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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 16 hours ago, Buck Edwards said:

    This was just amazing. Just immersing in the experience. 

    Nice but he is literally saying phrases of a sadhguru video lol.


    33 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    He says that enlightenment is knowing what you are. That's wrong, you can know what you are and be quite dark and sad. Enlightenment is an energetic change that happens when your human karma is over, and it's very difficult, it's deeper that it seems, layers and layers of energetic blockages inherited from generations. It's a natural process that happens, an human evolution , the closure of the circle. 

    yeap... But lots of people say they are enlightened but Karmic prison is still there. They think enlighment is like an achievement or gold medal. No, it completely demolishes the structure, thats why almost nobody is there, we all are carrying a certain structure and most of as are in an active process of dissolving it, it takes time because life has become the structure itself. So the process of dissolving the structure is also the process of dissolving reality itself, both are intertwined with one another. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:


    Most toothpastes out there are toxic to the point and most people will end up at the dentist requiring dental surgeries in the long run because of them. Very few people I've seen that consistently use toothpastes like Colgate and Crest for a period of time that didn't have dental issues in the long run, but their diet didn't help either so it wasn't just the toothpaste. I needed the dentist once years ago; but ever since I changed from conventional to more natural I haven't needed, haven't had a toothache, never bad breath (even after waking up). 

    @Princess Arabia exactly my experience too.

    Neem overall is great btw, can you share the neem toothpaste you use? Or is just one of the ingredients of your toothpaste?

  3. Masculine energy as its highest possibility, is about sacrifice and destruction. 

    Feminine is about being moved by this sacrifice and destruction.


    Men give, women receive. There's nothing more simple than this.

    A man is that one that sacrifices itself and just gives, he does not expect nothing from the woman because a man does NOT receive, it ONLY GIVES to the woman.


    What's beautiful is that if you follow this rules, all of Existence is designed to Liberate you. 

    If you do transactions with the feminine (expecting something from Her, as like you are entering a transaction) you are betraying the Rule of the existence I just explained to you and you will only know entanglement at every step of the process. This is a sure way to mess your life as a man. Expecting as the feminine is supposed to give you anything. 


    Sacrifice yourself for the feminine, just give and don´t expect anything on return, if you have incarnated as a man this is how you should relate to women if you want the love-sentimental-sexual life to not be in friction with your maximum well being and liberation. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    @Javfly33 All I can visualize based on that is either the "Flow State" or a timeless mindless "Void"

    Thats more close to what i refer definetely!

    But is not a void like Ketamine K hole or something like that.

    Is so Empty It can NOT be a void even!! 😂 @Keryo Koffa a void is already a thing. Some-thing.

    "Not this, not that" - Buddha.


    How is the container that can hold all of Infinity? 

    How is the container that can hold a void and also a McDonald's Drive through? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    Sounds sleepy, or not, id even k, are you all beings or no beings? All psychologies, or none? Does existence feel?


    Not at all, is like they injected you Methamphetamine all over your body but you dont have a Mind to experience the anxiety or the stimulation, you are just left with the pure Intensity.

    Actually thats a poor metaphor, lets call It a perfect Alone Bliss where nothing exists but your perfection.

  6. 1 minute ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    First of all, it's interesting that you call that "Space". Now I'm interested in what exactly you're "pointing towards" :D

    I never saw nothingness as space, space to me is a possibility field, full or empty, expansive and malleable.

    Secondly, the aesthetic disrespect in that comparison is quantically unprecedented.

    You better take that back or I will personally slap you so hard that you hear the color 94!

    Im pointing towards a state of Being where manifestation is not possible because all that manifestation is that which is not you, so the state of You is synonim to emptiness. In true emptiness dmt realms can not exist. That would be "something".


    You work at McDonald's? 😂 sorry man, truly i have nothing against then, i myself have worked in low salary Jobs and is Nothing to be ashamed of. But one can not deny It sucks a little bit sometimes 

  7. 1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:

    By the way guys, you aren’t killing anything. If anything you are creating an ego that wants an ego death. Very sneaky. There is nothing wrong with the ego. It’s a necessary fiction in order to play the game called survival. You cannot have Christmas without Santa and likewise cannot have reality without self.

    The issue is that The walls that were built for self protection or survival now feel ASPHYXIATING.

    Is Ok to use the Mind in order to not let cockroaches eating you because you havent cleaned your house in 2 years, but from that basic level of survival that even the smallest animals have, to be completely all the time inside your Mind and Thoughts, making constant comparison with others, games of values, etc...is another Matter, this must be Broken if we want Evolution.

  8. The universe hasn´t played any trick on you. You had.

    You are the universe or reality and currently you are entangled in your own manifestation, karmic imprints from past lives/past processes make now what is your body, emotion, energetic configuration and life tendencies.

    The process of your Liberation is stopping to pick up more baggage and memory from creation, resolve your bag of karma, leave the body and don´t come back as anything, since Any type of physical (or mental) manifestation means limitation.

  9. 3 hours ago, Ramanujan said:

    @Javfly33 dont go for sadhgurus kriya yoga . go for kriya yoga international organisation . sadhgurus program is watered down version. kriya yoga international is very powerful

    @Ramanujan Yeah ive read shamavhi as is transmitted by isha is limited in several ways for example you can not leave the body so easily while doing sadhana, 

    What is difference in day to day life though with the kriya you say? 

  10. 5 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

    It's not what awaits you. It's right now if you stop imagining it.  Infinite Consciousness is Pure Consciousness.   It's everything you just said - but all you have to do is realize that the self is an illusion.   Then you will be in pure Consciousness.   There is no body or breathing or anything physical unless you become consciousness of it.  If you aren't thinking of it, it doesn't exist. 

