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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 18 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

    Btw, in regards to Becker, he just released his advice regarding Dry Fasting, and is the perfect example of why to always do further research into healthy and not take a Biz YouTubers advice at the drop of a hat. 


    @LfcCharlie4 Did something happened to him doing dry fasting?


    20 hours ago, Scholar said:

    Try Brahmi it can help with caffeine withdrawal.

    Thanks. I´m gona order some capsules tell you how it goes

  2. 29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    They exist in YOUR -- God's -- IMAGINATION!

    No, imagination is far beyond thoughts and vision. Experience itself is IMAGINATION.

    The floor you're sitting on is IMAGINARY! You are creating it.

    You were "born" by imagining a self and a universe. You imagined time, space, your parents, and your childhood. You're doing so right now. You aren't conscious that you're doing it.

    Why I created Leo Gura? 

  3. I just become conscious of how at the personal development level my life has been, in ALL aspects of myself that I´ve wanted to work.

    1 - Illusion creates pleasure, but also suffering. 

    2 - Suffering drives the ego to seek Truth

    3- Pleasure keeps the illusion alive, so the seeking towards Truth is still not total,  but once suffering gets too much...

    4- Truth removes illusion, therefore suffering

    5- Truth still doesn´t stick at the first time, becase the ego is still attached to the pleasures of the illusion, here is what I call "ego-backlash", the consecuence is that there is still suffering, so depending how much stubborness or wisdom this ego has, he but will end up surrendering the illusion sooner, or later.

    The number 5 is usually what happens the days after a psychedelic trip. The number 4 was shown in the trip but the ego came back with his stubborness therefore we must go again to number 3.

    When a new non-healed/neurotic facet of yourself is discovered, you start this from number 1, unless you have some sort of level of enlightenment in which probably the wheel is different or non-existent I guess.

  4. 7 hours ago, ivankiss said:

    @Leo Gura Still...Asking your heart for forgiveness is beautiful. 

    I'd even say it's inevitable :)

    All God's "masterplan".

    7 hours ago, ivankiss said:

    @Leo Gura Still...Asking your heart for forgiveness is beautiful. 

    I'd even say it's inevitable :)

    All God's "masterplan".

    I said sorry because it seems it has been God the one who suffered my ignorance.

    I know it's untouchable formlessness etc and so on but it felt like it .

    Of course this duality really doesn't make sense because there's no separation between ego-god. Ego are just thoughts appearing in awareness.

    But ..you know ??

    @Inliytened1 ?

  5. Fuck THIS, I´m on day 12 and I can´t fucking focus on work. Literally I have done in the last 12 days like in 2 days that I would do on caffeine.

     Energy levels for exercising and physical energy it´s OK, once I get moving I am more or less the same as I was on caffeine. But mental work? OMG! Such an idiot I was conditionining myself all of this years working with coffee.


  6. 14 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

     Basically your life is on the line :)



    How could it not?¿, This is life, after all.

    Lately I've been waking up from sleeping and I find myself that I can't believe this is actually happening.

    Like...yeah, I'm actually literally hacking Reality!

    Omg how this is even possible. Yet here it is. It's happening. We are IT

  7. @Someone here

    I´ll try to explain it with an analogy of a videogame.

    Imagine that you are a character inside a videogame and the videogame is programmed with a certain typed language and a certain rules.

    All characters, are programmed to understand and interact precisely with this typed language and with its rules. This is applicable to 100% of characters. Until know there´s no way out of this typed language and rules because that´s just how the programming is.

    But suddenly imagine we inject into this videogame a hack. It´s an script that if run against the characters, they will be able to step out of the typed language and rules for some time. During this time they will be able to completely think and operate withouth 0 rules. This could mean even realizing that they are inside a videogame and this videogame is not reality. But just a part of it. And precisely a very small part of it, of infinite possibilites.

