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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Porn is just a good representation of what KARMA gets into everything you do, including Sex. Almost any sex fantasy is Karma. Because you can only do sex withouth creating Karma (dual impressions on Reality) if you do sex out of Love and nothing else. Which is why religion always told you do not have sex for pleasure. It never worked because tell people to do something and they will do it even more intensely. But the root of why they said that is based on something real. Pleasure comes from selfishness, which inevitably will create Karma in sex relationships. Only UNITY should be the goal when doing Sex. If you are getting pleasure you already creating some Karma. You should do sex like a Yoga asana. Stricly for the purpose of Love/Unity. Anything else is animal and ultimately has Karma consequences. The consequences are on a spectrum, it can be from normal entangled vainilla sex to the most toxic bdsm shit that vibrates -700 on the consciousness scale.
  2. Because humans have themselves that on their mind.
  3. You don´t see this problematic? I am 'that'. Whatever 'that' is, isn´t a 'that' limited? Since 'that' means also 'everything else that is not 'that'. How can 'you' perceive 'yourself? That already are two things. Like @Water by the River would say: who is the one who perceives itself without bottom? Im not denying that I do not exist, but I exist as nothing, the moment I exist as 'something' (like existence), i become limited (to that 'thing'). You see where I'm going?
  4. There is a dimension, state, or destination where you dissappear. In that You are not even the existence. Think about it, if you are the 'existence' you still are bound by being something. In this case, is being the existence. Yes, I agree. So why you say you are the existence? By you identifying with anything (even with 'Reality') notice you are closing the door. When you are open you are open because you are not identifying yourself with anything, not even with an existence or a reality. This is precisely what makes you 'open'.
  5. What you guys miss is that existence is the ego, feeling of 'I' or being in an 'experience' or 'existing' is the whole illusion that spirituality has the goal of annihilating.
  6. There doesn´t seem to be an 'existence' outthere outside of ourselves planning things or oculting things to us. We are intertwined with reality, we are reality.
  7. I don´t see what does have to do with resolving misteries. Logic is finite and dual. Reality is Infinite and non-dual so as you can see logic is not the proper tool in this case.
  8. You only think is a problem because of your logic
  9. To understand reincarnation easily you just have to forget the concept of a soul incarnating into bodies and substitute it for a reality incarnating into bodies. Isn´t it what is happening when a new child is born? Reality is reappering and creating itself from its own 'memory soup', with the ingredients mixed in an unique way which make every person be 'unique', although it is not on the bigger scale. (same ingredients, different way of mixing them).
  10. @hyruga No, all the work they gave me I always did it and tried to be proactive always. In fact I always tried to be studying or working on some other things when I didn´t got no work so they can see i was trying to be productive. What 'went wrong' basically was that the first project I was assigned to and the reason why I was hired, had no important technologies, so in that whole year that it lasted I couldn´t get any actual valuable work experience that would make me attractive for the following future possible projects. I got lucky and I went into another project 1 year after that one but I for some reason after 2-3 months on it I got moved into the mobile department of it (instead of web), and since the mobile department had quite a steep learning curve I had to be put into tutorial/learning time, which made that the Staffing department decided that since I was not actually contributing to work there I should take another project that came up (but only lasted 2 months and it was also of a dead-end technology). So when this last project ended 2 years 3 months into the company I had virtually no valuable software dev experience, so it seems no more projects could came up for me The move of the stupid Staffing department guy of getting me out of the mobile project was dumb as fuck, I knew it was a bad option when he did it, but i couldn´t say no. But anyways, I accept the responsability is mine because I could have just found another job in all this time, I prioritized the comfortability of the job so now I pay the price of that comfort/risk I took.
  11. I know you think like that. That´s how a devil thinks. Yes, they work a lot. That´s why there are guys living in mansions with 3 Lamborguinis and 2 Ferraris depressed, empty and doing cocaine 5 times a week to have a bit of stimulation in their life. Because what you say "works". My lofty spiritual ideas are just Life goals outside of the sad ones of yours which are aspiring to be a bit better than someone else or having more money or more success than someone else. LOL. How you can know how much action have I taken? I bet much more than you. You haven´t seen anything more than survival in life so everything that is outside of that you call it 'romantization'. Notice how low you have set your bar. I probably dress better than you. Typing this on a Giuseppe Zanottis of 500$. But I did not buy those to feel happy or satisfied it was a representation of beauty, of my internal being. Either way...even If i would be typing this in an 30$ converse it does not matter... when the light of moment of Death comes, we will be stripped naked and everything false will be taken from us. Are you ready for that? Im just warning you...you can not take your money or 'lays' when Life reclaims your life. So careful betting on that for well being, although if you had actually made money or had enough sex with beatiful women you would had already realized that won´t fullfill you.
