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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. Yeah, like I know you have to make money but really? Just straight up lying? I have 2 tattoos. First one Im pretty happy with the result. Second one though, not so much. The tattoo artist told me it would be 'the same' to the example I gave him (I gave him a photograph as example of what I wanted to tattoo). It was not the same. I would have appreciate it if he would have told me before. Also he just did some things that were not on the photograph example. I get that sometimes you just can not do it exactly with 100% precision. But if you are not able just tell me, don´t just tattoo it without asking. Yesterday i went to another guy in order to fix me what the previous one had done me (the second tattoo). It was a simple thing. Just cover with some tint here and there. Well, again, he told me it could be done easily. And now seeing the result, I realize there are some things that he didn´t do well. He covered well some things but others parts of the tattoo seems he used a different type of needle so there is a noticeable difference between the first tint pass (the majority of the tattoo) and the second one. Again...why the hell you tell me it can easily be done if then it seems you can not do it? Why don´t you just stop and tell me? Can´t you see a tattoo is not like a haircut bro? Why they just can´t say "Oh no, that thing i can not do it, I can do it like this but it won´t just be 100% the same, are you Ok with that"? They have such low integrity...damn. Also in both places I have gone in both they never accept cards...hehe, "artists" don´t like to pay taxes it seems... such an unprofessional antisocial collective it seems these people are.
  2. @Princess Arabia He is right. There are only two genders. Any other combination is a mental illness. If you don´t create any fantasy or paranoia about 'what gender you feel/identify with' in your head, there is only the truth whether you have male or female reproductive organs, that´s it. In fact the mere word 'identify' already describes relativity and the start of any mental illness. 'Identification' is how you create any mental illness that can exist in a human's mind. The Left has basically normalized mental illness. That´s all that is going on. To the point people will go to surgery to change their reproductive organs becase the paranoia in their mind is that strong. I want you to know we are not far away from normalizing removing your intestines and playing with them and using them as a belt to hold your pants. Thank God a conservative party is stepping in, before is too late we end up completely mad.
  3. Of course, thats what the Self is, non existence. Everything that you see, hear, touch, smell, is Existence/Karma. Which is why Mystics told you: I am not this, I am not that. The moment you identify with anything limited, you limit yourself: You created yourself into existence: You created the limited-ego self. ( = " 'I feel like I exist', but I don´t know exactly 'Where I am' or 'What I am' ")
  4. How much trees, schools and hospitals that youtuber that critizes sadhguru has built? 🤣 Oh right nooo, his whole 'work' that offers to the world is talking shit about other humans! Seems an interesting dude to listen to 😂
  5. 🙌 Just sharing what best works for me! 🤜
  6. If I may contribute, ime more than time what matters is intensity/awareness. So try to meditate when you know you will be at your peak of mental clarity but physically relaxed. You want to create this sweet mix: Alert mind but relaxed/calm body Some tips: Take a shower before (it activates energy body but calms you physically) Do it at "spiritual prone' times of the day: 4:30, Sunrise, Noon, or Sunset. Before you do meditation, sit and just spend a couple of minutes reminding you 'I am not this body, I am not this mind'. This sets a certain atmosphere/ambience and makes the meditation an alive process, instead of a mechanical thing. If you implement these things you will notice that even if you do not increase your meditation time, it should amplify your results.
  7. Is a tricky question because there is no you, so how could you be anywhere? 😂
  8. @Princess Arabia You lack a basic understanding (and pretty obvious one) of reality, and that is that reality has rules: If you take a coffee it always will stimulate you, it you take 5-MeO it will always kick your ass, no matter your beliefs, every tool, thing, movement, works in a way and produces certain results in reality. In the same way any other thing in reality creates certain concrete results, in Yoga there are asanas (postures), as well as breathing phases, which are specifically designed to open certain perceptions (or doors) , regardless if you 'belief' on it or not. Unless you have a very deep and natural understanding of reality, these 'doors' or perceptions will not open up watching non duality talks in Youtube, or trying to 'sort out' non duality via thinking or logic. If you want to be mediocre and have mediocre results, re assure yourself you are already Enlightened and that reality is very simple. The astronomical proportions of what Life is, will catch up to your arrogance sooner or later.
  9. Don´t even try with him, he was recently hospitalised in mental psychiatric probably not the best dude to get advice from.
  10. Lol Bro. Enlightment = Life Of course the natural destination is realization. Is not that is the natural, is that until realization of course we have to play this theatre. Until that point you keep dreaming incarnations, which is what is happening right now. @Sugarcoat Honestly with all due respect but I have to say it for the evolution of the people here, most of the forum members you see here which say they are Enlightened will reincarnate, guaranteed. Do not trust them if you actually want real Enlighment. Realization is not a trophy or something like that, is much bigger than that, is trascendental and the game ends when you achieve. Lots of souls still want to play more games 🤣 so keep the wheel going baby. Just keep yourself out of it if you want this to be the last one.
