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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. I really discourage people to do kriya or any yoga on psychedelics, it will hurt the practice big time. That´s crazy man. Have you ever tried 3-meo-pcp
  2. is good news, humans will do more humane complex jobs, and machines more mechanic jobs
  3. The horizontal line is the singular one consciousness all creation comes from. The bodies that come out of it are memory bags of consciousness that form singular bodies and singular minds, they are completely united with the singular consciousness, but since they are creating a certain form they are bound to a certain physical limitation/boundary. The process of consciousness to slowly dissolve this memory, to a point where it dissolves completely with the horizontal infinite line again. When all beings (or better said, all individual memory bags of consciousness) merge back to the infinite line, the process of this creation is finished, no more form. Warning, once you merge with the infinite truly there´s no more recreation for you of any bag of memory. When all bags are dissolved (you are a bag of memory within infinite, not a separate being) we say the creation is finished. Everyone got a piece of the puzzle, you can play some time with this piece, but you will have end up giving it back, so infinity has all of their pieces reunited again. We all walking ourselves to the Infinite Reunion, (or the Infinite Dissolution, however is more funny to you) Aren´t you excited.
  4. Well...if you suddenly see a fire at your home, the fire is a mental story if you don´t look it. Will become liberated from it prevent the fire from burning up your home?
  5. The impac is if it doesn´t crush you it moves the shit out of you. In the past i was close to suicide and mental insanity, psychedelics saved me out of that and from that it started a path. Now i can say nothing can break me, because reality has broken me so much i have merged with it, i have surrendered to it, now there´s no "i" and "reality", only "reality" (or only "I"). Is all crushing down process of the ego to stop existing and only God remains.
  6. Yes, but they have importance. Birth and death are relative and not absolute, but just because they are relative does not mean they don´t exist. My car is also a story in the Here and Now, but if i go now to the parking ill find my car parked there. The dream has rules, we have created them, now we have to play by them.
  7. Please describe what you mean by MIND. Because in my experience Enlightment is realizing with the Mind you never ever grasp Infinite. (Which is why no one can think his way into mystical states of consciousness)
  8. Liberation is dissolving into Infinity for ever. Stopping the cycle of birth and death. But first for that you have to feel in a certain sense of Liberation while you have a physical body for some quite time, so when time come you can consciously exit the body and not reincarnate again.
  9. But that is called reincarnation, isn't it? Isn´t the point of Spirituality to stop the cycle of birth and death?
  10. I have a piece of It right now.
  11. Definetely, but to get to a level of solid non identification with body and mind , is no easy task
  12. @Leo Gura fair point, ill just ask... Doesn't make more sense to you to first establish your way of being and then explore anything? If you go out to an expedition which guy you think Will go more Deep? The Guy that is full of energy and with confortable clothes or someone that is not and might avoid some places because of fear of suffering? Is obvious there might be Legit information to explore that Buddhists Will never get just meditating. I respect your ways but lets say I find weird how you are going to access that information if you are not able to first generate a good state of consciousness internally. In other words, How you are going to get your hands dirty into the Infinite Mind of God without a good internal expedition kit, It Will allow to go much deeper, not limit you.
  13. Interesting subject suffering, and one a the core of Life. All of my drive is to end suffering, yet if i look at the most intense moments of suffering of my Life those were crucial in order to move me and progress to more evolved ways of Being. You could say that suffering is a measurement tool to tell you you are not in an envolved state of consciousness as a human, and the suffering moves you like no other thing. For example, habits like drinking alcohol, using drugs in a habitual way, cheap entertainment, etc... Are ways of the ego to block suffering, to not allow the movement to happen . Ultimately suffering is your being in an state of distortion with reality. Reality wants to move towards alignment and symmetry, therefore Reality suffers the inbalance. For example, a toxic envious incel suffers deeply if his dream girl goes to have sex with the mature older guy. The incel is suffering the fact that is living Life on a distorted way, he feels itself special, he judges women, etc... therefore that distortion from Truth and symetry with reality, is payed in form of suffering. If the incel wants to stop suffering he Will have to evolve into more aligned ways of existing, he Will have to burn itself, inmolate his whole identity, because as much as he loves his identity (is his ego), the suffering Drive is much stronger, ultimately All beings surrender to Evolution, no Matter the cost. Because suffering is very serious. No one can avoid It. No one can look the other way, suffering moves the shit out of you like no other thing.
