatherlands will be much cheaper.

    @Aaron p

    You should try to alternate between meditation or Kriya Yoga with some Kundalini Yoga. In Kundalini Yoga there are plenty of kriyas which move the body enough, and trust me I have tried this kriyas myself and they can be as powerful as Pranayamas. At this point meditation for me is far from being as powerful as some kriyas of Kundalini Yoga. (Pranayamas too, but for that you have Kriya Yoga I guess). 

    But of course you can't be doing yoga for 6 hours because it's inviable for the body so meditation is still important 

  13. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    The easy solution here is to take a psychedelic and let it show you.

    You need a new awakening on the nature of what "other" is. Your awakening is very far from complete. You have not yet realized that the self/other distinction is imaginary.

    Your bother is you.

    You lately always just say "just take a Psychedelic" like everybody is ready to get his paradigm shattered in a couple of hours LOL

  14. 15 minutes ago, fi1ghtclub said:

    Enlightment and truth doesn't exist. These are just contructs to depict reality

    There's only existence. And it absolutely doesn't matter if it's enlightened or unenlightened, awake or not awake or if lives up to the constructs of what you call enlightenment or truth

    There's only THAT and it's that all the time, through all the constructs. Infact there's not even time, only THAT which can be distinguished into however you want.

    THAT is You.

    That´s why it matters.

  15. 48 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

    In order to ‘get enlightened’ you need to have an unquenchable thirst for Truth. If you don’t have that you’re shit out of luck. The universal requirement is that you have to sacrifice yourself for Truth. 

    Of course this can develop gradually. But when you’re really in love with Truth, you’ll know it. Through and through, balls to bones.

    What we want the most is Truth

    What we fear the most is Truth

    Yes, it is this that will get you through when all the mind logic responses will be "dude, stop doing this, where are you going? Can´t you see this is dangerous...etc?".

    This "inner passion" for something intrinsically real, that it has to be fundamentally right, good, perfect, I think is what we have to hold on to when possible fear arises. 

  16. 52 minutes ago, OmniYoga said:

    @Javfly33 that's not what I experience ... , i'm pretty sure an animal, tree or stone actually exists and are parts of reality,

    if that's not real

    that what is real?

    Ok, let´s get things clear.

    I´m not saying that when you look at what you call "a tree" there isn´t some particular colours or some particular shape there, I´m saying that´s all there is.

    But here´s what you are doing

    You are looking at some particular colours or some particular shape, and at the same time, you are adding a little bit more. Particularly a  thought is arising, this thought says "THAT is a tree".

    Here´s what is fundamentally wrong about that. When the thought says "THAT" pointing to the tree, its not pointing to the tree. Notice how a thought can´t point to anything. A thought stays where it is. It´s you that are "joining" the thought, and the perception.

    Eliminate this "joining" and you will realize that you are One.


    The tree is where it is, and your thought is where it is, notice that. Notice that!! There is space. And at the same time there´s any space. 

    The thing is, you are hallucinating also a space, or better said, "a distance". A thought saying "that is something" is fundamentally wrong, because "that" is relative to a certain position where the thought is. And ..have you ever localized where thoughts are? And please don´t say "a mind". Because that is another thought.

    Look at a tree, and verify that actually you don´t even know if thoughts are being think BY YOU or BY THE TREE. Of course for this radical openmindness is required.

  17. 10 hours ago, Shan said:
    1.  Then why explore itself ?


    As Leo said, Knowing = Being.

    Is not that God wants to explore, is that the explority (the infinity being infinite) is something fundamental about it.


    23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


    How can you know what games are in your video game collection unless you play them?


    Can the collecion ever end? If its infinite?