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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Yeap...totally agree. IMO we fall into this stories of thought because we don´t have enough clarity yet. When there is an opening or expansion in perception, is clear, that´s what we want, what we are. But then as soon as the mind comes all goes to shit. Notice there is only One Truth. One Perception. Merge into it, dissolve into it, expand yourself in it, until you no longer exist, and only Non-Localized Bliss is left. That sir, is the only game In town. Surrender everything else, every damn other thought or story, just focus on doing that. Forget other minds or selfs...you only have One Truth...make it a Blissful Unitary Magical Truth. 🙏
  2. by that logic a dog´s shit is the same as reading book
  3. infinity doesn´t exist. Is a thought of the ego. Psychedelics confuse , can´t awaken you really. Just trippy and firework stuff, but not clarity and boundless perception which what you really want.
  4. Make sense, imo universal consciousness is Still ego Dreaming or a projection of the Mind. Is not that is false, is that is still projection. Not real You. Consciousness is Still Mind/phenomena/experience/subtler physicality. Non physical existence is beyond everything that appears. Ime, Truth is boundless Empty non-existence. I dont get What you said in the last paragraph Though. If you can clear that Up.
  5. I mean The techniques have precise mechanisms designed to Awaken. Thats literally why the have been dreamed/imagined that way. They are tools to increase consciousness, in the same way coffee is a tool to increase wakefulness. See this Awakening thing as a more mechanic thing and less of a luck or Will thing. It has been designed by you this way in order to not you going nuts. Of course there Will come a point where you Awaken without technique, but Who is at that point anyway? When you can do mahasamadhi totally sober and consciously dissolve, yes, you wont need techniques at that point. 🪷 When too conscious game ends 🪷
  6. Yeap, even the fact that water boils at 100° is imagination. Is not physics or any external universal law. LOL! THERE IS NO UNIVERSE! Just because It always boils at 100° does not mean is not imagination. It just Tells you how inmensely and unlimited powerful Reality is, that It can set "rules" in the dream that always work in the same way The congruency of the dream is the greatest gift and masterpiece of "God". If not we all would go insane. Being this congruent, we can actually Enjoy the imagination without going nuts. People confuse this congruence for a proof that is not imagination though.
  7. @Razard86 If one stays in Truth for long enough, one Will understand why illusion and ego was created. It is daunting to Live conscious as God. Its such a radical paradigm shift. I think Life is just a process of preparing the unconscious part of God (the ego-mind) to Accept and embrace Infinity and imagination.
  8. @Leo Gura Fantasies? Now you are not making sense. So you basically are saying Yogis have the same state of being that your cashier at Walmarts or what? Is all fake for you? Maybe this tools do not work, maybe humans constructed a lie, but the point of it very clear. Nobody is doing Yoga to just be peaceful as someone that comes from a SPA or a relaxant massage. For that...yeah, you might better just go to a Spa which is easier and faster. What you saying about projecting responsibility to the 'imaginary' genetics you once said they were, seems incredibly simplistic and derrotist. We might as well just stop doing anything, if you basically saying no matter if you do psychedelics or consciousness practices your states of consciousness will not change.
  9. there is not even a bottle
  10. I don´t listen to less than God-Consciousness sounds
  11. Would you agree with this statement? I think is because 'world' is the boundless Self So if the Self awakens, since there is no separation, 'all world' Awakens. Because world was me.
  12. by the way , why you have to put yourself a label such as gay, bisexual, heterosexual or whatever? Just try to do sexuality as conscious as possible and don´t waste energy and focus on worrying about it. Duh.
  13. Do you realize that with judging that you are basically judging women ? Women are 'passive' in sex in the sense they receive a dick in the pussy lol . You basically are judging a part of sex with that.
  14. Well that is depressing. Don´t you think If you elevate your consciousness radically you can conscious create inner chemistry? @Leo Gura For example, I remember some years ago in an LSD trip I became so conscious I was infinite reality that just to see what I was capable of I started snapping my fingers and with each I snap I consciously created inner feelings, from stimulation, to peacefulness, to stillness, it was pretty crazy. That was pure Consciousness, pure Power. If one gets to such a level of realization why not? Obviously is debatable Sadhguru has gotten there, seeing the latest news, I´ll give you that. Yeap, the more I know about him the more incongruent things I catch about him. Probably the more you are engaged in the world the less the things he sells are possible to accomplish. Yeah, that´s the point, as a striving or goal what sadhguru offers is beautiful. But has himself even accomplish it? Doesn´t look like. He´s too engaged in world activities as Leo said.
  15. I can verify this. Nowadays I sleep about 5-5.30 hours, I´m doing about 1h 30 of the teachings, Is been almost 2 years of daily work to get to this level though. Having said that, I was quite disappointed yesterday when I heard the news, precisely because the doctor said he took painkillers and sedatives, when his whole selling argument for inner engineering is 'Be your own chemical factory'. By the way, I commented this in my isha whastapp group and everybody stepped on to me. Such a cult-like behaviour again. I thought this people were more conscious than average but no, sheeps as in any other organisation. God damn it what is wrong with humanity 🤓
  16. @Osaid This makes sense. A human appears interacting with a 'world' appears but it doesn´t seem there is a self in my experience. Until I create it. Then all illusion starts haha.
  17. Holy shit that photo is amazing. I look at her and i had a feeling if something very profound 😭
  18. I think the key is that you can consciously have a sense of self or obliterate it at will. Why you need a sense of self? To plan and think about stuff, drive, do stuff, etc. But it is important to know how to disengage yourself and put the on Neutral. If not life burns you up
  19. When the mind gets erased I find myself unable to think or project, including an outside world or any kind of projection. When surrender happens pure Bliss is find, being as Nothing I realize the bubble of consciousness is Literally Love/Bliss/Me. But to get to that one has to surrender everything, which is not easy. After you do it is amazing, but before doing that loneliness is seeing as pure terror. Why I am scared of that? @Leo Gura I remember some time ago you said the whole universe was your bubble of consciousness. Is Awakening slowly accepting this in daily life to the point it becomes a living reality and you are Ok with that unpersonal 'positive' loneliness? Is unthinkable to open myself to the possibility of living like this in daily life. Even after suspecting this is Awakening I see the ego unable to open itself to this. Is unthinkable lol.
  20. there´s no 'me' or 'you', only INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS
  21. absolute truth is inmortal and im talking to myself right now. Im in perfect non duality and infinite consciousness right now.