    To the realization of the existence of this whole reality, and not just a videogame, they will call this Infinity. Also, some of them they will no longer consider the script an object using the typed language of the videogame, because the script itself let them saw that actually the typed language and the rules of the videogame were just "programmed". They weren´t really grounded in anything.

    Now substitue script by psychedelic, videogame by what you call "real life", typed language by logical thinking and linear thinking, and rules by science and materalism. 

    I hope you got an idea.

  8. 6 minutes ago, danilofaria said:

    has anybody watched it and would be willing to share their thoughts on the documentary? is it worth the watch?

    No, it's not worth it. It still a good documentary since most society still see psychedelics as something extremely dangerous and reckless, but the documentary depicts a use still very recreational. You won't find "How did I used LSD to Awaken".

  9. 3 hours ago, traveler said:

    Realize that the ego was never real to begin with. It is just this appearing as a seperate person in a real word. You are always home, there is nothing for you to do, wholeness is all there is. On a personal level there is still progressing, or regressing. It doesn't matter. There is no controller, this is free to be whatever it is.

    You're starting to sound like @VeganAwake ?


    1 hour ago, DaHonorableCourt said:

    @Javfly33 I

    When you say “I” you mean the actor that is acting out “your name”. “Your name” is your entire sense of self, so it includes every characteristic of “you”. “You” are Maya, (magic, illusion), but You are the actor.

    You are the real actor and is completely formless so its the same actor for “everyone”


    Interesting, that paraph seem that opened up an interesting possibility...

    I'll tell you this thought, as you said, you are now in a different state of consciousness as yesterday, so right now is not as "clear" for you as it was yesterday. This has happened to me a lot of times too, because of that I'm still somewhat skeptic sometimes all of this "conclusions", because, If they were that total and undeniable, how come when we are in another state of consciousness why don't see it that clear?

    I guess one answer could be that the ego can't grasp it, that's why it can only be clear when you literally are in a different state of being (not the ego).

    Having said that, still it makes me think if all this conclusions we make are really that useful. Personally I'm forcing myself to just not "act like I know", because the ego loves to do this, but just raise my stats and let the "truth" talk by itself. 

  10. 1 hour ago, The observer said:


    I would investigate; What is here? What is there? What is direct experience? What is existence? What is truth? What is delusion? What is non-existence?


    Just now, DaHonorableCourt said:

    @Javfly33 yes I am imagining other POV, just as im imagining “my” POV. There is no difference.

    @DaHonorableCourt Really? Interesting. I think that opens up some room for further exploration... I´ll have to keep an open mind. 

    @The observer Ok, I´ll contemplate deeply

  11. The amount of suffering and self-denial, the amount of rejection towards self-expansion and self-expression that I have caused to this avatar @Javfly33 designed by God, it's undeniable at this point.

    All of that has been caused by me, the ego.

    I have caused this inner joyful and pure light @Javfly33 lots of suffering, I have mistreated his body. 

    I, as an ego, by believing myself to be somebody, I forced @Javfly33 to be a certain way, I stretched and compressed his heart, his power, his freedom.

    Forgive God because I don't exist and all my life has been trying to leave a fake mark of my delusion and devilry, only You but showing me that I am not but I am You, has given me the clarity to let go and surrender to You 

    I say I am sorry a thousand times. Forgive me @Javfly33 because I didn't know what I was doing. I was deeply ignorant.

    Now you are free. 

  12. 21 minutes ago, The observer said:


    So, is your direct experience not imaginary? How do you know? What's the difference between existence and imagination? After all, all distinctions are imaginary. Right?

    I guess, since imagination happens IN direct experience, they are not separate.

    A thought happens IN direct experience.

    That thought is occurring NOW and Here. Not "there". Contemplate is something  other than "here" could ever exist.

    Existence can only happen Here. Because THIS is existence! 

    Now if you want to imagine/think that there is some planet called Mars miles away from here, you can. But notice that is not truth. The thought about Mars is TRUTH. But you imagining that thought actually means something and that Mars is actually existing out there is complete delusion.