  12. there is no reality just you... it depends on you if you want to keep the game going or not. Self-annihilation is a step most beings prolong for too many lifetimes seems you want to keep it going so enjoy your 'prison' I guess 👍 Is like you built a house you locked yourself at home and you forgot you have the keys of the door in your pants. What you are is an emptiness which has no existence, only by Identification with his imagination it can create itself as a being. God or the Absolute is still mind/illusion. Love is part of the illusion (not saying that is bad), but is not your essence. You are not bound by your own essence because precisely your essence is boundlessness. Other qualities are liberation, freedom, or non-existence.
  13. Warning, This might be probably the most valuable topic I´ve made in this forum: Desire and Hate are different sides of the same coin. Desire is not Love, one desires only because one sees the other person as fundamentally different, therefore you desire "having that 'exotic' thing" that you do not have. Hate is the response or reaction to desire He desires her She hates him He desires her that she will finally love him 😖 (He desires her love) And she hates him because he does not love her 😤 (desire is felt as separation/absence of love/feeling like an 'object') Two options to resolve this: One He accepts he can not be loved by her, because he wants his love because she hates him. But she hates him because he does not love her. He must love, unconditionally, then she will not hate him anymore. He will not desire anymore. Cycle ended. Two She accepts she can not be loved by him, because he desires her, and desire as we said means difference and separation, (you can not Love something that you think is not you or you think is fundamentally different) She must love, unconditionally, then he will not desire her anymore (because by she loving him he will experience unity with her, therefore Love, therefore desire towards her disappears). This is how you solve a Karmic entanglement between two beings. Sometimes it takes a whole lifetime to see what is really going on.
  14. Is not that you are a devil naturally but you get by the side of the devil when you say suffering can not be avoided or that starting the spiritual path to avoid suffering is an invalid choice. Because that´s what the devil does. The devil rejects the salvation. How a devil can exist? By rejecting God and Truth. Which is precisely what you are doing. Maybe. Or maybe i´ve seen possibilities that you haven´t seen yet.
  15. Reality is a word/concept the ego constructed. As well as world, planet, earth, dimension, existence or infinity. What ultimately we are is absolutely nothing. The absence of existence. Therefore 'real body' is actually infinite. An infinite emptiness Ultimately these are just words, but mind basically creates whole illusion. Freedom from mind means freedom from everything...even from existing. 🙏
  16. She is just selling you bullshit. I mean is not that she does not say coherent things but that alone won´t make you millionarie. As like there is a recipe for becoming a millonarie...
  17. yes, i feel brand new omg i needed this I guess, my case though was kind of extreme since i worked like 2 months in this whole year lol
  18. @Sugarcoat DO not believe this guys. They haven´t seen what I´ve seen. Careful some devil stealing the possibility of Liberation for you. Sure, the issue here is that you don´t know what existence is. You think existence is a 'thing'. eternal non-existence is precisely what you are. If doesn´t matter if you can´t die because what you are is literally the absence of existence (No-Thing/That Which is Not: Shiva). Any kind of existence or Experience (doesn´t matter if is a DMT realm with no body and just mind) is still Maya and suffering. The only reason you are experiencing a planet earth and a body is because you are entangled and not liberated. And you are not working towards liberation so you will reincarnate after you die again. As most of the people in this forum will. Spirituality is not about experiencing some samadhi and feeling One with the universe or tripping endlessly and have insights. Those are just opening some doors. That is not escaping the prison. In fact the more doors you open without the clear focus of escaping the more deep you´ll get in the prison. If you don´t know where you are going, if you just start opening doors sensessly, you easily can get more lost and deep in the building. Once you know where you are going (You had a 'peak' outside the prison) you know is real and now every step you take and every door you open is just you looking for the exit, with this attitude one day you will be out.
  19. This is how existence works. It happens with certain type of entanglements between two people.
  20. I´m sorry if with words is not easily understood, I´ll pass you a video I recently recorded: