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Posts posted by Javfly33

  1. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    Yes but that about 84 times.... sounds like a joke. And before that 84 times? 

    Yeah, is difficult to even imagine, I remember having the thought of trying to imagine what was the first moment of reality to exist and i couldn´t fathom, but at the same time, there has to be a starting point, relatively, because time in a relative way exists, before our body was little and now is big, time is a thing, even though is relative.


    50 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

     he should explain very detailed how he arrived to that knowledge . 

    Is not possible because is not intellectual understanding, is a direct perception, a grasp of the mechanic of the reality, you perceive it through the body.

    The challenge is You can be doing Yoga for 3 years and still not get the symettry of the body completely right, it has dimensions of mastery this shit

    As an example i have done the shamavhi he taughts about 700-800 times and I have got it correctly maybe 20-25 times, and im being optimistic.

    The rest 780 times i did not do the practice right 😂, maybe I missed doing the breathing right, i missed sitting in the 100% perfect way, etc... it takes long time investment to get profound results, if not is superficial. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Jannes said:

    Depends what development means for you and how much you tripped already. 

    Low and Mid doses of Truffles are great for reflecting on your life and goals and for therapy. 5meo might be more for purely spiritual goals but I might be wrong on that as I haven't done it a lot. 

    everyone says that but i always had the most practical improvement (for relationships for example) with 5-meo-dmt trips.

    Whereas LSD or mushrooms provided more relaxation-mindfulness, etc (internal world) afterglow effects. 

  3. @Ishanga @Schizophonia @Breakingthewall As a side note, I remember doing Kundalini Yoga some years ago before knowing about sadhguru, and most Kriyas had 84 repetitions (the apparently 'current' creation according to sg) and/or 112 repetitions (the apparent final creation).

    I´m sure any people that have done some classical guru-transmitted yoga have stumbled upon this things, asanas or kriyas that make you repeat them 84 or 112 times depending on the type of execise. 

    Creepy, uh? 😵‍💫 @Keryo Koffa

  4. 6 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

    Sadghuru isn't awaken at all.

    It is, trust me. You can verify everything he says if you do enough Yoga.

    Trust me, yoga is science, mechanically works. Like psychedelics. Even if you believe it on it or not.


    No one will believe this but Sadhguru has a video where he says people getting into certain states of Being if you put your hand some cm. above their head, you will feel an aurea/sensation of an infinity spiral moving above their head.

    There was 3 times where i did Angamardana (one the procceses they teach at the ashram) and I felt that. The crazy thing is that i felt that before watching that video. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Breakingthewall said:

    But you are 100% conscious of that you exist. About why you are in earth, from an infinite perspective, it's absolutely meaningless. It's just a relative fact among others infinite facts. It doesn't mean that you are not going to move, you will, but knowing that ultimately it's just an appearance. 

    Words are tricky, even though i said 'knowing' i don´t mean knowing in the way 'I am a man because this happened and that happened' or whatever.

    I mean mechanically, like mechanically perceiving the configuration of oneself.


    For example, i recently realized all people i usually criticize and judge is people that have an opposite internal configuration of the one i usually carry. 

    When I understood the mechanics of my configuration i understood too why i judge this people. 

    Is difficult to explain but is not an intellectual understanding, is like a direct perception of why one is carrying what is carrying and once one sees that the next steps should be about evolution, liberation and letting go of the configuration.

    because it doesnt seem nobody will do that for me. If not why do i have a very similar configuration of that one of certain family members? Why Reality didn´t take care of wiping the disk clean? 


    The structure wants to keep itself alive, repeat itself, forever. I noticed too i usually chose friends with similar configuration. 

    There is a memory or cycle there that unless one hijacks it, one keeps going round and round and round. So I really believe this Life process is about going somewhere and evolving. 

  6. 52 minutes ago, emil1234 said:


    See even if you were to attain a lasting state of non existence, nothing would prevent it from popping back into existence again. and this moment is proof that it will

    This moment is not proof of anything because you are not 0.01% conscious of why you even are in earth.

