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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. How can you cut through what is seems as an impossible maze? Becoming completely Empty, what door will be able to stop you? Only if you are something, you can not pass. You shall only pass if you become completely empty.
  2. It was kind of a joke. But is true, I don´t think any human has become "Liberated" by reading some books. But as anything I guess some acts can "prepare the seed" to Blossom or not.
  3. @Spiral Wizard Is not a bad observation. I think is good to talk in terms of Spectrum instead of higher and lower. You can be closer or further from Truth. Of course in an absolute Truth-Samadhi state you might not open your eyes and just die right there, so in that case Truth is anti-survival. But those are mystical states of Truth. There are also states of Being very grounded in Truth where you can involve yourself in the world completely functional. So is not like Truth incapacitates you.
  4. That´s a daring statement. Will you pay me if I am not after I read it?
  5. Is not about modifying external Reality is about internally modifying yourself the way you want. Look how happy those Peruvian miners are they are chewing that coca leaf they haven´t eaten for 10 hours but internally the chemistry is in a certain way you can be in Heaven in the most shitty external places. Or you can be inside hell even if the external situations are just fine. Which is basically the whole first world. Everyone talking about depression or anxiety yet everyone has a guaranteed plate of food and shelter. This is to say experience comes from within. Outside you can arrange some things but fundamentally you have to look within, how you turn this mechanism to work for you not against you.
  6. Realizing the dream doesn´t necessarily Liberate you. I´ve seen countless people here as well as me included thinking "we got it" or "I realized X", therefore Liberation from the dream is not there. Because "I" still there strong 😂 Doesn´t matter if is a dream or a planet. Kill the "I".
  7. I think is because when one argues with people one gets entangled in the conversation, trying to win/not lose the argument, therefore Enlightment is not the case in that moment. Due to identity to thought probably
  8. Who would have thought I am inside a Spirituality/Meditation forum...
  9. I agree, those are good observations.
  10. @Leo Gura What does it have to do with corruption to consume prostitution services? Now paying for sex and using drugs in sex makes you corrupt/pervert ? What is the logic there? Seems more like using morality to accuse the right.
  11. Interesting. Both are true would mean Solipsism is true and not Solipsism also is true @Someone here 🤯
  12. What if what we call individual persons or souls are actually just finite configurations of Infinity? For example let's say your father feels to you as a very real person, but then the next day he dies. Bum. Gone. Where has he gone? The finite part is completely gone. Now what? Where does The Reality that was holding that finite part goes? The Reality, which now after leaving the finite part (what you understand as your father) keeps looking for a finite configuration, that what is called incarnation. If it does not find a finite configuration, then it just stays as pure empty boundlessness. This undefined unmanifested boundlessness breaks through all Infinite space. It does not have manifestation because manifestation is a finite configuration. In other words what is difference between your father and your girlfriend? Only the finite configuration. If your girlfriend dies and the Reality that was holding your girlfriend is evolved enough, then it will become your father, it will merge completely with the consciousness of your father, since that one is already in a complete unmanifested boundless state, it is the same and only Reality/consciousness. What makes it seem as that there different beings, souls, or realities, is that there are different finite configurations being held. An as long as that is held by the reality, then duality is inevitable.
  13. Sure, but "mentally" you can be hallucinating things, from shizophrenia delusions to delusions of grandeur, thinking about your ex-wife, or a psychedelic trip. So while you are always in Truth, the veiling can be so strong it can feel as you are not in it. So, is important to not only be in Truth, but to perceive it. @Princess Arabia Death of the body is inevitable, careful to not buy into fantasy-like narratives.
  14. I don´t think Reality can stop because when I say Reality I mean the absolute unmanifested core. I'm not saying manifestation (what here they call the "Dream"). But reality can definetely stop holding a finite configuration. That´s what death is. The following question would be, would I hold another configuration after the current body is gone? I have faith the spiritual work will be worth for something, that mechanically a certain intelligence has been developed so I won´t get into the body of a future Tik Tok Only Fans gen z girl. 🤣 I think I've done enough meditation to ask for more than that. 🤣 That makes sense.
  15. soul is karma. Discard it. Go towards Liberation.
  16. Like what Yeah for sure.
  17. I wish I knew this information before sending messages to everyone in my phone contact list in a messianic mental loop 🤣 @RightHand So basically 5meo is another experience, not enlightment, but it has lots of fireworks and explosions and that can break some things for some time which can be useful to clear the road ahead.
  18. Today it came up on my instagram feed a Yogui 2700 years old left the body there lol