  14. @Leo Gura That clears up a lot of things. Just know that you are not actually doing Spirituality, what you are doing in an endless entanglement endeavour. Proper Spiritual path is discarding absolutely everything that is not moving you towards liberation. The road does not end until this being is completely Free. How long you want to make the time on the road is up to you ,you can entangle yourself endlessly, just don´t think people that want to go in a more straight way towards the ultimate are less than you. They are actually the ones that are actually on the spiritual path. You are doing something else, which is fine, is just not Spirituality, you clearly demonstrate with those words, you are not on that. Bro....really? The point is the Experience of Being. Because you are the Being. Not the understanding. Understanding = Identification. Your being still do not want to break the bondage. Just don´t think those who want are the dumb ones. Bliss is itself the Being! And with your pair of balls you say 'the point is not Bliss but understanding' 😂 hilarious bro. Much Love. Everyone goes at his own pace. ..
  15. I can verify I have tried Heroin (not IV, 'only' smoked and snorted), and still falls short of true exuberance Bliss you can naturally put consciousness is. I actually told Leo something like this last week. (And which is why I said psychedelics do not definetely cover the range of consciousness our being is capable of, meanwhile people usually think the opposite! That psychedelics have something that their Being do not, is the opposite.) Not only heroin most other opiates I´ve tried and I can verify even if they might be the kind of drugs that more get close to the stillness and easiness our Being seeks, they still fall quite short, they bring down/null down certain key aspects of consciousness, providing a fake-not legit-not-fully result of the Real Deal our being can truly Be. Thus, why naturally, the seeking never ends until complete Unlimited unbounded, completely free Being is realized and stablished. If I am not the proof all of this is possible I don´t know what else... But people will keep believing their Being has limitations What to do.
  16. All The rules of the game are my rules." To play a properly a game, if you think the rules or the game are imposed to you, would you play that game joyfully? The rules are created so the dream make sense, and the most fun is possible when playing. One must not forget one created every single law for the well being for oneself, but later forgot that one created the rules.
  17. I think is just relative. Psychedelics touch some aspects that usually spiritual classic methods do not, the question is, are those aspects even spirituality? Because meth or coke also touch some aspects that yoga can´t, the thing is, I´m not even interested in meth state of consciousness in the same way, as much as I recognise the unique euphoria or mystical unitary states of psychedelics, it does not necessarily mean something in regards to spirituality. In fact I never have felt liberated inside a trip, more energetically bound to the chemical, and demolished by force by the consciousness. That is NOT what I call liberation or proper spirituality. You saw something profound, so what. What? Are you more liberated now? If not time to reconsider what psychedelics are really are for. They might be great for therapeutic purposes, but we are talking about breaking free the structure of reality. For real. Not just visiting freedom some hours and then coming back. What kind of circus is that. By some weird reason, we have come to the conclusion that having certain insights or consciousness fluctuations, or certain openings beyond the mind for some hours, that that is spirituality. Mmm, no. Cmon people. What are we doing.
  18. There is a lot going on against pornography lately. Now, I´m not saying is healthy to waste your time and energies watching sexual content on a regular basis, is clear some people are using (abusing it) and is becoming an habit on its own where to waste time and manage anxiety. But is not addiction, is just that you are using that to avoiding face boringness, anxiety, etc. Is not like pornography has physical dependence as drugs. BUT ANYWAYS, im not even taking about that. I´m talking about that some want to quit porn because of psychological reasons. This psychological reasons are that for this people porn or fantasies are producing a certain karmic tension for them. Because their ego has certain repressed tendencies and shadows, and sex is that place where those tendencies and repressed shadows are felt, and arise without barriers. This is scary for the mind and it sees as 'bad'. Because they think this tension is something bad. No, is that you are getting close to the nucleus of karmic content of your ego. The more you feel against a certain porn taste or fetish, the more your ego doesn't want to observe something. The moment you won´t repress the karmic content that being revealed to the surface, then you will see porn is not bad, is actually a mirror that is reflecting information about your system, something very deep. You don´t have to be against it or raise it to the heavens, you just have to be completely neutral and watch what is being revealed. In other words: just completely let go. Doesn´t matter how daunting it is for your mind to let go, do it. So basically in summary, if you want to quit porn because it 'promotes' certain porn taste or fetishes and you feel this things are 'bad', you actually got it backwards.