    When you are able to respond why you have a human body and you are not a dog, then you will start to know the mechanics of your own encarnation and what you need to do to go forward and not keep rolling in your own wheel.


    nothing would prevent it from popping back into existence again.

    'this moment' is not Absolute, yet you are. 

    Let´s remember there is no God or external force creating anything here.

    Creation takes instructions from the Creator. 

  7. 33 minutes ago, emil1234 said:

    given that eternity already is the case, if eternal non existence were ever to be, it should be the case right now.

    Of course, It is.

    Which is precisely why I´m none of what appears: body, thought, emotion, landscape, sensation, sight, hearing, memory, etc.


    Why Nirvana Shatakam lyrics say...



    I am not the Vital Life Energy (Prana), nor the Five Vital Airs (manifestations of Prana),
    I am not the seven essential ingredients nor the 5 sheaths of the body, I am not any of the body parts, like the mouth, the hands, the feet, etc.

    There is no hatred nor passion in me, no greed nor delusion,
    There is no pride, nor jealousy in me,
    I am not identified with my duty, wealth, lust or liberation

    I am not virtue nor vice, not pleasure or pain,
    I need no mantras, no pilgrimage, no scriptures or rituals,
    I am not the experience, not the object of experience, not even the one who experiences

    I am not bound by death and its fear, not by caste or creed,
    I have no father, nor mother, or even birth,
    I am not a relative, nor a friend, nor a teacher nor a student

    I am devoid of duality, my form is formlessness,
    I am omnipresent, I exist everywhere, pervading all senses,
    I am neither attached, neither free nor limited, I am the form of consciousness and bliss,

    I am Shiva (that which is not).




  8. 29 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    How could what exist dissapear? The fact that there are no limits makes infinite existence inevitable. If it disappears, and as you say non-existence remains, it would automatically reappear, since non-existence does not exist. It would be like saying that in the middle of this message that I am writing, existence has disappeared and has reappeared 100 times, and in the middle there has been a period of non-existence. This period is nothing, not even an idea. Existence has no opposite, because non-existence does not exist.

    If the absence of limits makes existence exist and be infinite, it always exists and is infinite, without beginning or end. It is really immutable, since if you place yourself in the perspective of infinity, any mutation or movement is only apparent, there is no mutation because in infinity there can be no change or movement, since there is no reference point, the reference point would be another apparent change, so any movement is relative to another movement, but at an absolute level there is no real movement, only appearance, and there is no self that perceives the movement, the self is created by the apparent movement, then the self is just an appearance. What is the witness of the stillness? There in no witness without experience, and the experience is relative movement.

    The point is open yourself to the absolute perspective, it's not easy because we in the relative movement. If you do, you realize that you are the existence, not the perceptor, because perceptor and perception are the same, just apparent movement. Anyway, apparent movement is infinite, same than everything, then the apparent self or witness is also infinite, but it's just an appearance created by the apparent movement 

    Right, I mean Non existence would still exist because it wouldn´t really be non existence.

    What I am trying to say is that in my opinion Existence as we experience it is manifestation. Manifestation can not be what I am because manifestation is not absolute.

    What I´m really I am is pure non existence. Absence of Existence or of a Reality.

    Since what I am is the opposite of existence, once this awareness comes reality stops existing, literally nothing more happens. The end. Everything stops, because what i am is a void that is more empty than a black hole. 

  9. 12 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    What I am? The only possible answer is: the reality. Can't be: the unchanging awareness that perceives all that arises, because, what is "all that arises" ? Anything else? It's separate the perceiver than the perception? Are two different things? Then there is a center, a self who perceive? 

    I disagree, the reality might be a projection of what I am.

    Because Reality can dissappear because reality is physical, or even mental. A thought can dissappear, a sensation can dissappear, etc...

    That which Exists can dissappear because Existence has an opposite: Non - Existence. 

    So whatever we are it has to be something that does not have an opposite. Only that way what we are is always the same.

    If at some point what we are changes then that was relative, not absolute, don´t yout think?

  10. 4 hours ago, NoSelfSelf said:

     Everything ive been talking about on here is about this issue, where you place everything but yourself as number 1.Then you will never truly grow internally only externally...


    Have you noticed your messages are always about 'you are not doing it right...but i have no idea how to explain to you how to do it right' ?


    5 hours ago, something_else said:

    I still fundamentally feel a sense of being weird, different and socially inadequate in my core.

    Welcome to the club. 

    How much you really want to 'destroy' that core? 


  11. 6 hours ago, mmKay said:


    If all Llados did was motivational speaking, giving real value and teaching or coaching I'd be all for him...


    @mmKay Let me ask you something, this message seems toxic or 'andrew tate' style to you? (he posted it in instagram some time ago).

    Captura de pantalla 2024-09-22 a las 19.35.38.png


    Because it seems to me a pretty healthy powerful message.

    Yes, is a 'simple' message. Is not like nobel-price award of creativity. But in an era where societies are starting to normalize the use of drugs (psychedelics), maybe is not bad a guy that just reminds us of the basics. 


    Just so you know, I actually discovered this guy after 2 years following Sadhguru and doing 1-2 hours each day of energy kriyas and Yoga.

    So is not i was in a low perception state of consciousness. I was in a pretty heightened state of perception and the day i discovered him i instantly knew he had some unique value, independent of the fact that he is of course a 'hustler' and his allusions to God are biased towards his benefit.

    But you won´t find a state orange coach that is not biased and selfish. Remember we are not talking about Enlightened sages here. ALL coaches wants your money and attention and are selfish. 


  12. On 20/9/2024 at 0:33 PM, Alex4 said:

     listening to red pill content to boost my confidence with women, thinking I could filter out the nonsense. But before you know it, that toxic message seeps into your brain in ways you don’t even realize.


    No man, I don't envy him, I can assure you. I can envy 1000 other people but not this character.

    @Alex4 What is 'toxic' about him? Have you actually watched some of his real content or just watch the haters that literally make a living out of throwing hate to other people? 

    That sounds pretty toxic to me.

    Is toxic to defend women which he has done in several videos? While he could clearly could critique them for being 'gold diggers'?

    Sounds to me much more toxic the 9900 channels of shitty red pill around in YouTube or dating coaches trying to really scam your money (aka, 'daygame coaches')


    I get it. You prefer the social matrix. The one that is formal and sensible and it won´t ever make you 'uncomfortable' by calling you 'mileurista'. But will do nothing to get you out of the rug. Your 'politically correct' society is very happy you make 1.5k a month, drive a Toyota and do drugs and drink alcohol to numb your spirit. 

    Yes, the 'bad' guys is those ones that actually say truths, of course. The devils are scared of the Truth. They see it as something bad. 

    Which is precisely why people like LLados precisely have haters from mainstream and those toxic channels that only make living about hating other people, but contributing nothing to the world. 


    Maybe rethink your meaning of 'good' and 'bad'. You might have gotten it backwards. 

    On 19/9/2024 at 1:35 PM, mmKay said:

    If you’ve already made up your mind about this dude, there's not much more to say. For anyone reading this thread, dont be naive.

    @mmKay So a lawyer that has no business with him says to you that his business is NOT a scam but hey, you guys know more than the lawyer and say IT IS A SCAM.

    You sure you are not a bit biased here and bit more envy about the Lambos 😂😂 otro plebeyo mileurista ofendido 😂

    Just accepte it, you are not making 500K a month and it makes you bitter as fuck that he does it, has a hot latina of wife and has 8 supercars.

    99% of your mind wants to think 'he is bad'. And I´m saying that is your Bias. Your mind wants to project that he is a sort of scammer or bad person because you can not deal with your toxic envy.

  13. I noticed Life seems to be a constant dance between these two.

    the "Expansion" makes us feel Alive, It makes Life fully On, impossible to get bored, yet the ego structure avoids It at all costs. 

    The ego structure is Nothing more than a refined survival mechanism, of course. Is not that is "bad". Is normal that It tries to close this expansion.


    But at the same time Life with the ego barriers ends Up feeling incredibly Boring, dull, and if too much time without expansion, basically depressive and even horrendous at the worst cases.

