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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 11 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    And what, may I ask, do you think this remark is; another thought. Thoughts are just arising. Do you know what your next thought will be. No. 

    No because thoughts are a repetition of the past or projection of the future via the past, which is just information accumulated from the external world.

    Is like asking me do you know what your body temperature will be in the next minute? Of course not because my body temperature ajusts itself depending on the temperature on the outside which i can not control.

    But still, the body and mind is mine, so is my responsability to conduce them consciously, not projecting the responsability to an external GOD.

    Is like, i can not control what my dog will do next moment, but still mine. 

  2. you see her above your league/like a goddess now, so basicially you are fucked. As long as you hold that image/concept inside your mind about her you will end up repelling her, not attracting her.

    The dating world is as dystopian as that. When you really like a girl, youll never have her. When you dont care much about her, then you can have her. 

    The thing is designed to guarantee frustration, or disatisfaction because of disconnection to her.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:


    THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THOUGHT. That's where suffering comes in. Life doesn't suffer. The individual suffers it's thoughts. Life is happening, thoughts about what is happening is not life. When I take responsibility and when you take responsibility and if I don't take responsibility or if you don't take responsibility, THAT'S ALL LIFE. We can't escape life. So it doesn't matter if you say Miss Princess here doesn't take responsibility, that's life saying that and this is life responding.

    So you have to take responsability for conducing your thoughts properly then. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    @Javfly33 does your body ask you permission for when it gets hungry or when it wants to take a piss or when it is overtaken by drowsiness and sleepy(to name a few) ?

    Of course, humans are the unique species that have some freedom over their impulses. We can be hungry but we can choose not to eat (for example when doing voluntary fasting), or you can be sleepy but if you are working on the nights you choose to not fall sleep because you don´t want to lose the job (precortex thinking vs instinct), etc...

    Or maybe want to take a piss very bad you hold yourself because you are inside a car...etc. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

    Porn is not God, there is no God! Humans invented porn and every other diverse thing in this world, when You take these things and elevate to some GOD, Your taking away any responsibility, oh so God invented Porn, Rape, Murder, Child Abuse, War, Torture, its okay God did it, what can little ole me do about it?  This is complete Avoidance of Responsibility and any sort of Consciousness, and is probably why the world is the way it is today, full of problems and suffering for the most part... Dude You have no understanding!

     Great point my dude. People as princess arabia or someone one is people that avoid taking responsability, fortunately not all people are like that, fortunately there are people that accept they are in the driver´s seat of Life.

    There is no such a thing as a God driving for you, you either accept you are in the driver´s seat or you fantasize about God meanwhile the car is going to whichever direction you left the steering wheel.

  6. the first time i did psychedelics i  LSD 3 times every single month and then stayed for almost one whole year in a constant mindfulness-flow-super happy state (without taking anything or even meditating).

    However with the years i feel psychedelics will never work for me like the first times, so i have become quite disillusioned with them. 

    Last time was a heavy dose 5-meo-dmt but literally good feelings only lasted 4 days, then maybe 3 weeks of afterglow and then back to the shit of always. 

  7. 12 hours ago, Jehovah increases said:

    Well, every time I have awoken I have had a choice  I guess I will find out. 

    Make sure you know what you are doing or you might regret it. People who leave the body consciously know what they are doing... this usually comes after decades of perfect executed Sadhana...where you understand in a profound and clear way the mechanics of the body, energy system, and of the current reality you are in, and what to do to leave and never come back... this isn´t a joke. This is very real and using psychedelics to do this is very risky. 

    You probably can leave the body through a psychedelic but what happens next will be 95% determined by how the psychedelic has impacted you... so what happens next will be completely determined by the circumstances you are in...I do not recommend you leave like that.

    12 hours ago, UnbornTao said:

    @Jehovah increases Don't confuse fantasies with a grounded investigation of what's true. Believing that death or dying has anything to do with consciousness is silly. It is best if we approach matters without spiritual ideals that just muddy the waters.

    Why you say Silly? 🤔 I mean...i don´t know about you but I´m pretty sure death will be a pretty important 'event' in my Life lol

  8. 6 hours ago, Ishanga said:

    The Inner Engineering course and sadhana, with Shambhavi and Suryia Namaskar as well as the tools shared in the 7 online lessons are a slow process of development for most that practice it, its not meant really to give one "Grand" Experiences, is a step ladder approach from what I understand of it, when I started it after a couple of weeks I was feeling very peaceful and happy naturally walking around the shit hole I called work with a big smile on my face, eventually it levels out but I still am pretty calm and even tempered and easy to laugh, but my present day work does stress me a bit at times:)

    I had some 'grand' experiences though!


    naturally walking around the shit hole I called work


  9. 1 hour ago, Jehovah increases said:

    I have my own for which I have written and most if not all is from my direct experience. It matters not who wrote it I can verify it.


    1 hour ago, Jehovah increases said:

    Your imaging Karma it does not exist in my world good luck with that. I am already aware that I am not the body and I have chosen to stay in the dream twice already. The 3rd time I will leave.

    How you plan to leave? 


    58 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

    No, herbivorous animals have a metabolism to cope with plant-based diets, by accumulating certain nutrients (for example zinc).
    Humans have a metabolism to cope with an omnivorous diet, and therefore have a lower capacity to accumulate zinc, because it is useless (like vitamin C for example), and metabolic processes that are unnecessary in a context end up being blunted or even eliminated.
    So, if a human does not eat meat, he will be deficient in zinc for ideal health.
    This does not mean that plants do not contain zinc, it means that human needs are too high, because of the way we process it.

