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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 3 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:


    Now expand on this and realize its the same for external reality.   That will put Materialism to bed (not that you haven't already)

    @Inliytened1 No, but you are right. I haven´t still put the materialism to bed. Because I remember your recent topic about the "tree falling in the forest". Yesterday I was focused on the "do other POV exists?" question, and is where I became conscious of what is true. But I didn´t contemplated about the concept of "objects out there"

     But if I become consciouss about how an object in the forest right now is always been held in imagination and never in direct experience, I´m sure it will happen again. (Oh boy I can´t wait to do it lol) Truth is too obvious when you stop treating imagination the same as actuality!

  2. 21 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    @Javfly33 I am doing this to experience divine energy and love.

    Then why are you listening to the fear of the mind?

    Why you take "conditions" towards truth? You want the highest love but you are listening to the mind, the mind is telling you "yeah go towards this BUT don't do it if it causes this or that, sure go towards x but not if it causes a turmoil in my reality".

    Notice that this are conditions of the mind. You don't really care about this. You just care about love, peace, truth. 

    Notice that Is the same mind that prevents you from happiness is giving you now conditions to why you shouldn't do this or that.

    The whole point of this is you going towards love, not fear.

    As I said, and I haven't yet taking 5-MeO, but from what I heard once should be have Truth as his first priority, willing to surrender everything else. That means your sanity, your view of the world...etc.

    If you are not willing your reality to be deeply changed after doing powerful psychedelics I'm not sure if this is the right time for you. 

  3. @IAmTheHolySpirit I get what you saying but I can´t drop all my thoughts like that. Yes, POV is a thought, but I use it as a label to know what is happening in my experience. I do think God is looking throgh my eyes. So why God is not looking through @IAmTheHolySpirit right now? Because it´s just in my imagination. @IAmTheHolySpirit is not a real POV right now. Not until I directly experience it. (that´s the defintion of POV).

    See I get what you saying but that state of empty awareness-no thoughts I only have achieved in very small occasions. It seems that tocontinue to this game call life I still have to operate to some meanings and labels (thoughts). But to know if that label or meaning is actually true would be very important. 

  4. I agree. I think Self-improvement works when it comes naturally, out of healing and increase consciousness of who you really are.

    When you stop believing yourself to be an identity, thoughts that arise to support an identity, are no longer believed-in, therefore you start behaving and acting different, more towards "normality" until true sanity of mind, basically the more you know who you are (and are conscious of this) the less neurotic you will be. That´s why I totally quit self-improvement from the ego and went straight to spirituality.

    I was done with the endless games of the mind and the ego and just aimed to be free. Once I did that, if the mind wants to improve, so be it. But regardless what the mind/body wasnts to do I will be at a safe distance from it knowing who I am.


  5. @GalynaNot me, I don´t think there´s anything better as an amusement park all for yourself ;) Don´t you think?

    @The observer Sure, I am not saying I have understood everything. Maybe I´m at the 1% of understanding. 

    But what is undeniable is that the concept of "other" is held in imagination. "Other" is impossible en in actuality. Could that be similar to soilipsism? I guess, Idk, I abstain from jumping into conclusions. But what is true is true. There is no other POVs.

  6. 34 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    Yes. You and I are the same - God.

    The best explanation possible through language is this: I/You - as God - is "simultaneously" imagning "WaveInTheOcean" and "justfortoday" as two different isolated "minds/persons/bodies" within God's dream. 

    Simultaneously? So what people say that "you will live each one of the lives of all humans until Infinity, one at a time" is false ?

    Can I became consciouss that I experienced @WaveInTheOcean's life directly? 

  7. 24 minutes ago, dimitri said:

    @Javfly33 by everything I mean every thing in your direct experience NOW (like your body, laptop, mobile phone, air, forum, etc) + every thing in my direct experience NOW (like my body, laptop, mobile phone, air, this message I am typing, etc) + ... till Infinity.

    There is no difference between your direct experience and mine, it's exactly the same "thing".
    "this thing" dreams you and me, everything and everyone and it is ❤️. 