    So this Boring lameless lifeless depressive barrier ends Up being too asphixiating and one seeks for the Expansion onces again.

    A bit again opens up, you feel a fresh of Breath Air is coming, but not for too long, because the ego structure is there to already have fear and want to control. So the fresh Air won't be for too long. A confinement against the barriers is coming. 


    I Guess there is no easy answer. The barrier is safe but the price is the eternal depressive limitation.

    The Expansion feels daunting but the award is an elevation, like no other the ego could provide.


    There must be a way to find a perfect balance to not be dancing between these two like a mad monkey...

  14. 15 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

    That's why there are no two perceptions simultaneously and it's all within you. You are not within that dog's bark, that dog is you. Without your awareness of a fog's bark that dog's bark doesn't exist.


    @Princess Arabia My whole point of OP was that you can not use sensory organs to conclude that what you perceive is all that exists. Because sensory organs are limited.

    You might think for the dog i don´t exist but if i suddenly im wearing a chain of juicy sausages all over my face maybe I DO EXIST for that dog that doesn´t see me....

    And by the way, is not that I exist for that dog as a person, but rather the dog is smelling something that exists in 'my' perception (the juicy sausages). But is not 'my' perception, is just perception. And is not the 'dogs' perception, is just perception.

    As you can see, perception IS NOT PERSONAL. 

    What you thought was 2, is one. That is only possible because perception is INFINITE.

  15. 13 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

    This is interesting. There is always perception because if there is no perception there is no existence. That is, if there is perception at any moment, this moment is infinite, since if there stops being perception, and then there is perception again,

    If you think about, the mind is the thing that can create such a thing as ‘several’ perceptions.

    Because the truth is, if there are ‘two’ perceptions, like mine and yours, then where is the separating ‘line’ that divides this two perceptions?

    Withouth separating line or barrier, two perceptions are not two perceptions, they only One perception. 

    For more than One perception to exist, something that fundamentally separates must exist, but no one has seen that, except the mechanism of the mind, but that is conceptual. That is not a real barrier. 


    For example if im at my home and I hear a dog barking, I don´t see that dog. I don’t even know where it really is. Yet the sound is somehow coming to me. That proves that just because some of my sensory organs (like Vision) does not reach the dog, does not mean that the dog is not already inside my perception.

    A snake can not see me, and also can not hear me, yet if I am walking in a forest a snake will sense me through the soil 15km from where I am, because of vibrations snakes can perceive a lot more than most animals

    So I will be inside the Perception of the snake, even from 15km. Yet me since my sensory organs are not that advanced, for me I say that snake exists in ‘other’ perception. But that is not the case. The snake still exist in my perception. Is just that I as a human means limitation. 


    In the same manner all of Reality exists in my perception, is just that right now I am limited in multiple ways so only a minuscule part of Infinity Is available for me. 

    This does not mean that all Infinity exists somewhere else. It exists in my perception. But only a certain minuscule part is directly sensory available because thats what means to exists as a limited thing.

  16. 5 minutes ago, OBEler said:

    That's your bias.

    Your butthole is also sensitive 

    The vagina is like 1000% more vulnerable regarding infections etc vs your butt.

    But Ok dude, is "my bias"

    1 minute ago, Keryo Koffa said:

    Just think about it: What if it awakens you in more ways than one?


  17. 2 hours ago, OBEler said:

    @Emerald what psychedelics do you prefer as a woman?

    I might start to ask that on future Dates LOL.

    To answer your OP, I don´t think is a good ROA. If i were a woman i would never put drugs in my genitals as i wouldn´t if i am man. Sensitive/delicate zone is not wise to put chemicals in it. 


    • Oats (obviously) -80gr with oat milk - 250ml
    • Tahini (sesame seeds butter) - 80gr
    • Peanut Butter - 40gr
    • Hemp protein powder - 18gr
    • Chia Seeds - 1 big spoon
    • Big pinch of salt 


    I don´t feel the need of adding any sweeteners because oat milk and peanut butter adds enough sweetness for me.

    This probably would be improved with some fruit I guess.