    I suggest you to be even more direct and eco-friendly, and feed yourself directly on algae and stones.

    You can do it homie 👊

    @Schizophonia Listen to the guru homie.

    Is normal you are a fan of carnivore diet because you are very invested in the macho - testosterone vibe, that´s alright. But don´t project as that being the best diet for a human. 


  11. 44 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

    You put looks on pedestal. 

    I am aware of that, definetely. 


    with the intense attraction you’re feeling when she’s more hot physically. Some insecurity could block you from feeling confident in your attraction to her and owning it 

    Yes, that´s probably is.


    do you feel automatically more attracted to her if she’s physically hotter?

    It depends, by attraction you mean sexual-sensual-instant desire attraction ? If that is the case (thats how I understand the word) Of course because 'attraction' is purely that, raw physical attributes. Men use physical appearance as the measurement for that.


    To fall in love/infatuate myself with a woman, or want to have a long relationship, then other reasons take importance if not more, but 'attraction' comes 100% only from physical appearance for me. 


    First women I got obsessed/fall in love she was a 6.5, so of course looks are not everything, but that´s because the relationship had gone much deeper than sex. In fact with this girl I did not think of sex with her until 6-7months into the relationship. 


    im speaking from my own experience of having in my past this crush whom I pedestalized (because of his personality) and couldn’t feel comfortable in my very intense attraction to him due to insecurity in myself. So it was like it was too strong attraction to deal with, maybe you can relate idk 

    Yeap, totally. 

    12 minutes ago, Rishabh R said:

    @Sugarcoat Everyone puts their crush on pedestral including me.  @Javfly33  The thing which is helpful is realizing that nobody is above you no matter what it seems.

    Yeah, although better said that done because looks impact very deep in the psyche and mechanism of the mind.

    The whole reason why want to date women and not men is because of Looks lmao. 

  12. On 15/09/2024 at 10:18 AM, Schizophonia said:

    It doesn't have importance, because the some carnivore foods are better that any vegan food.

    That doesn´t make sense... in carnivore diet the animals that you eat they actually had to eat from the plants/soil before.

    Veg diet is basically eating from the source directly, instead of eating from the source second-hand. 

  13. Yesterday I had an improvised date and I realized I´ve been doing dates in a terrible manner.

    Influenced by toxic dating coaches and pickup culture I´ve always been inside my head during the dates, trying to sort out how to 'lead' the interaction or escalate it. This would produce anxiety and tension within myself and disconnection to the woman.

    Yesterday I had an incredible date because it was perfect flow, 0 inside my head, I was completely relaxed within myself and vibing with the girl.

    I think it was because she was a 5-6, I think I was a bit above her league (just physically wise, not in other aspects), this produced a sort of automatic confidence-value within myself.

    So basically I wonder...how to feel like this / have dates like this with 8 and 9s? Because obviously one can improve their physical appearance but only until one point.

    So at one point I´m probably a 9 will always be above my league because I´ll never get to a 9 physically wise. I wonder how guys can go on dates with 8s 9s (and they are not on that level themselves) and also feel confident and value within themselves. 

  14. 2 hours ago, emil1234 said:

     you have zero direct experiential insights into the claims you are making, you are literally just assuming stuff you hear your authority figure say and take it for truth.


    LOL. I have over 1000 hours of soul-breaking yoga Sadhana to back It Up. 

    When you do that come tell me Im just following a guru.

    How much hours of Sadhana have you done? Now that i think about Im probably more close to 2000 hours more than 1000.

    You think in those 1000-2000 hours im not going to extract anything from my own experience? Haha.

    Yoga is a science. Thats why everything i have gone through matches the teachings of the "guru". Is simply a tool, is not a subjetive experience.

    A guru is not a special person, there are thousands of Gurus out there. No guru Will tell you having experiences with psychedelics is the point of Spirituality.

    In fact i find shocking we have to be having this discussion.


    Is not sadhguru, look ANY GURU, and see if what they teach has anything to do with the nonsensical narcissistic delusionary ramblings Leo is convinced and most of you guys follow behind. 



  15. 1 hour ago, Jehovah increases said:

    You already are infinite consciousness you are just not aware of that from your limited frame of reference.

    These are all conceptual constructions of your own imagination your biological background story of being a human or your biographical, finite sense of self is a conceptual construction of your own imagination.

    You're imagining or projecting reality into existence. You and reality are one. There is nothing but infinite states of consciousness. That's all that reality is.

    Good parroting of Leo Gura videos.


  16. 8 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    If you really achieve to open yourself to the absolute, your whole life experience changes totally, the mental suffering dissapear and it doesn't return, that's crazy. You know that I had a shit in my mind quite deep, about my family and that, a shitty karma. I thought that I had that in my genes, that it's absolutely impossible to remove that from me. I could have mystical experiences, but always, in background, my ego would be there. Then, in one moment, it dissapeared for ever. That's crazy, it's deactivate, the impossible was possible. You break it little by little, and in some point, it isn't there anymore. That demon in the mind that talked, created poison, hurt, lack. Over all lack. It's a hell 😅. Wtf is living like that? But it's very common.. then you can look the existence in the face all time, anything else is madness 

    @Breakingthewall thats why I feel proper spirituality is very practical, it should shift your life experience, align you, if not what is the point?? I don't feel those are 'my values', I feel thats why people get into it. Nobody gets into it as a medal or trophy, the human feels in someway constricted or compressed and wants to liberate itself, align itself, is a natural inevitable seeking. But he says no, I don't care about that, my point is arriving to deep states of consciousness. Ok, cool, but why call that awakening or spirituality, is lying to yourself.