    @Inliytened1 true. but it ain´t easy not coming again to thoughts and illusion. So therefor the illusion gets created again.

    The key is to maintain that clear awareness enough so one can not ever come back, thats what mahamadhi is. 

  11. 29 minutes ago, Cireeric said:

    When I first did 400mg of Phenibut the peak of it almost felt like MDMA, which is crazy since the substance last a very long time. It is very good for socializing and u still feel good the next day. But I could only do it 3 or 4 times then it lost its magic. 

    Yeap, phenibut is a good one

  12. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    At first it seems like a very strange idea that something exists, and that you exist, but if you contemplate it it is obvious. There are no limits, so the depth of reality, which is this exact moment, is total. Being total, reality inevitably arises, and reality is exactly you, this is the point that must be seen.

    The first time you realize this may be horrible because you see yourself as a prisoner in eternity, and alone, but the fact that the depth total changes this perception completely, you are not a prisoner because nothing limits you, and you are not alone because you are not defined, limited. You could say that existence is an instant that does not pass in time, since it has no limits, it does not go from one point to another point, but it is now. Its hypothetical limits would be nothing, but nothing is nothing, therefore those hypothetical limits do not exist, you cannot reach them or come from them, so here and now, you always are. The challenge is not to understand this, but to perceive it, to perceive yourself.

    @Breakingthewall Exactly, if one even looks at just this present moment , one can see it has infinite depth, one can not see when it begins and where it ends.

    No need to imagine other dimensions or things like that, just this present moment is precisely what it looks: infinite, unmeasurable, and completely free of identity if one dares to surrender the limited structure one has built. 

  13. By some reason I can not seem to transcend this twisted game. 

    I met a girl some while ago and that hell of starting to become attached to his attention and even text messages replies has been created again.

    Luckily I know where this goes so I rapidly have stopped this before it gets too ugly, but it really bothers me that things have to be like this.

    Is sad I can not seem to be able to have a relationship with a woman that is just healthy, on the same level. 

    Has anyone with the same issue being able to go beyond it? 

  14. @Dodo isnt the contrary? Masculine being the un manifested and femenine the manifestation?

    As legend says Shiva was being Shiva (nothing) but Shakti danced in front of him, then Shiva very angry disturbed of its sleep because of this dance "Roared" of pure angryiness. From that Roar Creation happened.

    At least thats what sadhguru says.

    5 hours ago, MarioGabrielJ said:



  15. Flour full of chemicals toothpaste kill bateria short term but also kill the natural defenses of your mouth, what worked for me is changing to organic natural products based toothpastes.

    Anyways you should at least floss your teeth, this is done even by animals with tree branches and that stuff 

  16. 35 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    Powerful! Well, the way I observe actualized.org's faction war, it's three sides, which I call the zeroes, ones, and infinities!

    0:  Nothing exists, yo! (Buddhism) [Void] <Nihilism> {Dissolution} ~ Egoless ~
    1:  Everything is One, yo! (Christianity) [Solipsism] <Karma> {Convergence} ~ God ~
    ∞: Hyperspace yo-yo! (Psychonauts) [Aliens] <Insanity> {Divergence} ~ Self ~

    35 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    Powerful! Well, the way I observe actualized.org's faction war, it's three sides, which I call the zeroes, ones, and infinities!

    0:  Nothing exists, yo! (Buddhism) [Void] <Nihilism> {Dissolution} ~ Egoless ~
    1:  Everything is One, yo! (Christianity) [Solipsism] <Karma> {Convergence} ~ God ~
    ∞: Hyperspace yo-yo! (Psychonauts) [Aliens] <Insanity> {Divergence} ~ Self ~


    @Keryo Koffa i think 1 is also a bit in the ♾️ symbol Though. Recently i was thinking on getting a tattoo on my arm like this:


    Couldnt find a better resolution imagen but basically is a trishula with Infinity symbol 

  17. 4 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    Youre right I was being ignorant and naive. I will straighten that part up and try to transcend that part of me that doesn't like complexities. It's the mind that's not familiar with those terms lashing out, instead of trying to embrace the different forms of expression that the Universe has to offer. How silly of me to make a statement like that. I retract.


  18. 58 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:

    I wonder if the man up the street would understand this. Probably not....some fancy shit spirituality invented. Wtf is ahamkara. What's the English word for that. 

    @Princess Arabia Dont be so arrogantly naive. Yoga is a science thousands of years old. Really unwise for you to have that attitude.

    Ive been doing Hatha Yoga and Kriya process from sadhguru and in this 2 years there is a very distinct difference in energies, concentration, Breathing, etc...between every type of process.

    Even if i I Breath one milimeter different i Will notice the difference. If i do an asana just a bit different everything Will change. You can not fathom the increíble complexity of not Only human mechanism also how the energies of Infinity and of the 5 elements work in regards to It.

    It is very unwise for you to think this things do not exist. There are rules in existence, even if existence is imaginary.

    Thats why Every time you take coffee It stimulates you and if you do 5-MeO-DMT Will Kick your ass of consciousness. Every single time. The rules and complexity of the Reality is profound. 

    In the same way, there is a whole science of understanding about how the whole existence works in regards to human consciousness, not Only psychedelics.

    27 minutes ago, Keryo Koffa said:


    How about a Bhuta Siddhi?

    Maybe the next one! Im learning Surya Kriya Next month ☺️