  11. Yeah I guess if we get that detailed that would be a good categorisation 👍 Is not that is less or more valid, is more like what we want to 'aim' for in this work. I understand when people engage in this conversations is because they are looking for well being and transformation to a higher possibility of existence. @Princess Arabia But maybe I am asking too much because recently today in other topic someone called me narcissistic for aligning Enlightenment with ending suffering 🤣 We are getting to that point of distortion that is not just Joy or Pleasure, forget Bliss or Ecstasy, you tell them Peace and they do not think that is even possible. They have concluded life is a mountain of ups and downs so I they have reduced spirituality as a gossip exercise to distract themselves. Because of course, anyone that seeks to know how to conduce the human in a conscious and well being manner, is narcissistic according to them...😳
  12. If you can imagine me having a POV, it means Reality is able to 'truly' manifest that as a reality. Make no mistake, even though I have a 'real POV', is still "You" doing the whole thing 'here'.
  13. Is tricky because other people exist as potentiality, if you look closely you do not have a direct perception of other people perception, just yours. So 'other people' exist as imagination on your mind right now. But since the imagination of your mind and the imagination of the universe is the same, the fact that you can imagine them means at one point Reality truly imagines them. In other words @Javfly33 experience exists within your imagination or mind. Is not that I am not real, but lets say my whole Life is still happening within your imagination/mind. Your imagination does not reach only you logical mind, your imagination is limitless and knows no boundaries. Yeap 👏
  14. I think I´ve been very close to death while doing yoga. Yes, it feels better than anything else that you can imagine. All of This is already described in Yoga: 1. Mental body (limited = physical) 2. Material body (limited = physical) 3. Energy body (more subtle, but still physical) 4. Etheric body (transition from the physical bodies to the non physical) 5. Bliss body (unlimited, completely non-physical). Basically Bliss body is the last stealth or covering of the Self, since already is unlimited and non-physical. You could say it is the Self but not really, is more like a 'quality' of the Self but not 100%. Since the Self is absolute emptiness and non-existence (Nirvana). Bliss is close in terms of Perfection to the feeling of Nirvana but still not IT.
  15. Hahaha triggered? 😁🥱 I know exactly what Im doing. You cannot understand the work Im doing Because right now you are at galaxies of consciousness of distance to understand It. Additionally you want to simplify reality to confort your ego so your simplistic logic is expected. Its Ok little girl, Enjoy your simplistic non duality Channel N°5 world. You have a lot of things to discover yet.
  16. Of course not, I don´t. Suffering is just the proof that I am not handling things right, whether is in the mental aspect, body aspect, energy aspect, in summary: The controller is not being handled correctly. So this what Spirituality is, to go from operating the machine in a bad way to operate it to how it supposed to function: friction free, aligned with reality. Good post by the way! @ivarmaya
  17. @James123 I don´t get what you mean @enchanted I absolutely do not agree with that. In my experience the more I go deep in spirituality the more clarity there is, the less thought, the less distortion. Spirituality is absolute Balance, Equanimity, stillness, and silence. When we start thinking tripping is spirituality we have a problem: We assume intense states of consciousness are directly related with spiritual advancement or truth. This is not the case, but the opposite. One of the reason we decided in this forum 5-MeO was the preferred psychedelic for enlightment is precisely because it has less mind distortions that rest of the psychedelics.
  18. @Sugarcoat Consider this: The reason you are experiencing a human body is because you still haven´t accepted you are Alone in your dream. One way of keeping yourself limited is by attaching yourself to a body, which will inevitably create the perceptions that there are other bodies out there so it seems there are 'several people' in the dream/reality.
  19. The mindfuck is he is not the only one with an experience but he is still completely alone. Existence is Alone. Is One. Experiences can be a lot, but only One Self and Existence exists.
  20. That´s a good realization. Enlightment is only possible when you realize the game that has been sold to you can never feel satisfying. ONLY THEN you will really start to look within for answers
  21. I was scrolling linkedin and it pop up in the feed that my company hired a new developer, I entered into his profile and I saw the guy has 4 months of professional experience and as education just a cheap IT bootcamp... Meanwhile I´ve been in the company almost 3 years, they haven´t given me work for months... what is the 'business logic' for this? They don´t give me work yet every month I see new people being hired, quite disconcerting.
  22. Haters gonna hate... but turns out all of his story is backup by Youtube videos of +8 years old of age...An example of someone that started REALLY from the BOTTOM.
  23. Don´t worry everyone lies in social media and always show and cherrypick the best things that happens to them (and occult the 980 rest of bad things)