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Everything posted by Javfly33

  1. I guess you could say it like that. No idea honestly. @Keryo Koffa That makes sense. Is a process of unconsciousness to consciousness. How come it lost its own intelligence? I have no answer for that, yet. Lol. Is important to talk about death regularly I think. We are heading there. And every time I go up to the mountains I realize I had a lot of spiritual fantasies, while death is real as it gets. Why? Existence can only go forward. Yes, but is not of meditation, is because the rest of the time the ego builds a story about it. Meditation helps, sometimes we need boosters though. Try to do meditation without not expecting anything in return.
  2. @Princess ArabiaWhat can I say, I learned a lot after spending 5K on 'online goddeses' 😂
  3. Detachment from women does not exist for most people here, unless you go full bramachari to a zen monastery. Attachment to women isn´t healthy either of course. Most people mistake with women here is they project too much value on to them. Now other guys are toxic and mysognistic and do the opposite, that's also a guaranteed way to get yourself into big trouble. I´m just saying about not seeing women as something above you. Which is crazy I have to be saying this. If you are approaching 1000 times clearly you are pursuing a price you think you lack. I did not meant the desire of women but the desire of the ego to get things that it thinks it will give him validation or love.
  4. YeahI read the article in the past. @emil1234 If non existence is the case, than that´s what you are I guess, no?
  5. Of course. Nobody is saying you will disappear. You will remain, and everything else (that is not you) disappear
  6. You have to accept you are saying all of this from a place of mental imagination and guessing. You have not become conscious how reality was created. If you do 3000 hours of Hatha Yoga in the mountains you will perceive things nobody will know reading 1 million books. You can become conscious of the mechanics of reality because you are reality. But is a matter of perception of the mechanics, is not mental guesswork or theories. Consciousness is the only tool reality has to evolve. Mental or intellectual meaning is fine for limited things but it won´t cut for this.
  7. @Princess Arabia Sure, but they being illusion does not mean neccesarily mean you become free of it. Maybe if you consciously experience it, yes. But is that your own experience now? That you are beyond time and space? You can not transcend the game by labels or intellectual schemes by calling it illusion. That´s cute but it is no more than a belief and a mental story. definetely!
  8. Definetely. But the ego is illusion created. Of course you won't remember the ego because the ego is not a memory, is just the mistake in perception/identification All beings have the same ego so to speak. Is not something customized to you
  9. Memories do not Fade. What you think your body is made out of? Hahahaha
  10. For example, Paris (yes, the City) is a concentrated pattern of energy, as everything else you see. There is no such a thing as physical reality, Only consciousness. Every act you do in your Life leaves a residue. Thats why we are focusing on being conscious. We want this Life to be an Evolution to something new. We dont want to Keep running the wheel over and over. Some of us have gotten enough of the wheel
  11. @MarioGabrielJ Nope...every action you do im this Life leaves an imprint or karmic "footprint" for the next Life. The point of spirituality is to trascend this Circus of memory.
  12. First one need to stop looking at women like they are trophies to win. The ego is based on a guaranteed lack of value. First thing is to surrender all the ego desires, and Focus on oneself. From that place every approach that you do Will never hurt anything in you.
  13. Self esteem is a construct of the ego. Cold approach done in a methodical way gets you results. But the ego will manipulate everything to make you belief you are not good enough. If It has to consciously create rejection It Will do.
  14. @Davino Not sure what you mean, As long as im aware in asanas there is no pranayama involved
  15. For Pranamaya you need to be sit. If not is not Pranamaya. Prana Yama = Mastery of the Prana. When lying down the mechanism is very different than when being sit. Maybe get some cushions Next time just in case
  16. Not really. Reality is whatever It is right now. Is not perfect or imperfect. Is a phenomena that is off the charts of any mental definition your Mind might come up with. Reality is Perfect is something the ego creates, ego creates and needs meaning so It decides Reality is Perfect. "Intelligence creates memory". That which is memory can not define Intelligence. @Princess Arabia Definetely 🙏👌
  17. @Scholar why you think you are experiencing a human body? That which is Unlimited and unbounded has picked Up certain limits and bounds. Freedom from what? Freedom from anything that is not the Core, the Intelligence, the initial unbound undefinied emptiness. Freedom from memory. Your Body IS made out of memory. Thats why you picked It Up. And you got identified with It because your intelligence is not at a point of Self Independence, is at a point of identification and karmic bound. IS because your Karmic bonds you picked Up precisely the body you have now. If you Liberate Yourself from memory, then you are free from EVERYTHING in this creation.
  18. @Princess Arabia Dont get your point princess
  19. It is a mindfuck when you think experiences or trips is what means Spirituality. Asatoma Sadgamaya says "From Ignorance to Clarity". Why you think that is? Is not because you reach a place where you "struggle with being God" or "existence is insane" or "is a mindfuck". This type of posts come from a place where you simply havent touch the utmost core, beyond any psychological manifestation. All you know is Leo ramblings after psychedelic marathons where he thinks he is "got It" and your own conclusions of your trips or experiences (i dont care if they are psychedelic induced or not). Almost nobody in this forum is actively seeking for Liberation, clarity, dissolution of all psychological movement, ultimate release. No, most people are ok with this ramblings and fantasies, they feel so profound, you think you "got It". Mean while you are entangled in your own Mind as always. But you think you are God. You think you got It. I mean...what can i say. Is a trip on its own for sure. One day you Will get out of It.
  20. Care-oriented. That´s why 90% of nurses are female. Femenine energy is nurturing and caring. Women feel on top of the world when they are helping a male raise up to his highest possibility.
  21. Not this not that Neither of those attitudes are wise.
  22. I agree, thinking is not the issue, but identification with thinking/ thought. When there is a certain distance and awareness between You and thought, then the thinking process can be directed consciously and in a healthy intelligent way
  23. @Staples @Princess Arabia The phrases "Social pressure" and "they handle your Desire" do not match with "Empowering". Or, you have put quite a low bar on the Word empowering.
  24. Why you think the whole point of Awakening is to become free of the cycles??? Birth and death is a cycle. Who elses Will? An imaginary God outside of you? The Only reason you experience now a human form is because you lack the intensity of Awareness and Liberation within Yourself to stop picking Up things, one of those things are forms. If you would have your own being authority you wouldnt have incarnated into the Creation as a human, which is composed of information picked Up from more things from the "imaginary* universe. (But as long as you dont trascend It is Real as It gets).