  19. Personally is not about time. Is about whatever time you are doing you are doing it absolutely focused and intensely. The reality is in today's world most people have an uneasiness in their body that they can´t just sit still for 15 minutes properly. Most people will say yes i can, but the insides theres no really stillness and intensity. There is a feeling of wanting to be somewhere else, of the body not being completely let go of. IMO for meditation to be really succesful, you have to be able to sit and instantly feel pleasure, absolute stillness, like your body is absolutely dead, ideally even losing the feeling of a body. You should be merging with the floor and the air. When you get to that level of stillness and intensity and sit in meditation, you will realize what you were doing before was a circus. Ideal Meditation should be instant and effortless, you sit there and bum, you rip the benefits, if you are sitting and forcefully try to be peaceful, is great, like, keep doing, is better than doing nothing, but don´t think that is what is about. That forcefully way of doing it was created by the western world. you have a point, but i think the main issue is that people also assume that just because one is sitting with closed eyes, one is already meditating. In most spiritual schools meditation is just a piece of the puzzle, it is only a certain aspect and is carefully put in the sadhana at a certain point, is just a step. Nowdays in the west people want to make it their own everything, so they say fuck all traditions schools and gurus, I know what meditation is, is just sitting here and closing my eyes, and im going to do it 1 hour, the more i do it the better!. And they don´t get much like that. In my spiritual process Meditation only happens at the end and for some minutes. You do it when you already have done the most intense practice, so you rip the benefits effortlessly by having your eyes closed and sitting You are not trying to meditate, you just sit there and close your eyes and bliss out because anyway you were already blissing out before sitting. you are just sitting and closing your eyes to go more focused and deeper into what is happening. But people sit and there is no preparation, they are uneasy the baseline consciousness is crap, is not activated is not intense, they are not in meditation, they are fighting with thoughts. This is not the way to do it IMO.
  20. Great man! remember nothing can really touch you, you are nothing. Leave without fear.
  21. I watched the Tree of Life about 10 years ago on acid and i still can remember vividly how profound that was. Watched yesterday Knight of Cups, i was sober but felt it almost got me tripping. By some reason i got this intuition this guy is awake as fuck and this two movies he did are pure non duality in disguise. What a couple of masterpieces of movies.
  22. I found the acting was very very good. Apart from that, the photography/visual scenary is amazing Yes, both are pretty similar Glad you enjoyed it!
  23. It is like whole life changes. It reminds me of when i did first psychedelic 10 years ago and It opened up a whole world for the Next year. Suddenly the compressed prison of individuality and psychological reality was demolished to the floor, completely relative, and i was open to reality. Then for some reason It closed. I think what some of us are doing is we are not Happy with just trascendent experiences, we want our Life to be just like that, a complete opening to Life. Where the prison of the individual construction is gone, for ever. It can not be built again. It has been demolished totally, the false structure is gone, and only the true structure remains. Life remains, the psychological construction is gone because It was relative and just inside the mind. The spiritual experiences, suffering and psychedelics trips were preparations, little temporal demolishings in the mind, until for some reason the inner intelligence or substance that we are is ready to completely embrace the profoundity this Life is, is ready, and it wants it, it no longer will settle for the small psychological safe prison. Now It wants the whole thing. It is the whole thing.
  24. The inertia to identify myself with something and forget the substance is still there, but something has opened up, now impossible to avoid it, is too clear, too obvious, the freedom is in my hands now.
  25. I think the limits are they are tools, so they can only prepare the 'waters' so to speak. Since is You who gets enlightened, and not the mind or the body, there is absolutely nothing in reality that can produce enlightment, no yoga psychedelic reiki shaktipat or whatever can produce enlighment because a tool is just a tool. Enlightment in the zen and Ralston sense is definetely 'not figuring it out'. Is directly grasping something about You. Psychedelics, meditation, yoga, etc... do not guarantee enlightement. You can be tripping or doing meditation retreats for 20 years and do not get enlightement in the process. You might have 100s of Godmind and Oneness experiences but that won´t liberate you. Which is what the whole path is about. Not accumulating trips in the amusement park. However psychedelics and spiritual practices have their benefits even if there is no realization of self. Angamardana (Hatha Yoga) and Shamavhi mahamudra kriya (energy process-initiation from guru).