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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    @Javfly33 Well, you see... where do your thoughts come from? They jump in and out of the aether in patterns!

    Now, what is this place we're unconscious of, where all our reality in its full consistency and intelligence originates?

    Sadhguru calls it Manas, the karmic background. What do we call the organizing intelligence? Chitta!

    What's the Buddhi? The intellect we use to cut reality into pieces to reassemble and gain understanding.

    And what's Ahamkara? Our identity is a gravitational center that draws and projects experiences to expand through.

    What do psychedelics do? Shut down the Ahamkara out of the conscious experience? Where does it go? Manas

    What happens to the Buddhi? The buddhi is the servant of the ahamkara, without it, there's only room for Chitta.

    Of course, the ahamkara isn't completely gone, else we'd be God GOD, but the space implodes in new experiences.

    These experiences flow in and out of reality constantly but are filtered through our self-manifested antenna (brain).

    With this antenna defocused and jumping between channels, the dissolving identity manifests new channels,

    And so the experience broadcast and encoding are being temporarily "under maintenance" and that's the Trip!

    @Keryo Koffa How do we activate Chitta withouth Manas? Pranayama? 

  2. On 18/8/2024 at 10:04 PM, ChrisZoZo said:

    This is a trap now u fallen for it don’t do again. But the amazing thing is the trap in NOT the act of going back to work but it’s the act of not doing practice and not being present all the time. Plus the future is not real so the mind really wins by both making u believe you are body identity and you can’t do the practice. When you start the internal arguments this the mind is laughing. He got you real bad. 

    @ChrisZoZo yeah i wonder...If time does not exist and is Always this Now moment..


    Why we Keep posponing the Dissolution? The surrender? The Bliss? The final trascendence?


    Yes just 20 more years of running around  please ... Why?? I dont see the point 


    Death is at the end of the corner, why not go the mountains now and surrender whole illusion and welcome death, why not end this Circus now. I want the Etheric inmortal Bliss, i want to go beyond physicality and mortality. Beyond language and knowing, beyond reality and unreality.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Hojo said:

    You go through the same process of completely letting go of the channel you are on. Its the same feeling but you come back. If I want to watch the matrix movie I have to change the channel to it from Fraiser. The problem is Fraiser has to let go and realize that he dosent exist for the matrix to come on the tv. Ego death is like Fraiser admitting he is just the tv without anything and giving up his channel for the matrix to come on. You come back because you didnt dissolve your ego the drug did.


    I think We Keep having ego because Reality within US hasn't truly Awakened to what It is.

    Thats why identification with Thoughts and belief in being the body is Still there.

    In a psychedelic a certain opening or Mystical state opens up, dissolving mechanically the barrier of ego or survival Mode activity.

    But that doesn't mean the ego was dead. You just beat the shit out It for some hours and left It unconscious.

    Mystical states are great but is not a substitute for the clarity and ultimate trascendence ego death is supposed to be.

  4. On 18/08/2024 at 8:53 PM, Davino said:


    You tell me


    If you would had been conscious you would not have incarnated into your current body.

    That´s why Liberation means stopping the cycle of birth and death.

    On 18/08/2024 at 8:54 PM, Davino said:

    That's a figment of your consciousness

    That's literally all it is

    Consciousness can become conscious of ITSELF for INFINITY

    @Davino Ramana Maharishi or Anandamay Ma (your favourite Saint hehe) is a figment of my consciousness, yes. But a figment that became completely conscious (it completely Realized itself) therefore it stopped creating more manifestation. It is 'done', no more work for that 'figment' of Infinity. It completely merged with itself. 

    Notice figments mean duality and fragmentation. The work is to go back to Infinity, stop being the figment. 

    As long as you don´t complete 'the work', you will reincarnate in another figment. 

  5. 15 minutes ago, Davino said:

    But you see, you can have consented sex with that dynamic. Many women actually love it.

    So most people could do that in healthy ways and most of them surely do. It's not rare in a man to have dominant tendencies and wanting to fuck the shit out of a woman. The difference is that they find a woman that enjoys being fucked the shit out of herself.