    Direct experience IS existence. Is so obvious I laugh how I could have missed it all this time ?

  13. 7 minutes ago, The observer said:

    Says who? Have you (ego) ever directly experienced that? How do you know that truth (God) does not exist outside your perception (ego)?

    I don´t know if God could exist out of my direct experience, but if it would, it would just be an imagination. I literally would imagine that God exists "out there". That is the nature of imagination: To imagine something that is not right here.

    Contemplate what really means that something exists

  14. 6 hours ago, DaHonorableCourt said:

    @Javfly33 God is actually looking through every “POV” right now. Including “you” but “you” are not aware of “other POV”  because that is what it means to be “you”! God is outside of time!

    This is why the illusion of “you” is so strong, because “you” only have the sensory experience of “you”! This is all Maya! Your true nature can not be found in the world of sensory experiences, aka the world of Maya.

    “you” are like a GTA character being played by God, and God is playing everyone right now in a timeless eternity. You are God!

    Sure, if you imagine that, for you it will be real. But is not actually true .

    Truth is only direct Experiencia. Can't you see everything else is imaginary?

    It's pretty obvious, really. You are doing it right now. You are imagining other POVs!!

    I'm talking about what is true. Not theories or imaginations.

  15. 2 minutes ago, latina25 said:

    Hi everyone, this is my fist post here.

    Leo is right when he says that your point of view is others peoples point of view and you are just talking to yourself. I'm aware of that in my reality.  something else that I'm aware too is that everyones acts exactly like you.

    The intelligence is absolutely incredible. I don't sit and meditate , do psychedelics  or  understand non duality. By  being aware of others and my mind being almost silence is how I was able to realize what Leo talks about . is very easy for me to be aware of that,  at the moment is becoming a lil difficult to hold conversations with friends . My mind is almost empty and it takes a while to react  There  is forgetfulness  too during my day. 

    Last week a group of friends added me to a group chat. For a moment I felt excitement, as the conversation was flowing between what it seems  6 people were having , remembering child hood and laughing. Turn out that as I was having thoughts flowing in my mind it was creating there points of view immediately .  That's pretty much my everyday life.  

    To Galina, I went trough a period where  I couldn't accept that I was alone, it gets easier, there is still a lil melancholy every now and then so I fully Understand how you feel.  There is a moment where that energy starts releasing  and you'll feel more acceptance. That's  the best way to describe it.  I still identify with this character even though I'm aware of the above and that I'm imagining life.

    I wanted to share something bashar said.

    You are the only one in your universe (YOUniverse), creating your version of the people you are interacting with. These people are actually in their own universe creating their version of you. Experiencing physical reality requires this kind of compartmentalization. You experience everything in your own physical compartment and everything in your own reality compartment is made out of your own energy. You experience - by creating them - your version of other people for the purpose of having specific experiences in life, resp. providing them with the chance of having experiences their higher mind wants them to have in order for them to grow.
    These people don't really 'exist' in your reality, only your version of them, which is a representation that provides the illusion of an interface. You get from them what you allow yourself to be getting from them, not more, not less. Bashar: 'It doesn't happen to you, it happens through you'.
    The actual interconnection to the individuated consciousness you think you are dealing with takes place 'on another level' (Bashar).
    The logic is similar to an interactive computer game with frames and reality perspectives which are constantly being renewed.

    Sorry about my english. I speak it as a second language




    Thanks for the message, very interesting

  16. 8 minutes ago, Osaid said:

    Wow, that's some really good insight from a dream.

    This is called sleep paralysis, but I've never heard of someone transitioning into sleep paralysis from another dream like that. Pretty interesting.

    It seems that you can experience lots of interesting stuff during sleep. I had an experience where I only existed as my mind. There was no body, sound smell or sight, only my mind. Then I woke up.

    I think the OP is not talking about a dream.

    He was awake (no pun intended)