    Thanks for the explanation, I hope I soon realize this.

  8. 13 hours ago, ivankiss said:

    @SamueLSD Keep breathing.

    Breath is the most direct way to GOD.

    Literally. Actually.

    It is true @SamueLSD

    I actually had a realization of infinite awareness after 1 hour or so of breathing deeply after being so overwhelmed with suffering and thoughts. I was so done I just breath and breath and breath until... Not only my suffering subsided but it shifted to happiness and bliss for some seconds.

  9. 32 minutes ago, WaveInTheOcean said:

    My plans for the future is to probably study pscyhology at university. When I get my degree - Phd or whatever - then I got some "credits" and it's easier to do work perhaps. I will also be smarter -- in a relative sense, cos absolutely speaking I'm already perfect -- about how human minds work. Anyway, I will use that degree to make psychedelic therapy mainstream, so we can help ppl with depression and other mental issues. Right now with SSRI's and stuff we're just symptom-treating, and it's not good.

    Nice plans. Good luck my friend?

  10. 22 minutes ago, Nahm said:


    I get the same feelin when I contemplate if real & fake is a duality, like my and point of view.


    1 hour ago, dimitri said:

    You are alone, and you are every thing.

    No "any OTHER persons", no persons at all, you are dreaming ;) 

    Everything is imaginary, and everything is real.

    With "everything" you mean all that is in my direct experience, or ALL of the things that have been in my direct experience since I am alive?

    42 minutes ago, traveler said:

    There is no one, so there is no one to be totally alone. 

    That's true. God is alone but since God is not an entity I guess it's not really accurate to say you are alone.

    22 minutes ago, Nahm said:


    I get the same feelin when I contemplate if real & fake is a duality, like my and point of view.

    That's even more interesting. So the plan is that I should contemplate my deepest assumptions then, right?

  11. 8 minutes ago, Nahm said:


    What’s a point of view?

    What makes ‘yours’ ‘real’?

    What constitutes “happening”?

    What is a “here”?

    What is “true” - without a “false”?

    @Nahm what makes my POV real is that I got nothing else to compare it too. It might as well be fake, idk yet.

    The rest seem to heavy to answer them fast, I'll contemplate all of those slowly. Something tells me I'm into some big discovery soon.

  12.  I started to contemplate about a particular person in my life, wondering if this person actually had its own POV. It become clear to me that my "presumption" about this person having their own POV as mine, was held in my imagination and has been held there all the time.

    Afterwards I had a shift in perspective. Other POV's can't never happen because the mere concept about "other" is held in imagination! Since "other POV" is just a thought/imagination, they are not real POV's. A real POV can only happen RIGHT HERE!!!!!


    Basically I'm totally alone, I'm talking to myself, and there aren't any other persons having it's own experience. Not unless I experience their POV. If this would happen, then yes, the "other POV" would be TRUE, but funny thing, at this point it wouldn't be "other" because remember their POV's would need to happen ... RIGHT HERE!! In order to be TRUE. Anything else is imagination.


  13. 4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    You don't know.

    I´m actually trying to make of sense of a trip I had 4-5months ago were the "love" component was involved. I basically saw how reality broke down in front of my eyes and I "resucitated" reality only just because of Love (no other reason). Maybe this is a re-contexualization I am doing after reading all the love you guys talk about. Idk, what do you think? @Leo Gura

  14. 13 minutes ago, deso said:

    It’s the only solution yes. But by becoming god I will still not be able to heal myself physically. I mean there has never been anybody that did this kind of stuff.

    You would become God to trascend all of those petty desires of the mind.

    Is like I encourage you to lose weight because you will feel so much better and your life will be much more healthy and you complain to me "But what about Diet Coke? I won't be able to drink Diet Coke if I become that healthy! "

    I mean dude if that's your attitude I can't help you. We all have to surrender things. At the end it won't matter what it is that you surrendered because for liberation the surrender must be total. 

    In your case if it particularly hurts you is actually a good thing because the surrender to that pain / frustration will make you go all the way, rather than going half-ass like most people.

    So what is going to be?