    Not really, all of those games modern culture like to accept has profound karmic energetic repercussions.

    There is no such a thing as healthy dominating nobody. Is survival-chimp stuff due to low vibratory karmic imprints.

    2 minutes ago, bambi said:

    How are the motivations any different from BDSM or similiar sexual acts, except one is consensual and the other isnt. Theyre all equally about degradation, shame, control, power, dominance etc etc.

    So if rape isnt about sex, then neither is BDSM

    BDSM is just a legal way to rape/abuse someone.

  6. Rape is not sex, is aggression.

    So the people here saying "oh poor them they are just desperate to have sex" apart from justifying it they are confusing two very different things.

    When you go rape a woman you go do a violent aggressive act, not sex.

    for sex to happen the woman should want to do it with you, the rapist clearly knows she does not. 


    4 minutes ago, Davino said:


    In a way, considering rape as not sex related or sex motivated doesn't make sense.

    It does, it is related in the way such important meaning Sex has in our society. But not precisely because sex urges. 

    I haven´t looked into this, but I´m sure that in the species of animals where rape happens, is always because of power dynamics/stablishing domination and not because the animal actually is horny.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

     No, something else is going on there. Most times rape isn't about sex, but about power.

    yeap I agree


    Plenty of people getting plenty of sex still rape.

    Not to mention that there is this thing called prostitutes. lol

    I dont think no human thinks like "Damn, I have no choice today but to rape a little you know, because my dick is really horny and I my usual scort is out of town today, so... I gotta do it you know? just can't handle the frustration" lmao

    14 minutes ago, Buck Edwards said:

    Rape is a heinous crime driven by power and control, not sexual desire. While it's crucial to understand the factors contributing to such acts, it's essential to remember that no excuse justifies rape,ever.Individuals with certain personality disorders, such as antisocial personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, may be at a higher risk of perpetrating sexual violence.

    Unequal power dynamics between genders can contribute to a sense of entitlement and objectification of women. That's often seen in eastern countries. Along with victim blaming. Societal attitudes that blame victims for sexual assault can discourage reporting and perpetuate a culture of silence.

    Good point! totally agree

  8. @Davino @Leo Gura I Guess Ill have to take IQ test to continue posting in the forum 😂😂

    My point was clearly there is no unique soul in that 9 year old kid. In a way, The Consciousness there is just a "slave" to his conditionings (If not the consciousness would be "Awake").

    Lets say if you are Reality and you are conscious of Yourself , explain to me how come you again get Yourself into another body and do not know what you are.

    Only because the consciousness is not mature enough It Keeps encarnating into bodies. If not that 9 year old kid should be conscious what God is. But he is not.

  9. Is very simple actually.

    Next time you go out when you see a Young kid, like 8 or 9 year old, notice the following:

    That kid is an unique configuration of the imprints of his father, mother, (and the herency of this father and this mother in lesser ways), and also the result of the imprints of whatever that body/Mind has absorbed from the hospital bed to now

    Now...for All of that "configuration" or specific kind of memory to happen, there must be something there more fundamental giving "Life" to It isnt It?

    Clearly there you can not see an unique soul , you just see a bunch of conditioned configuration. 

    So thats reincarnation, the process of the Reality to unconscious replicate itself and pick Up memories and configurations of its own manifested Creation. 

  10. @BlessedLion Altough in regards to the Zen proberb, realistically there is a difference of intensity of what im able to reach in the mountains VS in the city or almost any other place.

    Same sadhana, same kriya, same yoga, same meditation, but doing It there becomes more profound, every single time.

    I mean is not placebo. First 3 days I did sadhana there this last summer, every single day i had tears running down my eyes. 

    I literally can just do nothing and just walk around that place and IS like im on 5ug of LSD, just without doing anything, just walking and Breathing that air.

    Of course im sure if one Focus one can go the same place in their living room in the middle of Manhattan, but is true some some external influences sometimes acelerate or facilitate a lot.